@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import crypto , { randomUUID } from 'crypto' ;
import { z } from 'zod' ;
import { JobType } from '@prisma/client' ;
import * as trpc from '@trpc/server' ;
import {
@ -7,6 +8,9 @@ import {
createOfferProfileResponseMapper ,
profileDtoMapper ,
} from '~/mappers/offers-mappers' ;
import { baseCurrencyString } from '~/utils/offers/currency' ;
import { convert } from '~/utils/offers/currency/currency-exchange' ;
import { createValidationRegex } from '~/utils/offers/zodRegex' ;
import { createRouter } from '../context' ;
@ -31,7 +35,7 @@ const offer = z.object({
company : company.nullish ( ) ,
companyId : z.string ( ) ,
id : z.string ( ) . optional ( ) ,
jobType : z.string ( ) ,
jobType : z.string ( ) .regex ( createValidationRegex ( Object . keys ( JobType ) , null ) ) ,
location : z.string ( ) ,
monthYearReceived : z.date ( ) ,
negotiationStrategy : z.string ( ) ,
@ -73,7 +77,10 @@ const experience = z.object({
companyId : z.string ( ) . nullish ( ) ,
durationInMonths : z.number ( ) . nullish ( ) ,
id : z.string ( ) . optional ( ) ,
jobType : z.string ( ) . nullish ( ) ,
jobType : z
. string ( )
. regex ( createValidationRegex ( Object . keys ( JobType ) , null ) )
. nullish ( ) ,
level : z.string ( ) . nullish ( ) ,
location : z.string ( ) . nullish ( ) ,
monthlySalary : valuation.nullish ( ) ,
@ -94,15 +101,6 @@ const education = z.object({
type : z . string ( ) . nullish ( ) ,
} ) ;
// Const reply = z.object({
// createdAt: z.date().nullish(),
// id: z.string().optional(),
// messages: z.string().nullish(),
// profileId: z.string().nullish(),
// replyingToId: z.string().nullish(),
// userId: z.string().nullish(),
// });
export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter ( )
. query ( 'listOne' , {
input : z.object ( {
@ -282,11 +280,11 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
} ) ) ,
} ,
experiences : {
create : input.background.experiences.map ( ( x ) = > {
create : input.background.experiences.map ( async ( x ) = > {
if (
x . jobType === 'FULLTIME' &&
x . totalCompensation ? . currency != = undefined &&
x . totalCompensation . value !== undefined
x . jobType === JobType . FULLTIME &&
x . totalCompensation ? . currency != null &&
x . totalCompensation ? . value != null
) {
if ( x . companyId ) {
return {
@ -302,8 +300,14 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
title : x.title ,
totalCompensation : {
create : {
currency : x.totalCompensation?.currency ,
value : x.totalCompensation?.value ,
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
x . totalCompensation . value ,
x . totalCompensation . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency : x.totalCompensation.currency ,
value : x.totalCompensation.value ,
} ,
} ,
} ;
@ -312,20 +316,27 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
durationInMonths : x.durationInMonths ,
jobType : x.jobType ,
level : x.level ,
location : x.location ,
specialization : x.specialization ,
title : x.title ,
totalCompensation : {
create : {
currency : x.totalCompensation?.currency ,
value : x.totalCompensation?.value ,
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
x . totalCompensation . value ,
x . totalCompensation . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency : x.totalCompensation.currency ,
value : x.totalCompensation.value ,
} ,
} ,
} ;
if (
x . jobType === 'INTERN' &&
x . monthlySalary ? . currency != = undefined &&
x . monthlySalary . value !== undefined
x . jobType === JobType . INTERN &&
x . monthlySalary ? . currency != null &&
x . monthlySalary ? . value != null
) {
if ( x . companyId ) {
return {
@ -338,8 +349,14 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
jobType : x.jobType ,
monthlySalary : {
create : {
currency : x.monthlySalary?.currency ,
value : x.monthlySalary?.value ,
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
x . monthlySalary . value ,
x . monthlySalary . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency : x.monthlySalary.currency ,
value : x.monthlySalary.value ,
} ,
} ,
specialization : x.specialization ,
@ -351,8 +368,14 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
jobType : x.jobType ,
monthlySalary : {
create : {
currency : x.monthlySalary?.currency ,
value : x.monthlySalary?.value ,
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
x . monthlySalary . value ,
x . monthlySalary . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency : x.monthlySalary.currency ,
value : x.monthlySalary.value ,
} ,
} ,
specialization : x.specialization ,
