You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

49 lines
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module.exports = {
lang: 'en-US',
title: 'VitePress',
description: 'Vite & Vue powered static site generator.',
themeConfig: {
repo: 'vuejs/vitepress',
docsDir: 'docs',
editLinks: true,
editLinkText: 'Edit this page on GitHub',
nav: [
{ text: 'Guide', link: '/' },
{ text: 'Config Reference', link: '/config/' },
text: 'Release Notes',
link: ''
sidebar: {
'/': getGuideSidebar(),
'/guide/': getGuideSidebar(),
'/config/': getConfigSidebar()
function getGuideSidebar() {
return [
text: 'Introduction',
children: [
{ text: 'What is VitePress?', link: '/' },
{ text: 'Getting Started', link: '/guide/getting-started' },
{ text: 'Configuration', link: '/guide/configuration' },
{ text: 'Markdown Extensions', link: '/guide/markdown' },
{ text: 'Customization', link: '/guide/customization' },
{ text: 'Deploying', link: '/guide/deploy' }
function getConfigSidebar() {
return [{ text: 'Config Reference', link: '/config/' }]