diff --git a/apps/portal/prisma/schema.prisma b/apps/portal/prisma/schema.prisma
index 70a88985..1fba7c6a 100644
--- a/apps/portal/prisma/schema.prisma
+++ b/apps/portal/prisma/schema.prisma
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ model OffersBackground {
educations OffersEducation[] // For extensibility in the future
- profile OffersProfile @relation(fields: [offersProfileId], references: [id])
+ profile OffersProfile @relation(fields: [offersProfileId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
offersProfileId String @unique
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ model OffersSpecificYoe {
yoe Int
domain String
- background OffersBackground @relation(fields: [backgroundId], references: [id])
+ background OffersBackground @relation(fields: [backgroundId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
backgroundId String
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ model OffersExperience {
monthlySalary OffersCurrency? @relation("ExperienceMonthlySalary", fields: [monthlySalaryId], references: [id])
monthlySalaryId String? @unique
- background OffersBackground @relation(fields: [backgroundId], references: [id])
+ background OffersBackground @relation(fields: [backgroundId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
backgroundId String
@@ -270,12 +270,11 @@ model OffersEducation {
type String?
field String?
- // Add more fields
school String?
startDate DateTime?
endDate DateTime?
- background OffersBackground @relation(fields: [backgroundId], references: [id])
+ background OffersBackground @relation(fields: [backgroundId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
backgroundId String
@@ -289,14 +288,14 @@ model OffersReply {
replyingTo OffersReply? @relation("ReplyThread", fields: [replyingToId], references: [id])
replies OffersReply[] @relation("ReplyThread")
- profile OffersProfile @relation(fields: [profileId], references: [id])
+ profile OffersProfile @relation(fields: [profileId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
profileId String
model OffersOffer {
id String @id @default(cuid())
- profile OffersProfile @relation(fields: [profileId], references: [id])
+ profile OffersProfile @relation(fields: [profileId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
profileId String
company Company @relation(fields: [companyId], references: [id])
@@ -309,10 +308,10 @@ model OffersOffer {
jobType JobType
- OffersIntern OffersIntern? @relation(fields: [offersInternId], references: [id])
+ OffersIntern OffersIntern? @relation(fields: [offersInternId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
offersInternId String? @unique
- OffersFullTime OffersFullTime? @relation(fields: [offersFullTimeId], references: [id])
+ OffersFullTime OffersFullTime? @relation(fields: [offersFullTimeId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
offersFullTimeId String? @unique
@@ -323,7 +322,7 @@ model OffersIntern {
specialization String
internshipCycle String
startYear Int
- monthlySalary OffersCurrency @relation(fields: [monthlySalaryId], references: [id])
+ monthlySalary OffersCurrency @relation(fields: [monthlySalaryId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
monthlySalaryId String @unique
OffersOffer OffersOffer?
@@ -334,13 +333,13 @@ model OffersFullTime {
title String
specialization String
level String
- totalCompensation OffersCurrency @relation("OfferTotalCompensation", fields: [totalCompensationId], references: [id])
+ totalCompensation OffersCurrency @relation("OfferTotalCompensation", fields: [totalCompensationId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
totalCompensationId String @unique
- baseSalary OffersCurrency @relation("OfferBaseSalary", fields: [baseSalaryId], references: [id])
+ baseSalary OffersCurrency @relation("OfferBaseSalary", fields: [baseSalaryId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
baseSalaryId String @unique
- bonus OffersCurrency @relation("OfferBonus", fields: [bonusId], references: [id])
+ bonus OffersCurrency @relation("OfferBonus", fields: [bonusId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
bonusId String @unique
- stocks OffersCurrency @relation("OfferStocks", fields: [stocksId], references: [id])
+ stocks OffersCurrency @relation("OfferStocks", fields: [stocksId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
stocksId String @unique
OffersOffer OffersOffer?
