You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

283 lines
9.1 KiB

import type { Locator } from 'playwright-chromium'
const getClassList = async (locator: Locator) => {
const className = await locator.getAttribute('class')
return className?.split(' ').filter(Boolean) ?? []
const trim = (str?: string | null) => str?.replace(/\u200B/g, '').trim()
beforeEach(async () => {
await goto('/markdown-extensions/')
describe('Links', () => {
test('render internal link', async () => {
const targetMap = Object.entries({
home: '/',
'markdown-extensions': '/markdown-extensions/',
heading: './#internal-links',
'omit extension': './foo.html',
'.md extension': './foo.html',
'.html extension': './foo.html'
const items = page.locator('#internal-links +ul a')
const count = await items.count()
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const [text, href] = targetMap[i]
expect(await items.nth(i).textContent()).toBe(text)
expect(await items.nth(i).getAttribute('href')).toBe(href)
test('external link get target="_blank" and rel="noreferrer"', async () => {
const link = page.locator('#external-links + p a')
expect(await link.getAttribute('target')).toBe('_blank')
expect(await link.getAttribute('rel')).toBe('noreferrer')
describe('GitHub-Style Tables', () => {
test('render table', async () => {
const table = page.locator('#github-style-tables + table')
describe('Emoji', () => {
test('render emoji', async () => {
const emojis = ['🎉', '💯']
const items = page.locator('#emoji + ul li')
const count = await items.count()
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
expect(await items.nth(i).textContent()).toBe(emojis[i])
describe('Table of Contents', () => {
test('render toc', async () => {
const items = page.locator('#table-of-contents + nav ul li')
const count = await items.count()
describe('Custom Containers', () => {
enum CustomBlocks {
Info = 'INFO',
Tip = 'TIP',
Warning = 'WARNING',
Danger = 'DANGER',
Details = 'Details'
const classnameMap = {
[CustomBlocks.Info]: 'info',
[CustomBlocks.Tip]: 'tip',
[CustomBlocks.Warning]: 'warning',
[CustomBlocks.Danger]: 'danger',
[CustomBlocks.Details]: 'details'
const getTitleText = (locator: Locator, type: CustomBlocks) => {
if (type === CustomBlocks.Details) {
return locator.locator('summary').textContent()
} else {
return locator.locator('.custom-block-title').textContent()
test('default title', async () => {
const blocks = page.locator('#default-title ~ .custom-block')
for (const [index, type] of Object.values(CustomBlocks).entries()) {
const block = blocks.nth(index)
const classList = await getClassList(block)
expect(classList).contain(classnameMap[type as CustomBlocks])
expect(await getTitleText(block, type)).toBe(type)
test('custom Title', async () => {
const blocks = page.locator('#custom-title ~ .custom-block')
expect(await getTitleText(blocks.nth(0), CustomBlocks.Danger)).toBe('STOP')
expect(await getTitleText(blocks.nth(1), CustomBlocks.Details)).toBe(
'Click me to view the code'
describe('Line Highlighting in Code Blocks', () => {
test('single line', async () => {
const classList = await getClassList(
page.locator('#single-line + div code > span').nth(3)
test('multiple single lines, ranges', async () => {
const lines = page.locator(
'#multiple-single-lines-ranges + div code > span'
for (const num of [1, 4, 6, 7, 8]) {
expect(await getClassList(lines.nth(num - 1))).toContain('highlighted')
test('comment highlight', async () => {
const lines = page.locator('#comment-highlight + div code > span')
expect(await getClassList(lines.nth(0))).toContain('has-focus')
expect(await getClassList(lines.nth(1))).toContain('highlighted')
expect(await getClassList(lines.nth(3))).toContain('diff')
expect(await getClassList(lines.nth(3))).toContain('remove')
expect(await getClassList(lines.nth(4))).toContain('diff')
expect(await getClassList(lines.nth(4))).toContain('add')
expect(await getClassList(lines.nth(5))).toContain('highlighted')
expect(await getClassList(lines.nth(5))).toContain('error')
expect(await getClassList(lines.nth(6))).toContain('highlighted')
expect(await getClassList(lines.nth(6))).toContain('warning')
describe('Line Numbers', () => {