@ -379,107 +402,141 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
} ,
editToken : token ,
offers : {
create : input.offers.map ( ( x ) = > {
if (
x . jobType === 'INTERN' &&
x . offersIntern &&
x . offersIntern . internshipCycle &&
x . offersIntern . monthlySalary ? . currency &&
x . offersIntern . monthlySalary . value &&
x . offersIntern . startYear
) {
return {
comments : x.comments ,
company : {
connect : {
id : x.companyId ,
create : await Promise . all (
input . offers . map ( async ( x ) = > {
if (
x . jobType === JobType . INTERN &&
x . offersIntern &&
x . offersIntern . internshipCycle != null &&
x . offersIntern . monthlySalary ? . currency != null &&
x . offersIntern . monthlySalary ? . value != null &&
x . offersIntern . startYear != null
) {
return {
comments : x.comments ,
company : {
connect : {
id : x.companyId ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
jobType : x.jobType ,
location : x.location ,
monthYearReceived : x.monthYearReceived ,
negotiationStrategy : x.negotiationStrategy ,
offersIntern : {
create : {
internshipCycle : x.offersIntern.internshipCycle ,
monthlySalary : {
create : {
currency : x.offersIntern.monthlySalary?.currency ,
value : x.offersIntern.monthlySalary?.value ,
jobType : x.jobType ,
location : x.location ,
monthYearReceived : x.monthYearReceived ,
negotiationStrategy : x.negotiationStrategy ,
offersIntern : {
create : {
internshipCycle : x.offersIntern.internshipCycle ,
monthlySalary : {
create : {
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
x . offersIntern . monthlySalary . value ,
x . offersIntern . monthlySalary . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency : x.offersIntern.monthlySalary.currency ,
value : x.offersIntern.monthlySalary.value ,
} ,
} ,
specialization : x.offersIntern.specialization ,
startYear : x.offersIntern.startYear ,
title : x.offersIntern.title ,
} ,
specialization : x.offersIntern.specialization ,
startYear : x.offersIntern.startYear ,
title : x.offersIntern.title ,
} ,
} ,
} ;
if (
x . jobType === 'FULLTIME' &&
x . offersFullTime &&
x . offersFullTime . baseSalary ? . currency &&
x . offersFullTime . baseSalary ? . value &&
x . offersFullTime . bonus ? . currency &&
x . offersFullTime . bonus ? . value &&
x . offersFullTime . stocks ? . currency &&
x . offersFullTime . stocks ? . value &&
x . offersFullTime . totalCompensation ? . currency &&
x . offersFullTime . totalCompensation ? . value &&
x . offersFullTime . level
) {
return {
comments : x.comments ,
company : {
connect : {
id : x.companyId ,
} ;
if (
x . jobType === JobType . FULLTIME &&
x . offersFullTime &&
x . offersFullTime . baseSalary ? . currency != null &&
x . offersFullTime . baseSalary ? . value != null &&
x . offersFullTime . bonus ? . currency != null &&
x . offersFullTime . bonus ? . value != null &&
x . offersFullTime . stocks ? . currency != null &&
x . offersFullTime . stocks ? . value != null &&
x . offersFullTime . totalCompensation ? . currency != null &&
x . offersFullTime . totalCompensation ? . value != null &&
x . offersFullTime . level != null &&
x . offersFullTime . title != null &&
x . offersFullTime . specialization != null
) {
return {
comments : x.comments ,
company : {
connect : {
id : x.companyId ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
jobType : x.jobType ,
location : x.location ,
monthYearReceived : x.monthYearReceived ,
negotiationStrategy : x.negotiationStrategy ,
offersFullTime : {
create : {
baseSalary : {
create : {
currency : x.offersFullTime.baseSalary?.currency ,
value : x.offersFullTime.baseSalary?.value ,
jobType : x.jobType ,
location : x.location ,
monthYearReceived : x.monthYearReceived ,
negotiationStrategy : x.negotiationStrategy ,
offersFullTime : {
create : {
baseSalary : {
create : {
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
x . offersFullTime . baseSalary . value ,
x . offersFullTime . baseSalary . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency : x.offersFullTime.baseSalary.currency ,
value : x.offersFullTime.baseSalary.value ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
bonus : {
create : {
currency : x.offersFullTime.bonus?.currency ,
value : x.offersFullTime.bonus?.value ,
bonus : {
create : {
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
x . offersFullTime . bonus . value ,
x . offersFullTime . bonus . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency : x.offersFullTime.bonus.currency ,
value : x.offersFullTime.bonus.value ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
level : x.offersFullTime.level ,