diff --git a/apps/portal/src/pages/offers/test.tsx b/apps/portal/src/pages/offers/test.tsx
index fa6880fc..e226fb97 100644
--- a/apps/portal/src/pages/offers/test.tsx
+++ b/apps/portal/src/pages/offers/test.tsx
@@ -14,7 +14,39 @@ function Test() {
- return <>{JSON.stringify(data.data)}>;
+ const deleteMutation = trpc.useMutation(['offers.profile.delete']);
+ const handleDelete = (id: string) => {
+ deleteMutation.mutate({ id });
+ };
+ return (
+ -
+ {JSON.stringify(data.data?.paging)}
+ -
+ {data.data?.data.map((offer) => {
+ return (
+ -
+ );
+ })}
+ );
export default Test;
diff --git a/apps/portal/src/pages/offers/testCreateProfile.tsx b/apps/portal/src/pages/offers/testCreateProfile.tsx
index d2f9e496..d1fe399a 100644
--- a/apps/portal/src/pages/offers/testCreateProfile.tsx
+++ b/apps/portal/src/pages/offers/testCreateProfile.tsx
@@ -3,136 +3,142 @@ import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { trpc } from '~/utils/trpc';
function Test() {
-// F const data = trpc.useQuery([
-// 'offers.profile.',
-// {
-// limit: 3,
-// location: 'Singapore, Singapore',
-// offset: 0,
-// yoeCategory: 0,
-// },
-// ]);
+ // F const data = trpc.useQuery([
+ // 'offers.profile.',
+ // {
+ // limit: 3,
+ // location: 'Singapore, Singapore',
+ // offset: 0,
+ // yoeCategory: 0,
+ // },
+ // ]);
- const [createdData, setCreatedData] = useState("")
+ const [createdData, setCreatedData] = useState('');
- const createMutation = trpc.useMutation(['offers.profile.create'], {
- onError(error: any) {
- alert(error)
+ const createMutation = trpc.useMutation(['offers.profile.create'], {
+ onError(error: any) {
+ alert(error);
+ },
+ onSuccess(data) {
+ setCreatedData(JSON.stringify(data));
+ },
+ });
+ const handleClick = () => {
+ createMutation.mutate({
+ background: {
+ educations: [
+ {
+ endDate: new Date('2018-09-30T07:58:54.000Z'),
+ field: 'Computer Science',
+ school: 'National University of Singapore',
+ startDate: new Date('2014-09-30T07:58:54.000Z'),
+ type: 'Bachelors',
+ },
+ ],
+ experiences: [
+ {
+ companyId: 'cl93m87pl0000tx1ofbafqz6f',
+ durationInMonths: 24,
+ jobType: 'FULLTIME',
+ level: 'Junior',
+ // "monthlySalary": undefined,
+ specialization: 'Front End',
+ title: 'Software Engineer',
+ totalCompensation: {
+ currency: 'SGD',
+ value: 104100,
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ specificYoes: [
+ {
+ domain: 'Front End',
+ yoe: 2,
+ },
+ {
+ domain: 'Full Stack',
+ yoe: 2,
+ },
+ ],
+ totalYoe: 4,
+ },
+ offers: [
+ {
+ comments: '',
+ companyId: 'cl93m87pl0000tx1ofbafqz6f',
+ job: {
+ base: {
+ currency: 'SGD',
+ value: 84000,
+ },
+ bonus: {
+ currency: 'SGD',
+ value: 20000,
+ },
+ level: 'Junior',
+ specialization: 'Front End',
+ stocks: {
+ currency: 'SGD',
+ value: 100,
+ },
+ title: 'Software Engineer',
+ totalCompensation: {
+ currency: 'SGD',
+ value: 104100,
+ },
+ },
+ jobType: 'FULLTIME',
+ location: 'Singapore, Singapore',
+ monthYearReceived: new Date('2022-09-30T07:58:54.000Z'),
+ negotiationStrategy: 'Leveraged having multiple offers',
- onSuccess(data) {
- setCreatedData(JSON.stringify(data))
+ {
+ comments: '',
+ companyId: 'cl93m87pl0000tx1ofbafqz6f',
+ job: {
+ base: {
+ currency: 'SGD',
+ value: 84000,
+ },
+ bonus: {
+ currency: 'SGD',
+ value: 20000,
+ },
+ level: 'Junior',
+ specialization: 'Front End',
+ stocks: {
+ currency: 'SGD',
+ value: 100,
+ },
+ title: 'Software Engineer',
+ totalCompensation: {
+ currency: 'SGD',
+ value: 104100,
