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2 years ago
# System Design Resources
These are the best resources for System Design on the Internet.
2 years ago
# Table of Contents
- [Video Processing](#video-processing)
- [Cluster and Workflow Management](#cluster-and-workflow-management)
- [Intra-Service Messaging](#intra-service-messaging)
- [Message Queue Antipattern](#message-queue-antipattern)
- [Service Mesh](#service-mesh)
- [Practical System Design](#practical-system-design)
- [Distributed File System](#distributed-file-system)
- [Time Series Databases](#time-series-databases)
- [Rate Limiting](#rate-limiting)
- [In Memory Database - Redis](#in-memory-database---redis)
- [Network Protocols](#network-protocols)
- [Chess Engine Design](#chess-engine-design)
- [Subscription Management System](#subscription-management-system)
- [Google Docs](#google-docs)
- [API Design](#api-design)
- [NoSQL Database Internals](#nosql-database-internals)
- [NoSQL Database Algorithms](#nosql-database-algorithms)
- [Database Replication](#database-replication)
- [Containers and Docker](#containers-and-docker)
- [Capacity Estimation](#capacity-estimation)
- [Publisher Subscriber](#publisher-subscriber)
- [Event Driven Architectures](#event-driven-architectures)
- [Software Architectures](#software-architectures)
- [Microservices](#microservices)
- [Distributed Transactions consistency Patterns](#distributed-transactions-consistency-patterns)
- [Load Balancing](#load-balancing)
- [Alerts and Anomaly Detection](#alerts-and-anomaly-detection)
- [Distributed Logging](#distributed-logging)
- [Metrics and Text Search Engine](#metrics-and-text-search-engine)
- [Single Point of Failure](#single-point-of-failure)
- [Location Based Services](#location-based-services)
- [Batch Processing](#batch-processing)
- [Real Time Stream Processing](#real-time-stream-processing)
- [Caching](#caching)
- [Distributed Consensus](#distributed-consensus)
- [Authorization](#authorization)
- [Content Delivery Network](#content-delivery-network)
- [Testing Distributed Systems](#testing-distributed-systems)
- [System Design Resources](#system-design-resources)
## Video Processing
- [Transcoding Videos at Scale](
- [Facebook Video Broadcasting](
- [Netflix Video Encoding at Scale](
- [Netflix Shot based encoding](
2 years ago
## Cluster and Workflow Management
- [Facebook Cluster Management](
- [Google Autopilot - Autoscaling](
- [Netflix Workflow Orchestration](
- [Opensource Workflow Management](
- [Meta Hardware Management](
- [Meta Capacity Assignment](
- [Amazon EC2](
2 years ago
## Intra-Service Messaging
- [What is a message queue](
- [AirBnb Idempotency](
- [Meta Async Task Computing](
2 years ago
## Message Queue Antipattern
10 months ago
- [DB as queue Antipattern](
- [Using a database as a message queue](
- [Anti-pattern of DB as a queue](
- [Drawbacks of DB as a queue](
2 years ago
## Service Mesh
- [Kubernetes Service Mesh](
- [Kubernetes Sidecar](
- [Service Mesh](
- [NginX Service Mesh](
4 months ago
- [Data Plane and Control Plane](
2 years ago
## Practical System Design
- [Facebook Messenger Optimisations](
- [YouTube Architecture](
- [YouTube scalability 2012](
- [Distributed Design Patterns](
- [Monolith to Microservice](
- [Zerodha Tech Stack](
2 years ago
## Distributed File System
- [Open Source Distributed File System](
- [Amazon S3 Performance hacks](
- [Amazon S3 object expiration](
2 years ago
## Time Series Databases
- [Pinterest Time Series Database](
- [Uber Time Series DB](
- [TimeSeries Relational DB](
- [Facebook Gorilla Time Series DB](
2 years ago
## Rate Limiting
- [Circuit Breaker Algorithm](
- [Uber Rate Limiter](
2 years ago
## In Memory Database - Redis
- [Redis Official Documentation](
- [Learn Redis through Redis University](
- [Redis Open Source Repo](
- [Redis Architecture](
## Network Protocols
- [What is HTTP](
- [QUIC Protocol](
- [TCP Protocol algorithms]( (First 10 pages are important)
- [WebRTC](
- [WebSockets](
- [Dynamic Source Routing using QUIC](
2 years ago
## Chess Engine Design
- [Chess Engine Building](
2 years ago
## Subscription Management System
- [Subscription Manager](
2 years ago
## Google Docs
- [Operational Transform](
12 months ago
- [Google Docs](
5 months ago
- [Lumiere](
