Math == - Create a square root function. - Given a string such as "123" or "67", write a function to output the number represented by the string without using casting. - Make a program that can print out the text form of numbers from 1 - 1000 (ex. 20 is "twenty", 105 is "one hundred and five"). - Write a function that parses Roman numerals. - E.g. `XIV` returns `14`. - Write in words for a given digit. - E.g. `123` returns `one hundred and twenty three`. - Given a number `N`, find the largest number just smaller than `N` that can be formed using the same digits as `N`. - Compute the square root of `N` without using any existing functions. - Given numbers represented as binary strings, and return the string containing their sum. - E.g. `add('10010', '101')` returns `'10111'`. - Take in an integer and return its english word-format. - E.g. 1 -> "one", -10,203 -> "negative ten thousand two hundred and three". - Write a function that returns values randomly, according to their weight. Suppose we have 3 elements with their weights: A (1), B (1) and C (2). The function should return A with probability 25%, B with 25% and C with 50% based on the weights. - [Source]( - Given a number, how can you get the next greater number with the same set of digits? - [Source](