@ -30,21 +30,24 @@ export function pathToFile(path: string): string {
// always force re-fetch content in dev
pagePath += `.md?t=${Date.now()}`
} else {
pagePath = sanitizeFileName(pagePath)
// in production, each .md file is built into a .md.js file following
// the path conversion scheme.
// /foo/bar.html -> ./foo_bar.md
if (inBrowser) {
const base = import.meta.env.BASE_URL
pagePath =
(pagePath.slice(base.length).replace(/\//g, '_') || 'index') + '.md'
pagePath.slice(base.length).replace(/\//g, '_') || 'index'
) + '.md'
// client production build needs to account for page hash, which is
// injected directly in the page's html
const pageHash = __VP_HASH_MAP__[pagePath.toLowerCase()]
pagePath = `${base}assets/${pagePath}.${pageHash}.js`
} else {
// ssr build uses much simpler name mapping
pagePath = `./${pagePath.slice(1).replace(/\//g, '_')}.md.js`
pagePath = `./${sanitizeFileName(
pagePath.slice(1).replace(/\//g, '_')