By default, nav shows the title of the site referencing [`config.title`](./site-config#title) value. If you would like to change what's displayed on nav, you may define custom text in `themeConfig.siteTitle` option.
If you have a logo for your site, you can display it by passing in the path to the image. You should place the logo within `public` directly, and define the absolute path to it.
export default {
themeConfig: {
logo: '/my-logo.svg'
When adding a logo, it gets displayed along with the site title. If your logo is all you need and if you would like to hide the site title text, set `false` to the `siteTitle` option.
You can also pass an object as logo if you want to add `alt` attribute or customize it based on dark/light mode. Refer [`themeConfig.logo`](./default-theme-config#logo) for details.
The `text` is the actual text displayed in nav, and the `link` is the link that will be navigated to when the text is clicked. For the link, set path to the actual file without `.md` prefix, and always start with `/`.
Nav menu items will be highlighted when the current page is under the matching path. if you would like to customize the path to be matched, define `activeMatch` property and regex as a string value.
`activeMatch` is expected to be a regex string, but you must define it as a string. We can't use actual RegExp object here because it isn't serializable during the build time.
### Customize link's "target" and "rel" attributes
By default, VitePress automatically determines `target` and `rel` attributes based on whether the link is an external link. But if you want, you can customize them too.
You can include custom components in the navigation bar by using the `component` option. The `component` key should be the Vue component name, and must be registered globally using [Theme.enhanceApp](../guide/custom-theme#theme-interface).
// .vitepress/config.js
export default {
themeConfig: {
nav: [
text: 'My Menu',
items: [
component: 'MyCustomComponent',
// Optional props to pass to the component
props: {
title: 'My Custom Component'
component: 'AnotherCustomComponent'
Then, you need to register the component globally:
// .vitepress/theme/index.js
import DefaultTheme from 'vitepress/theme'
import MyCustomComponent from './components/MyCustomComponent.vue'
import AnotherCustomComponent from './components/AnotherCustomComponent.vue'