@ -71,24 +71,7 @@ $ pnpm dlx vitepress init
You will be greeted with a few simple questions:
[0;98m┌[0m [0;36;1m Welcome to VitePress![0m
[0;32m◇[0m Where should VitePress initialize the config?
[0;98m│[0m [0;2m./docs[0m
[0;32m◇[0m Site title:
[0;98m│[0m [0;2mMy Awesome Project[0m
[0;32m◇[0m Site description:
[0;98m│[0m [0;2mA VitePress Site[0m
[0;36m◆[0m Theme:
[0;36m│[0m [0;32m●[0m Default Theme [0;2m(Out of the box, good-looking docs)[0m
[0;36m│[0m [0;2m○[0m [0;2mDefault Theme + Customization[0m
[0;36m│[0m [0;2m○[0m [0;2mCustom Theme[0m
<<< @/snippets/init.ansi
::: tip Vue as Peer Dependency
If you intend to perform customization that uses Vue components or APIs, you should also explicitly install `vue` as a peer dependency.