test('render line numbers', async () => {
const div = page.locator('#line-numbers + div')
expect(await getClassList(div)).toContain('line-numbers-mode')
const lines = div.locator('.line-numbers-wrapper > span')
expect(await lines.count()).toBe(2)
describe('Import Code Snippets', () => {
test('basic', async () => {
const lines = page.locator('#basic-code-snippet + div code > span')
2 years ago
expect(await lines.count()).toBe(22)
test('specify region', async () => {
const lines = page.locator('#specify-region + div code > span')
2 years ago
expect(await lines.count()).toBe(6)
test('with other features', async () => {
const div = page.locator('#with-other-features + div')
expect(await getClassList(div)).toContain('line-numbers-mode')
const lines = div.locator('code > span')
2 years ago
expect(await lines.count()).toBe(6)
expect(await getClassList(lines.nth(0))).toContain('highlighted')
describe('Code Groups', () => {
test('basic', async () => {
const div = page.locator('#basic-code-group + div')
// tabs
const labels = div.locator('.tabs > label')
const labelNames = ['config.js', 'config.ts']
const count = await labels.count()
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const text = await labels.nth(i).textContent()
// blocks
const blocks = div.locator('.blocks > div')
expect(await getClassList(blocks.nth(0))).toContain('active')
await labels.nth(1).click()
expect(await getClassList(blocks.nth(1))).toContain('active')
test('with other features', async () => {
const div = page.locator('#with-other-features-1 + div')
// tabs
const labels = div.locator('.tabs > label')
const labelNames = ['', 'snippet with region']
const count = await labels.count()
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const text = await labels.nth(i).textContent()
// blocks
const blocks = div.locator('.blocks > div')
2 years ago
expect(await blocks.nth(0).locator('code > span').count()).toBe(22)
expect(await getClassList(blocks.nth(1))).toContain('line-numbers-mode')
expect(await getClassList(blocks.nth(1))).toContain('language-ts')
2 years ago
expect(await blocks.nth(1).locator('code > span').count()).toBe(6)
await getClassList(blocks.nth(1).locator('code > span').nth(0))
describe('Markdown File Inclusion', () => {
test('render markdown', async () => {
const h1 = page.locator('#markdown-file-inclusion + h1')
expect(await h1.getAttribute('id')).toBe('foo')
test('render markdown using @', async () => {
const h1 = page.locator('#markdown-at-file-inclusion + h1')
expect(await h1.getAttribute('id')).toBe('bar')
test('render markdown using nested inclusion', async () => {
const h1 = page.locator('#markdown-nested-file-inclusion + h1')
expect(await h1.getAttribute('id')).toBe('foo-1')
test('render markdown using nested inclusion inside sub folder', async () => {
const h1 = page.locator('#after-foo + h1')
expect(await h1.getAttribute('id')).toBe('inside-sub-folder')
const h2 = page.locator('#after-foo + h1 + h2')
expect(await h2.getAttribute('id')).toBe('sub-sub')
const h3 = page.locator('#after-foo + h1 + h2 + h3')
expect(await h3.getAttribute('id')).toBe('sub-sub-sub')
test('support selecting range', async () => {
const h2 = page.locator('#markdown-file-inclusion-with-range + h2')
expect(trim(await h2.textContent())).toBe('Region')
const p = page.locator('#markdown-file-inclusion-with-range + h2 + p')
expect(trim(await p.textContent())).toBe('This is a region')
test('support selecting range without specifying start', async () => {
const p = page.locator(
'#markdown-file-inclusion-with-range-without-start ~ p'
expect(trim(await p.nth(0).textContent())).toBe('This is before region')
expect(trim(await p.nth(1).textContent())).toBe('This is a region')
test('support selecting range without specifying end', async () => {
const p = page.locator(
'#markdown-file-inclusion-with-range-without-end ~ p'
expect(trim(await p.nth(0).textContent())).toBe('This is a region')
expect(trim(await p.nth(1).textContent())).toBe('This is after region')
test('ignore frontmatter if range is not specified', async () => {
const p = page.locator('.vp-doc')
expect(await p.textContent()).not.toContain('title')