In VitePress, some core [computed properties]( can be used by the default theme or custom themes. Or directly in Markdown pages using vue, for example using `$frontmatter.title` to access the title defined in the frontmatter section of the page.
## $site
This is the `$site` value of the site you're currently reading:
base: '/',
lang: 'en-US',
title: 'VitePress',
description: 'Vite & Vue powered static site generator.',
head: [],
locales: {},
themeConfig: $themeConfig
## $themeConfig
Refers to `$site.themeConfig`.
locales: {},
repo: 'vuejs/vitepress',
docsDir: 'docs',
editLinks: true,
editLinkText: 'Edit this page on GitHub',
lastUpdated: 'Last Updated',
nav: [...],
sidebar: { ... }
## $page
This is the `$page` value of the page you're currently reading:
Helper method to generate correct path by prepending the `base` path configured in `.vitepress/config.js`. It's useful when you want to link to [public files with base path](./assets#public-files).