+ },
+ },
+ jobType: 'FULLTIME',
+ location: 'Singapore, Singapore',
+ monthYearReceived: new Date('2022-09-30T07:58:54.000Z'),
+ negotiationStrategy: 'Leveraged having multiple offers',
+ ],
+ };
- const handleClick = () => {
- createMutation.mutate({
-"background": {
- "educations": [
- {
- "endDate": new Date("2018-09-30T07:58:54.000Z"),
- "field": "Computer Science",
- "school": "National University of Singapore",
- "startDate": new Date("2014-09-30T07:58:54.000Z"),
- "type": "Bachelors"
- }
- ],
- "experiences": [
- {
- "companyId": "cl92szctf0008i9nfxk54bhxn",
- "durationInMonths": 24,
- "jobType": "FULLTIME",
- "level": "Junior",
- // "monthlySalary": undefined,
- "specialization": "Front End",
- "title": "Software Engineer",
- "totalCompensation": {
- "currency": "SGD",
- "value": 104100
- }
- }
- ],
- "specificYoes": [
- {
- "domain": "Front End",
- "yoe": 2
- },
- {
- "domain": "Full Stack",
- "yoe": 2
- }
- ],
- "totalYoe": 4
- },
- "offers": [
+ const profileId = 'cl92wiw30006vw3hg7dxa14fo'; // Remember to change this filed after testing deleting
+ const data = trpc.useQuery([
+ `offers.profile.listOne`,
- "comments": "",
- "companyId": "cl92szctf0008i9nfxk54bhxn",
- "job": {
- "base": {
- "currency": "SGD",
- "value": 84000
- },
- "bonus": {
- "currency": "SGD",
- "value": 20000
- },
- "level": "Junior",
- "specialization": "Front End",
- "stocks": {
- "currency": "SGD",
- "value": 100
- },
- "title": "Software Engineer",
- "totalCompensation": {
- "currency": "SGD",
- "value": 104100
- }
- },
- "jobType": "FULLTIME",
- "location": "Singapore, Singapore",
- "monthYearReceived": new Date("2022-09-30T07:58:54.000Z"),
- "negotiationStrategy": "Leveraged having multiple offers"
+ profileId,
- {
- "comments": "",
- "companyId": "cl92szctf0008i9nfxk54bhxn",
- "job": {
- "base": {
- "currency": "SGD",
- "value": 84000
- },
- "bonus": {
- "currency": "SGD",
- "value": 20000
- },
- "level": "Junior",
- "specialization": "Front End",
- "stocks": {
- "currency": "SGD",
- "value": 100
- },
- "title": "Software Engineer",
- "totalCompensation": {
- "currency": "SGD",
- "value": 104100
- }
- },
- "jobType": "FULLTIME",
- "location": "Singapore, Singapore",
- "monthYearReceived": new Date("2022-09-30T07:58:54.000Z"),
- "negotiationStrategy": "Leveraged having multiple offers"
- }
- ]
- });
- };
+ ]);
- const data = trpc.useQuery([
- `offers.profile.listOne`,
- {
- profileId: "cl92wc64a004gw3hgq4pfln2m"
- }
- ])
+ const deleteMutation = trpc.useMutation(['offers.profile.delete']);
+ const handleDelete = (id: string) => {
+ deleteMutation.mutate({ id });
+ };
return (
@@ -140,14 +146,22 @@ function Test() {
// return - {JSON.stringify(x)}
// })}
- <>
- {createdData}
+ <>
+ {createdData}
- {/* */}
+ {/* */}
diff --git a/apps/portal/src/server/router/offers-profile-router.ts b/apps/portal/src/server/router/offers-profile-router.ts
index 002117b4..85a0bd01 100644
--- a/apps/portal/src/server/router/offers-profile-router.ts
+++ b/apps/portal/src/server/router/offers-profile-router.ts
@@ -1,323 +1,353 @@
-import crypto, { randomUUID } from "crypto";
-import { z } from "zod";
-import { Prisma } from "@prisma/client";
+import crypto, { randomUUID } from 'crypto';
+import { z } from 'zod';
+import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client';
-import { createRouter } from "./context";
+import { createRouter } from './context';
const valuation = z.object({
- currency: z.string(),
- value: z.number(),
