
429 lines
12 KiB

import * as fs from 'node:fs';
import { setImmediate } from 'node:timers/promises';
import glob from 'tiny-glob/sync.js';
import { createClassComponent } from 'svelte/legacy';
import { proxy } from 'svelte/internal/client';
import { flushSync, hydrate, mount, unmount } from 'svelte';
import { render } from 'svelte/server';
import { afterAll, assert, beforeAll } from 'vitest';
import { compile_directory } from '../helpers.js';
import { setup_html_equal } from '../html_equal.js';
import { raf } from '../animation-helpers.js';
import type { CompileOptions } from '#compiler';
import { suite_with_variants, type BaseTest } from '../suite.js';
type Assert = typeof import('vitest').assert & {
htmlEqual(a: string, b: string, description?: string): void;
a: string,
b: string,
opts: {
preserveComments: boolean;
withoutNormalizeHtml: boolean;
description?: string
): void;
export interface RuntimeTest<Props extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>>
extends BaseTest {
/** Use e.g. `mode: ['client']` to indicate that this test should never run in server/hydrate modes */
mode?: Array<'server' | 'client' | 'hydrate'>;
/** Temporarily skip specific modes, without skipping the entire test */
skip_mode?: Array<'server' | 'client' | 'hydrate'>;
html?: string;
ssrHtml?: string;
compileOptions?: Partial<CompileOptions>;
props?: Props;
before_test?: () => void;
after_test?: () => void;
test?: (args: {
variant: 'dom' | 'hydrate';
assert: Assert;
compileOptions: CompileOptions;
component: Props & {
[key: string]: any;
instance: Record<string, any>;
mod: any;
ok: typeof ok;
raf: {
tick: (ms: number) => void;
target: HTMLElement;
window: Window & {
Event: typeof Event;
InputEvent: typeof InputEvent;
KeyboardEvent: typeof KeyboardEvent;
MouseEvent: typeof MouseEvent;
logs: any[];
warnings: any[];
}) => void | Promise<void>;
test_ssr?: (args: { assert: Assert }) => void | Promise<void>;
accessors?: boolean;
immutable?: boolean;
intro?: boolean;
load_compiled?: boolean;
error?: string;
runtime_error?: string;
warnings?: string[];
expect_unhandled_rejections?: boolean;
withoutNormalizeHtml?: boolean | 'only-strip-comments';
recover?: boolean;
let unhandled_rejection: Error | null = null;
function unhandled_rejection_handler(err: Error) {
unhandled_rejection = err;
const listeners = process.rawListeners('unhandledRejection');
const { assert_html_equal, assert_html_equal_with_options } = setup_html_equal({
removeDataSvelte: true
beforeAll(() => {
// @ts-expect-error TODO huh?
process.prependListener('unhandledRejection', unhandled_rejection_handler);
afterAll(() => {
process.removeListener('unhandledRejection', unhandled_rejection_handler);
export function runtime_suite(runes: boolean) {
return suite_with_variants<RuntimeTest, 'hydrate' | 'ssr' | 'dom', CompileOptions>(
['dom', 'hydrate', 'ssr'],
(variant, config) => {
if (variant === 'hydrate') {
if (config.mode && !config.mode.includes('hydrate')) return 'no-test';
if (config.skip_mode?.includes('hydrate')) return true;
if (variant === 'ssr') {
if (
(config.mode && !config.mode.includes('server')) ||
(!config.test_ssr &&
config.html === undefined &&
config.ssrHtml === undefined &&
config.error === undefined)
) {
return 'no-test';
if (config.skip_mode?.includes('server')) return true;
return false;
(config, cwd) => {
return common_setup(cwd, runes, config);
async (config, cwd, variant, common) => {
await run_test_variant(cwd, config, variant, common, runes);
async function common_setup(cwd: string, runes: boolean | undefined, config: RuntimeTest) {
const compileOptions: CompileOptions = {
generate: 'client',
rootDir: cwd,
immutable: config.immutable,
accessors: 'accessors' in config ? config.accessors : true,
// load_compiled can be used for debugging a test. It means the compiler will not run on the input
// so you can manipulate the output manually to see what fixes it, adding console.logs etc.
if (!config.load_compiled) {
await compile_directory(cwd, 'client', compileOptions);
await compile_directory(cwd, 'server', compileOptions);
return compileOptions;
async function run_test_variant(
cwd: string,
config: RuntimeTest,
variant: 'dom' | 'hydrate' | 'ssr',
compileOptions: CompileOptions,
runes: boolean
) {
let unintended_error = false;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
const { log, warn } = console;
let logs: string[] = [];
let warnings: string[] = [];
// use some crude static analysis to determine if logs/warnings are intercepted.
