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# API Reference
VitePress offers several built in API to let you access app data. VitePress also comes with few built-in component that can be used globally.
The helper methods are globally importable from `vitepress` and are typically used in custom theme Vue components. However, they are also usable inside `.md` pages because markdown files are compiled into Vue single-file components.
Methods that start with `use*` indicates that it is a [Vue 3 Composition API]( function that can only be used inside `setup()` or `<script setup>`.
## `useData`
Returns page-specific data. The returned object has the following type:
interface VitePressData {
site: Ref<SiteData>
page: Ref<PageData>
theme: Ref<any> // themeConfig from .vitepress/config.js
frontmatter: Ref<PageData['frontmatter']>
lang: Ref<string>
title: Ref<string>
description: Ref<string>
localePath: Ref<string>
isDark: Ref<boolean>
<script setup>
import { useData } from 'vitepress'
const { theme } = useData()
<h1>{{ theme.footer.copyright }}</h1>
## `useRoute`
Returns the current route object with the following type:
interface Route {
path: string
data: PageData
component: Component | null
## `useRouter`
Returns the VitePress router instance so you can programmatically navigate to another page.
interface Router {
route: Route
go: (href?: string) => Promise<void>
## `withBase`
- **Type**: `(path: string) => string`
Appends the configured [`base`](../config/app-configs#base) to a given URL path. Also see [Base URL](./asset-handling#base-url).
## `<Content />`
The `<Content />` component displays the rendered markdown contents. Useful [when creating your own theme](./theme-introduction).
<h1>Custom Layout!</h1>
<Content />
## `<ClientOnly />`
The `<ClientOnly />` component renders its slot only at client side.
Because VitePress applications are server-rendered in Node.js when generating static builds, any Vue usage must conform to the universal code requirements. In short, make sure to only access Browser / DOM APIs in beforeMount or mounted hooks.
If you are using or demoing components that are not SSR-friendly (for example, contain custom directives), you can wrap them inside the `ClientOnly` component.
<NonSSRFriendlyComponent />