+ currency: z.string(),
+ value: z.number(),
// TODO: handle both full time and intern
const offer = z.object({
- comments: z.string(),
- companyId: z.string(),
- job: z.object({
- base: valuation.optional(), // Full time
- bonus: valuation.optional(), // Full time
- internshipCycle: z.string().optional(), // Intern
- level: z.string().optional(), // Full time
- monthlySalary: valuation.optional(), // Intern
- specialization: z.string(),
- startYear: z.number().optional(), // Intern
- stocks: valuation.optional(), // Full time
- title: z.string(),
- totalCompensation: valuation.optional(), // Full time
- }),
- jobType: z.string(),
- location: z.string(),
- monthYearReceived: z.date(),
- negotiationStrategy: z.string(),
+ comments: z.string(),
+ companyId: z.string(),
+ job: z.object({
+ base: valuation.optional(), // Full time
+ bonus: valuation.optional(), // Full time
+ internshipCycle: z.string().optional(), // Intern
+ level: z.string().optional(), // Full time
+ monthlySalary: valuation.optional(), // Intern
+ specialization: z.string(),
+ startYear: z.number().optional(), // Intern
+ stocks: valuation.optional(), // Full time
+ title: z.string(),
+ totalCompensation: valuation.optional(), // Full time
+ }),
+ jobType: z.string(),
+ location: z.string(),
+ monthYearReceived: z.date(),
+ negotiationStrategy: z.string(),
const experience = z.object({
- companyId: z.string().optional(),
- durationInMonths: z.number().optional(),
- jobType: z.string().optional(),
- level: z.string().optional(),
- monthlySalary: valuation.optional(),
- specialization: z.string().optional(),
- title: z.string().optional(),
- totalCompensation: valuation.optional(),
+ companyId: z.string().optional(),
+ durationInMonths: z.number().optional(),
+ jobType: z.string().optional(),
+ level: z.string().optional(),
+ monthlySalary: valuation.optional(),
+ specialization: z.string().optional(),
+ title: z.string().optional(),
+ totalCompensation: valuation.optional(),
const education = z.object({
- endDate: z.date().optional(),
- field: z.string().optional(),
- school: z.string().optional(),
- startDate: z.date().optional(),
- type: z.string().optional(),
+ endDate: z.date().optional(),
+ field: z.string().optional(),
+ school: z.string().optional(),
+ startDate: z.date().optional(),
+ type: z.string().optional(),
export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
- .query('listOne', {
- input: z.object({
- profileId: z.string(),
- }),
- async resolve({ ctx, input }) {
- return await ctx.prisma.offersProfile.findFirst({
+ .query('listOne', {
+ input: z.object({
+ profileId: z.string(),
+ }),
+ async resolve({ ctx, input }) {
+ return await ctx.prisma.offersProfile.findFirst({
+ include: {
+ background: {
+ include: {
+ educations: true,
+ experiences: {
include: {
- background: {
- include: {
- educations: true,
- experiences: {
- include: {
- company: true,
- monthlySalary: true,
- totalCompensation: true
- }
- },
- specificYoes: true
- }
- },
- discussion: {
- include: {
- replies: true,
- replyingTo: true
- }
- },
- offers: {
- include: {
- OffersFullTime: {
- include: {
- baseSalary: true,
- bonus: true,
- stocks: true,
- totalCompensation: true
- }
- },
- OffersIntern: {
- include: {
- monthlySalary: true
- }
- },
- company: true
- }
- }
+ company: true,
+ monthlySalary: true,
+ totalCompensation: true,
- where: {
- id: input.profileId
- }
- })
- }
- })
- .mutation(
- 'create',
- {
- input: z.object({
