If using PNPM, you will notice a missing peer warning for `@docsearch/js`. This does not prevent VitePress from working. If you wish to suppress this warning, add the following to your `package.json`:
If you are building a standalone VitePress site, you can scaffold the site in your current directory (`./`). However, if you are installing VitePress in an existing project alongside other source code, it is recommended to scaffold the site in a nested directory (e.g. `./docs`) so that it is separate from the rest of the project.
The `docs` directory is considered the **project root** of the VitePress site. The `.vitepress` directory is a reserved location for VitePress' config file, dev server cache, build output, and optional theme customization code.
By default, VitePress stores its dev server cache in `.vitepress/cache`, and the production build output in `.vitepress/dist`. If using Git, you should add them to your `.gitignore` file. These locations can also be [configured](/reference/site-config#outdir).
The config file (`.vitepress/config.js`) allows you to customize various aspects of your VitePress site, with the most basic options being the title and description of the site:
You can also configure the behavior of the theme via the `themeConfig` option. Consult the [Config Reference](/reference/site-config) for full details on all config options.
Markdown files outside the `.vitepress` directory are considered **source files**.
VitePress uses **file-based routing**: each `.md` file is compiled into a corresponding `.html` file with the same path. For example, `index.md` will be compiled into `index.html`, and can be visited at the root path `/` of the resulting VitePress site.
VitePress also provides the ability to generate clean URLs, rewrite paths, and dynamically generate pages. These will be covered in the [Routing Guide](./routing).
- To discover more about what you can do on the page, such as writing markdown content or using Vue Component, refer to the "Writing" section of the guide. A great place to start would be to learn about [Markdown Extensions](/guide/markdown).
- To explore the features provided by the default documentation theme, check out the [Default Theme Config Reference](/reference/default-theme-config).
- If you want to further customize the appearance of your site, explore how to either [Extend the Default Theme](./extending-default-theme) or [Build a Custom Theme](./custom-theme).