specialization : x.offersFullTime.specialization ,
stocks : {
create : {
currency : x.offersFullTime.stocks?.currency ,
value : x.offersFullTime.stocks?.value ,
level : x.offersFullTime.level ,
specialization : x.offersFullTime.specialization ,
stocks : {
create : {
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
x . offersFullTime . stocks . value ,
x . offersFullTime . stocks . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency : x.offersFullTime.stocks.currency ,
value : x.offersFullTime.stocks.value ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
title : x.offersFullTime.title ,
totalCompensation : {
create : {
currency :
x . offersFullTime . totalCompensation ? . currency ,
value : x.offersFullTime.totalCompensation?.value ,
title : x.offersFullTime.title ,
totalCompensation : {
create : {
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
x . offersFullTime . totalCompensation . value ,
x . offersFullTime . totalCompensation . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency :
x . offersFullTime . totalCompensation . currency ,
value : x.offersFullTime.totalCompensation.value ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ;
} ;
// Throw error
throw new trpc . TRPCError ( {
code : 'BAD_REQUEST' ,
message : 'Missing fields.' ,
} ) ;
} ) ,
// Throw error
throw new trpc . TRPCError ( {
code : 'BAD_REQUEST' ,
message : 'Missing fields.' ,
} ) ;
} ) ,
) ,
} ,
profileName : randomUUID ( ) . substring ( 0 , 10 ) ,
} ,
@ -510,7 +567,7 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
return deletedProfile . id ;
// TODO: Throw 401
throw new trpc . TRPCError ( {
message : 'Invalid token.' ,
@ -535,7 +592,6 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
totalYoe : z.number ( ) ,
} ) ,
createdAt : z.string ( ) . optional ( ) ,
// Discussion: z.array(reply),
id : z.string ( ) ,
isEditable : z.boolean ( ) . nullish ( ) ,
offers : z.array ( offer ) ,
@ -573,19 +629,21 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
} ) ;
// Delete educations
const educationsId = ( await ctx . prisma . offersEducation . findMany ( {
where : {
backgroundId : input.background.id
} ) ) . map ( ( x ) = > x . id )
const educationsId = (
await ctx . prisma . offersEducation . findMany ( {
where : {
backgroundId : input.background.id ,
} ,
} )
) . map ( ( x ) = > x . id ) ;
for ( const id of educationsId ) {
if ( ! input . background . educations . map ( ( x ) = > x . id ) . includes ( id ) ) {
await ctx . prisma . offersEducation . delete ( {
where : {
} )
id ,
} ,
} ) ;
@ -626,19 +684,21 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
// Delete experiences
const experiencesId = ( await ctx . prisma . offersExperience . findMany ( {
where : {
backgroundId : input.background.id
} ) ) . map ( ( x ) = > x . id )
const experiencesId = (
await ctx . prisma . offersExperience . findMany ( {
where : {
backgroundId : input.background.id ,
} ,
} )
) . map ( ( x ) = > x . id ) ;
for ( const id of experiencesId ) {
if ( ! input . background . experiences . map ( ( x ) = > x . id ) . includes ( id ) ) {
await ctx . prisma . offersExperience . delete ( {
where : {
} )
id ,
} ,
} ) ;
@ -660,6 +720,12 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
if ( exp . monthlySalary ) {
await ctx . prisma . offersCurrency . update ( {
data : {
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
exp . monthlySalary . value ,
exp . monthlySalary . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency : exp.monthlySalary.currency ,
value : exp.monthlySalary.value ,
} ,
@ -672,6 +738,12 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
if ( exp . totalCompensation ) {
await ctx . prisma . offersCurrency . update ( {
data : {
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
exp . totalCompensation . value ,
exp . totalCompensation . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency : exp.totalCompensation.currency ,
value : exp.totalCompensation.value ,
} ,
@ -683,9 +755,9 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
} else if ( ! exp . id ) {
// Create new experience
if (
exp . jobType === 'FULLTIME' &&
exp . totalCompensation ? . currency != = undefined &&
exp . totalCompensation . value !== undefined
exp . jobType === JobType . FULLTIME &&
exp . totalCompensation ? . currency != null &&
exp . totalCompensation ? . value != null
) {
if ( exp . companyId ) {
await ctx . prisma . offersBackground . update ( {
@ -700,12 +772,19 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
durationInMonths : exp.durationInMonths ,
jobType : exp.jobType ,
level : exp.level ,