- background: z.object({
- educations: z.array(education),
- experiences: z.array(experience),
- specificYoes: z.array(z.object({
- domain: z.string(),
- yoe: z.number(),
- })),
- totalYoe: z.number().optional(),
- }),
- offers: z.array(offer)
- }),
- async resolve({ ctx, input }) {
- // TODO: add more
- const token = crypto
- .createHash("sha256")
- .update(Date.now().toString())
- .digest("hex");
+ },
+ specificYoes: true,
+ },
+ },
+ discussion: {
+ include: {
+ replies: true,
+ replyingTo: true,
+ },
+ },
+ offers: {
+ include: {
+ OffersFullTime: {
+ include: {
+ baseSalary: true,
+ bonus: true,
+ stocks: true,
+ totalCompensation: true,
+ },
+ },
+ OffersIntern: {
+ include: {
+ monthlySalary: true,
+ },
+ },
+ company: true,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ where: {
+ id: input.profileId,
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ })
+ .mutation('create', {
+ input: z.object({
+ background: z.object({
+ educations: z.array(education),
+ experiences: z.array(experience),
+ specificYoes: z.array(
+ z.object({
+ domain: z.string(),
+ yoe: z.number(),
+ }),
+ ),
+ totalYoe: z.number().optional(),
+ }),
+ offers: z.array(offer),
+ }),
+ async resolve({ ctx, input }) {
+ // TODO: add more
+ const token = crypto
+ .createHash('sha256')
+ .update(Date.now().toString())
+ .digest('hex');
- const profile = await ctx.prisma.offersProfile.create({
- data: {
- background: {
+ const profile = await ctx.prisma.offersProfile.create({
+ data: {
+ background: {
+ create: {
+ educations: {
+ create: input.background.educations.map((x) => ({
+ endDate: x.endDate,
+ field: x.field,
+ school: x.school,
+ startDate: x.startDate,
+ type: x.type,
+ })),
+ },
+ experiences: {
+ create: input.background.experiences.map((x) => {
+ if (
+ x.jobType === 'FULLTIME' &&
+ x.totalCompensation?.currency !== undefined &&
+ x.totalCompensation.value !== undefined
+ ) {
+ return {
+ company: {
+ connect: {
+ id: x.companyId,
+ },
+ },
+ durationInMonths: x.durationInMonths,
+ jobType: x.jobType,
+ level: x.level,
+ specialization: x.specialization,
+ title: x.title,
+ totalCompensation: {
create: {
- educations: {
- create:
- input.background.educations.map((x) => ({
- endDate: x.endDate,
- field: x.field,
- school: x.school,
- startDate: x.startDate,
- type: x.type
- }))
- },
- experiences: {
- create:
- input.background.experiences.map((x) => {
- if (x.jobType === "FULLTIME" && x.totalCompensation?.currency !== undefined && x.totalCompensation.value !== undefined) {
- return {
- company: {
- connect: {
- id: x.companyId
- }
- },
- durationInMonths: x.durationInMonths,
- jobType: x.jobType,
- level: x.level,
- specialization: x.specialization,
- title: x.title,
- totalCompensation: {
- create: {
- currency: x.totalCompensation?.currency,
- value: x.totalCompensation?.value,
- }
- },
- }
- }
- if (x.jobType === "INTERN" && x.monthlySalary?.currency !== undefined && x.monthlySalary.value !== undefined) {
- return {
- company: {
- connect: {
- id: x.companyId
- }
- },
- durationInMonths: x.durationInMonths,
- jobType: x.jobType,
- monthlySalary: {
- create: {
- currency: x.monthlySalary?.currency,
- value: x.monthlySalary?.value
- }
- },
- specialization: x.specialization,
- title: x.title,
- }
- }
- throw Prisma.PrismaClientKnownRequestError
+ currency: x.totalCompensation?.currency,
+ value: x.totalCompensation?.value,
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ }
+ if (
+ x.jobType === 'INTERN' &&
