By default, nav shows the title of the site referencing [`config.title`](./site-config#title) value. If you would like to change what's displayed on nav, you may define custom text in `themeConfig.siteTitle` option.
If you have a logo for your site, you can display it by passing in the path to the image. You should place the logo within `public` directly, and define the absolute path to it.
export default {
themeConfig: {
logo: '/my-logo.svg'
When adding a logo, it gets displayed along with the site title. If your logo is all you need and if you would like to hide the site title text, set `false` to the `siteTitle` option.
You can also pass an object as logo if you want to add `alt` attribute or customize it based on dark/light mode. Refer [`themeConfig.logo`](./default-theme-config#logo) for details.
The `text` is the actual text displayed in nav, and the `link` is the link that will be navigated to when the text is clicked. For the link, set path to the actual file without `.md` prefix, and always start with `/`.
Nav menu items will be highlighted when the current page is under the matching path. if you would like to customize the path to be matched, define `activeMatch` property and regex as a string value.
`activeMatch` is expected to be a regex string, but you must define it as a string. We can't use actual RegExp object here because it isn't serializable during the build time.
### Customize link's "target" and "rel" attributes
By default, VitePress automatically determines `target` and `rel` attributes based on whether the link is an external link. But if you want, you can customize them too.