location : exp.location ,
specialization : exp.specialization ,
title : exp.title ,
totalCompensation : {
create : {
currency : exp.totalCompensation?.currency ,
value : exp.totalCompensation?.value ,
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
exp . totalCompensation . value ,
exp . totalCompensation . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency : exp.totalCompensation.currency ,
value : exp.totalCompensation.value ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
@ -723,12 +802,19 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
durationInMonths : exp.durationInMonths ,
jobType : exp.jobType ,
level : exp.level ,
location : exp.location ,
specialization : exp.specialization ,
title : exp.title ,
totalCompensation : {
create : {
currency : exp.totalCompensation?.currency ,
value : exp.totalCompensation?.value ,
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
exp . totalCompensation . value ,
exp . totalCompensation . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency : exp.totalCompensation.currency ,
value : exp.totalCompensation.value ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
@ -740,9 +826,9 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
} ) ;
} else if (
exp . jobType === 'INTERN' &&
exp . monthlySalary ? . currency != = undefined &&
exp . monthlySalary . value !== undefined
exp . jobType === JobType . INTERN &&
exp . monthlySalary ? . currency != null &&
exp . monthlySalary ? . value != null
) {
if ( exp . companyId ) {
await ctx . prisma . offersBackground . update ( {
@ -756,10 +842,17 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
} ,
durationInMonths : exp.durationInMonths ,
jobType : exp.jobType ,
location : exp.location ,
monthlySalary : {
create : {
currency : exp.monthlySalary?.currency ,
value : exp.monthlySalary?.value ,
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
exp . monthlySalary . value ,
exp . monthlySalary . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency : exp.monthlySalary.currency ,
value : exp.monthlySalary.value ,
} ,
} ,
specialization : exp.specialization ,
@ -778,10 +871,17 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
create : {
durationInMonths : exp.durationInMonths ,
jobType : exp.jobType ,
location : exp.location ,
monthlySalary : {
create : {
currency : exp.monthlySalary?.currency ,
value : exp.monthlySalary?.value ,
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
exp . monthlySalary . value ,
exp . monthlySalary . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency : exp.monthlySalary.currency ,
value : exp.monthlySalary.value ,
} ,
} ,
specialization : exp.specialization ,
@ -799,19 +899,21 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
// Delete specific yoes
const yoesId = ( await ctx . prisma . offersSpecificYoe . findMany ( {
where : {
backgroundId : input.background.id
} ) ) . map ( ( x ) = > x . id )
const yoesId = (
await ctx . prisma . offersSpecificYoe . findMany ( {
where : {
backgroundId : input.background.id ,
} ,
} )
) . map ( ( x ) = > x . id ) ;
for ( const id of yoesId ) {
if ( ! input . background . specificYoes . map ( ( x ) = > x . id ) . includes ( id ) ) {
await ctx . prisma . offersSpecificYoe . delete ( {
where : {
} )
id ,
} ,
} ) ;
@ -845,19 +947,21 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
// Delete specific offers
const offers = ( await ctx . prisma . offersOffer . findMany ( {
where : {
profileId : input.id
} ) ) . map ( ( x ) = > x . id )
const offers = (
await ctx . prisma . offersOffer . findMany ( {
where : {
profileId : input.id ,
} ,
} )
) . map ( ( x ) = > x . id ) ;
for ( const id of offers ) {
if ( ! input . offers . map ( ( x ) = > x . id ) . includes ( id ) ) {
await ctx . prisma . offersOffer . delete ( {
where : {
} )
id ,
} ,
} ) ;
@ -869,6 +973,10 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
data : {
comments : offerToUpdate.comments ,
companyId : offerToUpdate.companyId ,
jobType :
offerToUpdate . jobType === JobType . FULLTIME
? JobType . FULLTIME
: JobType . INTERN ,
location : offerToUpdate.location ,
monthYearReceived : offerToUpdate.monthYearReceived ,
negotiationStrategy : offerToUpdate.negotiationStrategy ,
@ -878,21 +986,7 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
} ,
} ) ;
if (
offerToUpdate . jobType === 'INTERN' ||
offerToUpdate . jobType === 'FULLTIME'
) {
await ctx . prisma . offersOffer . update ( {
data : {
jobType : offerToUpdate.jobType ,
} ,
where : {
id : offerToUpdate.id ,
} ,
} ) ;
if ( offerToUpdate . offersIntern ? . monthlySalary ) {