+ x.monthlySalary?.currency !== undefined &&
+ x.monthlySalary.value !== undefined
+ ) {
+ return {
+ company: {
+ connect: {
+ id: x.companyId,
+ },
+ },
+ durationInMonths: x.durationInMonths,
+ jobType: x.jobType,
+ monthlySalary: {
+ create: {
+ currency: x.monthlySalary?.currency,
+ value: x.monthlySalary?.value,
+ },
+ },
+ specialization: x.specialization,
+ title: x.title,
+ };
+ }
- })
- },
- specificYoes: {
- create:
- input.background.specificYoes.map((x) => {
- return {
- domain: x.domain,
- yoe: x.yoe
- }
- })
- },
- totalYoe: input.background.totalYoe,
- }
+ throw Prisma.PrismaClientKnownRequestError;
+ }),
+ },
+ specificYoes: {
+ create: input.background.specificYoes.map((x) => {
+ return {
+ domain: x.domain,
+ yoe: x.yoe,
+ };
+ }),
+ },
+ totalYoe: input.background.totalYoe,
+ },
+ },
+ editToken: token,
+ offers: {
+ create: input.offers.map((x) => {
+ if (
+ x.jobType === 'INTERN' &&
+ x.job.internshipCycle !== undefined &&
+ x.job.monthlySalary?.currency !== undefined &&
+ x.job.monthlySalary.value !== undefined &&
+ x.job.startYear !== undefined
+ ) {
+ return {
+ OffersIntern: {
+ create: {
+ internshipCycle: x.job.internshipCycle,
+ monthlySalary: {
+ create: {
+ currency: x.job.monthlySalary?.currency,
+ value: x.job.monthlySalary?.value,
+ },
+ },
+ specialization: x.job.specialization,
+ startYear: x.job.startYear,
+ title: x.job.title,
- editToken: token,
- offers: {
- create:
- input.offers.map((x) => {
- if (x.jobType === "INTERN" && x.job.internshipCycle !== undefined && x.job.monthlySalary?.currency !== undefined && x.job.monthlySalary.value !== undefined && x.job.startYear !== undefined) {
- return {
- OffersIntern: {
- create: {
- internshipCycle: x.job.internshipCycle,
- monthlySalary: {
- create: {
- currency: x.job.monthlySalary?.currency,
- value: x.job.monthlySalary?.value
- }
- },
- specialization: x.job.specialization,
- startYear: x.job.startYear,
- title: x.job.title,
- }
- },
- comments: x.comments,
- company: {
- connect: {
- id: x.companyId
- }
- },
- jobType: x.jobType,
- location: x.location,
- monthYearReceived: x.monthYearReceived,
- negotiationStrategy: x.negotiationStrategy
- }
- }
- if (x.jobType === "FULLTIME" && x.job.base?.currency !== undefined && x.job.base?.value !== undefined && x.job.bonus?.currency !== undefined && x.job.bonus?.value !== undefined && x.job.stocks?.currency !== undefined && x.job.stocks?.value !== undefined && x.job.totalCompensation?.currency !== undefined && x.job.totalCompensation?.value !== undefined && x.job.level !== undefined) {
- return {
- OffersFullTime: {
- create: {
- baseSalary: {
- create: {
- currency: x.job.base?.currency,
- value: x.job.base?.value
- }
- },
- bonus: {
- create: {
- currency: x.job.bonus?.currency,
- value: x.job.bonus?.value
- }
- },
- level: x.job.level,
- specialization: x.job.specialization,
- stocks: {
- create: {
- currency: x.job.stocks?.currency,
- value: x.job.stocks?.value,
- }
- },
- title: x.job.title,
- totalCompensation: {
- create: {
- currency: x.job.totalCompensation?.currency,
- value: x.job.totalCompensation?.value,
- }
- },
- }
- },
- comments: x.comments,
- company: {
- connect: {
- id: x.companyId
- }
- },
- jobType: x.jobType,
- location: x.location,
- monthYearReceived: x.monthYearReceived,
- negotiationStrategy: x.negotiationStrategy
- }
- }
- // Throw error
- throw Prisma.PrismaClientKnownRequestError
- })
+ },
+ comments: x.comments,
+ company: {
+ connect: {
