The base URL the site will be deployed at. You will need to set this if you plan to deploy your site under a sub path, for example, GitHub pages. If you plan to deploy your site to ``, then you should set base to `'/bar/'`. It should always start and end with a slash.
The `base` is automatically prepended to all the URLs that start with `/` in other options, so you only need to specify it once.
module.exports = {
base: '/base/'
## lang
- Type: `string`
- Default: `en-US`
The `lang` attribute for the site. This will render as a `<html lang="en-US">` tag in the page HTML.
Note that the `lang` attribute will only be added when building the site via `vitepress build`. You will not see this rendered during `vitepress dev`.
module.exports = {
lang: 'en-US'
## title
- Type: `string`
- Default: `VitePress`
Title for the site. This will be the prefix for all page titles, and displayed in the navbar.
module.exports = {
title: 'VitePress'
## Description
- Type: `string`
- Default: `A VitePress site`
Description for the site. This will render as a `<meta>` tag in the page HTML.