if ( offerToUpdate . offersIntern ? . monthlySalary != null ) {
await ctx . prisma . offersIntern . update ( {
data : {
internshipCycle :
@ -907,6 +1001,12 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
} ) ;
await ctx . prisma . offersCurrency . update ( {
data : {
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
offerToUpdate . offersIntern . monthlySalary . value ,
offerToUpdate . offersIntern . monthlySalary . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency : offerToUpdate.offersIntern.monthlySalary.currency ,
value : offerToUpdate.offersIntern.monthlySalary.value ,
} ,
@ -916,7 +1016,7 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
} ) ;
if ( offerToUpdate . offersFullTime ? . totalCompensation ) {
if ( offerToUpdate . offersFullTime ? . totalCompensation != null ) {
await ctx . prisma . offersFullTime . update ( {
data : {
level : offerToUpdate.offersFullTime.level ? ? undefined ,
@ -927,9 +1027,15 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
id : offerToUpdate.offersFullTime.id ,
} ,
} ) ;
if ( offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . baseSalary ) {
if ( offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . baseSalary != null ) {
await ctx . prisma . offersCurrency . update ( {
data : {
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . baseSalary . value ,
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . baseSalary . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency : offerToUpdate.offersFullTime.baseSalary.currency ,
value : offerToUpdate.offersFullTime.baseSalary.value ,
} ,
@ -941,6 +1047,12 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
if ( offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . bonus ) {
await ctx . prisma . offersCurrency . update ( {
data : {
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . bonus . value ,
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . bonus . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency : offerToUpdate.offersFullTime.bonus.currency ,
value : offerToUpdate.offersFullTime.bonus.value ,
} ,
@ -952,6 +1064,12 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
if ( offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . stocks ) {
await ctx . prisma . offersCurrency . update ( {
data : {
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . stocks . value ,
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . stocks . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency : offerToUpdate.offersFullTime.stocks.currency ,
value : offerToUpdate.offersFullTime.stocks.value ,
} ,
@ -962,6 +1080,12 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
await ctx . prisma . offersCurrency . update ( {
data : {
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . totalCompensation . value ,
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . totalCompensation . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency :
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . totalCompensation . currency ,
value : offerToUpdate.offersFullTime.totalCompensation.value ,
@ -974,12 +1098,12 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
} else {
// Create new offer
if (
offerToUpdate . jobType === 'INTERN' &&
offerToUpdate . jobType === JobType . INTERN &&
offerToUpdate . offersIntern &&
offerToUpdate . offersIntern . internshipCycle &&
offerToUpdate . offersIntern . monthlySalary ? . currency &&
offerToUpdate . offersIntern . monthlySalary . value &&
offerToUpdate . offersIntern . startYear
offerToUpdate . offersIntern . internshipCycle != null &&
offerToUpdate . offersIntern . monthlySalary ? . currency != null &&
offerToUpdate . offersIntern . monthlySalary ? . value != null &&
offerToUpdate . offersIntern . startYear != null
) {
await ctx . prisma . offersProfile . update ( {
data : {
@ -1001,11 +1125,18 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
offerToUpdate . offersIntern . internshipCycle ,
monthlySalary : {
create : {
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
offerToUpdate . offersIntern . monthlySalary . value ,
offerToUpdate . offersIntern . monthlySalary
. currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency :
offerToUpdate . offersIntern . monthlySalary
? . currency ,
. currency ,
value :
offerToUpdate . offersIntern . monthlySalary ? . value ,
offerToUpdate . offersIntern . monthlySalary . value ,
} ,
} ,
specialization :
@ -1023,17 +1154,18 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
} ) ;
if (
offerToUpdate . jobType === 'FULLTIME' &&
offerToUpdate . jobType === JobType . FULLTIME &&