+ id: x.companyId,
+ },
+ },
+ jobType: x.jobType,
+ location: x.location,
+ monthYearReceived: x.monthYearReceived,
+ negotiationStrategy: x.negotiationStrategy,
+ };
+ }
+ if (
+ x.jobType === 'FULLTIME' &&
+ x.job.base?.currency !== undefined &&
+ x.job.base?.value !== undefined &&
+ x.job.bonus?.currency !== undefined &&
+ x.job.bonus?.value !== undefined &&
+ x.job.stocks?.currency !== undefined &&
+ x.job.stocks?.value !== undefined &&
+ x.job.totalCompensation?.currency !== undefined &&
+ x.job.totalCompensation?.value !== undefined &&
+ x.job.level !== undefined
+ ) {
+ return {
+ OffersFullTime: {
+ create: {
+ baseSalary: {
+ create: {
+ currency: x.job.base?.currency,
+ value: x.job.base?.value,
+ },
+ },
+ bonus: {
+ create: {
+ currency: x.job.bonus?.currency,
+ value: x.job.bonus?.value,
+ },
+ },
+ level: x.job.level,
+ specialization: x.job.specialization,
+ stocks: {
+ create: {
+ currency: x.job.stocks?.currency,
+ value: x.job.stocks?.value,
+ },
+ },
+ title: x.job.title,
+ totalCompensation: {
+ create: {
+ currency: x.job.totalCompensation?.currency,
+ value: x.job.totalCompensation?.value,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ comments: x.comments,
+ company: {
+ connect: {
+ id: x.companyId,
- profileName: randomUUID().substring(0,10),
+ },
+ jobType: x.jobType,
+ location: x.location,
+ monthYearReceived: x.monthYearReceived,
+ negotiationStrategy: x.negotiationStrategy,
+ };
+ }
+ // Throw error
+ throw Prisma.PrismaClientKnownRequestError;
+ }),
+ },
+ profileName: randomUUID().substring(0, 10),
+ },
+ include: {
+ background: {
+ include: {
+ educations: true,
+ experiences: {
+ include: {
+ company: true,
+ monthlySalary: true,
+ totalCompensation: true,
+ },
+ specificYoes: true,
+ },
+ },
+ offers: {
+ include: {
+ OffersFullTime: {
include: {
- background: {
- include: {
- educations: true,
- experiences: {
- include: {
- company: true,
- monthlySalary: true,
- totalCompensation: true
- }
- },
- specificYoes: true
- }
- },
- offers: {
- include: {
- OffersFullTime: {
- include: {
- baseSalary: true,
- bonus: true,
- stocks: true,
- totalCompensation: true
- }
- },
- OffersIntern: {
- include: {
- monthlySalary: true
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ baseSalary: true,
+ bonus: true,
+ stocks: true,
+ totalCompensation: true,
- });
+ },
+ OffersIntern: {
+ include: {
+ monthlySalary: true,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ });
- // TODO: add analysis to profile object then return
- return profile
- }
+ // TODO: add analysis to profile object then return
+ return profile;
+ },
+ })
+ .mutation('delete', {
+ input: z.object({
+ id: z.string(),
+ }),
+ async resolve({ ctx, input }) {
+ return await ctx.prisma.offersProfile.delete({
+ where: {
+ id: input.id,
+ },
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/apps/portal/src/server/router/offers.ts b/apps/portal/src/server/router/offers.ts
index a4332d05..2d48f28c 100644
--- a/apps/portal/src/server/router/offers.ts
+++ b/apps/portal/src/server/router/offers.ts
@@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ export const offersRouter = createRouter().query('list', {
data = data.filter((offer) => {
let validRecord = true;
@@ -235,6 +236,7 @@ export const offersRouter = createRouter().query('list', {
return validRecord;
data = data.sort((offer1, offer2) => {
const defaultReturn =
offer2.monthYearReceived.getTime() - offer1.monthYearReceived.getTime();