2 years ago
2 years ago
## API Design
2 years ago
- [API Design at Airbnb](
- [Swagger APIs](
2 years ago
## NoSQL Database Internals
2 years ago
- [Cassandra Architecture](
- [Google BigTable Architecture](
- [Amazon Dynamo DB Internals](
- [Design Patterns in Amazon Dynamo DB](
- [Internals of Amazon Dynamo DB](
2 years ago
## NoSQL Database Algorithms
2 years ago
- [Hyperloglog Algorithm](
- [Log Structured Merge Tree](
- [Sorted String Tables and Compaction Strategies](
- [Leveled Compaction Cassandra](
- [Scylla DB Compaction](
- [Indexing in Cassandra](
2 years ago
## Database Replication
2 years ago
- [Database replication](
- [Netflix Data replication - Change Data Capture](
- [LinkedIn Logging Usecases](
4 months ago
- [Uber Trillions of indexes in LedgerStore](
2 years ago
## Containers and Docker
2 years ago
- [Facebook Twine Containerization](
- [CloudFlare Containerization](
- [Docker Architecture](
2 years ago
## Capacity Estimation
2 years ago
- [Google Capacity Estimation](
- [Scalability at YouTube 2012](
- [Back of envelope Calculations at AWS](
- [Capacity Estimation](
2 years ago
## Publisher Subscriber
2 years ago
- [Oracle Publisher Subscriber](
- [Amazon Pub Sub Messaging](
- [Asynchronous processing](
- [Async Request Response](
2 years ago
## Event Driven Architectures
2 years ago
- [Martin Fowler- Event Driven Architecture](
- [Event Driven Architecture](
2 years ago
## Software Architectures
- [Hexagonal Architecture](
- [Hexagonal architecture (Alistair Cockburn)](
- [The Clean Code by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob)](
- [CQRS](
- [DomainDrivenDesign](
## Microservices
2 years ago
- [Monolith Architecture](
- [Monoliths vs Microservices](
- [Microservices](
- [Uber Nanoservices antipattern](
- [Uber Domain oriented microservice](
## Distributed Transactions consistency Patterns
- [Transactional outbox](
- [SAGAS Long lived transactions (LLTs)](
## Load Balancing
2 years ago
- [Load Balancer with Sticky Sessions](
10 months ago
- [NetScaler what is load balancing](
- [Nginx Load Balancing](
- [Consistent hashing](
2 months ago
- [Minimizing connection churn](
- [Google Subsetting Algorithm](
2 years ago
## Alerts and Anomaly Detection
2 years ago
- [Outlier Detection](
- [Anomaly Detection](
- [Uber Real Time Monitoring and Root Cause Analysis Argos](
- [Microsoft Anomaly Detection](
- [Facebook Data Engineering](
- [LinkedIn Real Time Alerting](
- [LinkedIn Isolation Forests](
2 years ago
## Distributed Logging
2 years ago
- [Uber Distributed Request Tracing](
- [Pintrest Logging](
- [Google Monitoring Infrastructure](
2 years ago
## Metrics and Text Search Engine
2 years ago
- [Facebook real-time text search engine](
- [Elastic Search Time Based Querying](
- [Elastic Search Aggregation](
2 years ago
## Single Point of Failure
2 years ago
- [Avoiding Single Points of Failure](
- [Netflix Multi-Region Availability](
- [Oracle Single Points of failure](
- [DNS single point of failure 2004](
10 months ago
- [DNS traffic management by Shopify](
- [Sharding](
2 years ago
## Location Based Services
2 years ago
- [Google S2 library](
2 years ago
## Batch Processing
2 years ago
- [Map Reduce Architecture](
2 years ago
## Real Time Stream Processing
2 years ago
- [LinkedIn Brooklin- Real-time data streaming](
- [Netflix Real Time Stream Processing](
- [KSQLDB for Kafka](
10 months ago
- [Netflix Psyberg](
2 years ago
## Caching
2 years ago
- [Google Guava Cache](
- [Caching (See the README)](
- [Caching](
- [Microsoft Caching Guide](
- [Caching patterns](
- [Uber's Integrated Cache for 40M RPS](
2 years ago
## Distributed consensus
2 years ago
- [Paxos](
- [Raft](
2 years ago
## Authorization
2 years ago
- [Designing an Authorization Model for an Enterprise](
- [The Architectural Patterns of Cloud-native Authorization Systems](
2 years ago
## Content Delivery Network
- [AWS CloudFront CDN with S3](
2 years ago
2 years ago
## Testing Distributed Systems
- [Deterministic Testing](
4 months ago
- [TLA+ by Leslie Lamport](
- [Jepsen](
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
## System Design Resources
2 years ago
4 months ago
- [Designing Data-Intensive Applications Book](
- [WhitePapers](
- [InterviewReady Videos](
5 months ago
- [System Design Online Judge](