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime &&
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . baseSalary ? . currency &&
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . baseSalary ? . value &&
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . bonus ? . currency &&
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . bonus ? . value &&
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . stocks ? . currency &&
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . stocks ? . value &&
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . totalCompensation ? . currency &&
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . totalCompensation ? . value &&
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . level
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . baseSalary ? . currency != null &&
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . baseSalary ? . value != null &&
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . bonus ? . currency != null &&
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . bonus ? . value != null &&
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . stocks ? . currency != null &&
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . stocks ? . value != null &&
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . totalCompensation ? . currency !=
null &&
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . totalCompensation ? . value != null &&
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . level != null
) {
await ctx . prisma . offersProfile . update ( {
data : {
@ -1053,18 +1185,31 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
create : {
baseSalary : {
create : {
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . baseSalary . value ,
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . baseSalary
. currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency :
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . baseSalary
? . currency ,
. currency ,
value :
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . baseSalary ? . value ,
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . baseSalary . value ,
} ,
} ,
bonus : {
create : {
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . bonus . value ,
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . bonus . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency :
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . bonus ? . currency ,
value : offerToUpdate.offersFullTime.bonus?.value ,
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . bonus . currency ,
value : offerToUpdate.offersFullTime.bonus .value,
} ,
} ,
level : offerToUpdate.offersFullTime.level ,
@ -1072,20 +1217,34 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . specialization ,
stocks : {
create : {
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . stocks . value ,
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . stocks . currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency :
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . stocks ? . currency ,
value : offerToUpdate.offersFullTime.stocks?.value ,
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . stocks . currency ,
value : offerToUpdate.offersFullTime.stocks .value,
} ,
} ,
title : offerToUpdate.offersFullTime.title ,
totalCompensation : {
create : {
baseCurrency : baseCurrencyString ,
baseValue : await convert (
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . totalCompensation
. value ,
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . totalCompensation
. currency ,
baseCurrencyString ,
) ,
currency :
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . totalCompensation
? . currency ,
. currency ,
value :
offerToUpdate . offersFullTime . totalCompensation
? . value ,
. value ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
@ -1102,46 +1261,6 @@ export const offersProfileRouter = createRouter()
const result = await ctx . prisma . offersProfile . findFirst ( {
include : {
background : {
include : {
educations : true ,
experiences : {
include : {
company : true ,
monthlySalary : true ,
totalCompensation : true ,
} ,
} ,
specificYoes : true ,
} ,
} ,
discussion : {
include : {
replies : true ,
replyingTo : true ,
user : true ,
} ,
} ,
offers : {
include : {
company : true ,
offersFullTime : {
include : {
baseSalary : true ,
bonus : true ,
stocks : true ,
totalCompensation : true ,
} ,
} ,
offersIntern : {
include : {
monthlySalary : true ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
where : {
id : input.id ,
} ,