// we do this instead of using getters on the `test` parameters so that we can
// squelch logs in SSR tests while printing temporary logs in other cases
let str = config.test?.toString() ?? '';
let n = 0;
let i = 0;
while (i < str.length) {
if (str[i] === '(') n++;
if (str[i] === ')' && --n === 0) break;
if (str.slice(0, i).includes('logs')) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log = (...args) => logs.push(...args);
if (str.slice(0, i).includes('warnings') || config.warnings) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn = (...args) => {
if (args[0].startsWith('%c[svelte]')) {
// TODO convert this to structured data, for more robust comparison?
const message = args[0];
warnings.push(message.slice(message.indexOf('%c', 2) + 2));
} else {
try {
unhandled_rejection = null;
if (config.expect_unhandled_rejections) {
listeners.forEach((listener) => {
// @ts-expect-error
process.removeListener('unhandledRejection', listener);
// hack to support transition tests
// Put things we need on window for testing
const styles = glob('**/*.css', { cwd: `${cwd}/_output/client` })
.map((file) => fs.readFileSync(`${cwd}/_output/client/${file}`, 'utf-8'))
.replace(/\/\*<\/?style>\*\//g, '');
window.location.href = '';
window.document.title = '';
window.document.head.innerHTML = styles ? `<style>${styles}</style>` : '';
window.document.body.innerHTML = '<main></main>';
window.addEventListener('error', (e) => {
unhandled_rejection = e.error;
globalThis.requestAnimationFrame = globalThis.setTimeout;
let mod = await import(`${cwd}/_output/client/main.svelte.js`);
const target = window.document.querySelector('main') as HTMLElement;
let snapshot = undefined;
if (variant === 'hydrate' || variant === 'ssr') {
// ssr into target
const SsrSvelteComponent = (await import(`${cwd}/_output/server/main.svelte.js`)).default;
const { html, head } = render(SsrSvelteComponent, { props: config.props || {} });
fs.writeFileSync(`${cwd}/_output/rendered.html`, html);
target.innerHTML = html;
if (head) {
fs.writeFileSync(`${cwd}/_output/rendered_head.html`, head);
window.document.head.innerHTML = window.document.head.innerHTML + head;
if (variant === 'hydrate') {
// @ts-expect-error TODO
if (config.snapshot) {
// @ts-expect-error
snapshot = config.snapshot(target);
} else {
target.innerHTML = '';
if (variant === 'ssr') {
if (config.ssrHtml) {
assert_html_equal_with_options(target.innerHTML, config.ssrHtml, {
config.withoutNormalizeHtml === 'only-strip-comments' ? false : undefined,
withoutNormalizeHtml: !!config.withoutNormalizeHtml
} else if (config.html) {
assert_html_equal_with_options(target.innerHTML, config.html, {
config.withoutNormalizeHtml === 'only-strip-comments' ? false : undefined,
withoutNormalizeHtml: !!config.withoutNormalizeHtml
if (config.test_ssr) {
await config.test_ssr({
// @ts-expect-error
assert: {
htmlEqual: assert_html_equal,
htmlEqualWithOptions: assert_html_equal_with_options
} else {
logs.length = warnings.length = 0;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
const error = console.error;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.error = (error) => {
if (typeof error === 'string' && error.startsWith('Hydration failed')) {
throw new Error(error);
let instance: any;
let props: any;
if (runes) {
props = proxy({ ...(config.props || {}) });
const render = variant === 'hydrate' ? hydrate : mount;
instance = render(mod.default, {
intro: config.intro,
recover: config.recover ?? false
} else {
instance = createClassComponent({
component: mod.default,
props: config.props,
immutable: config.immutable,
intro: config.intro,
recover: config.recover ?? false,
hydrate: variant === 'hydrate'
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.error = error;
if (config.error) {
unintended_error = true;'Expected a runtime error');
if (config.html) {
assert_html_equal_with_options(target.innerHTML, config.html, {
config.withoutNormalizeHtml === 'only-strip-comments' ? false : undefined,
withoutNormalizeHtml: !!config.withoutNormalizeHtml
try {
if (config.test) {
await config.test({
// @ts-expect-error TS doesn't get it
assert: {
htmlEqual: assert_html_equal,
htmlEqualWithOptions: assert_html_equal_with_options
component: runes ? props : instance,
if (config.runtime_error && !unhandled_rejection) {
unintended_error = true;'Expected a runtime error');
} finally {
if (runes) {
} else {
if (config.warnings) {
assert.deepEqual(warnings, config.warnings);
} else if (warnings.length && console.warn === warn) {
unintended_error = true;
warn.apply(console, warnings);'Received unexpected warnings');
'Expected component to unmount and leave nothing behind after it was destroyed'
// TODO: This seems useless, unhandledRejection is only triggered on the next task
// by which time the test has already finished and the next test resets it to null above
if (unhandled_rejection) {
throw unhandled_rejection; // eslint-disable-line no-unsafe-finally
} catch (err) {
if (config.runtime_error) {
assert.include((err as Error).message, config.runtime_error);
} else if (config.error && !unintended_error) {
assert.include((err as Error).message, config.error);
} else {
throw err;
} finally {
console.log = log;
console.warn = warn;
// Free up the microtask queue
// 1. Vitest's test runner which uses setInterval can log progress
// 2. Any expected unhandled rejections are ran before we reattach the listeners
await setImmediate();
if (config.expect_unhandled_rejections) {
listeners.forEach((listener) => {
// @ts-expect-error
process.on('unhandledRejection', listener);
export function ok(value: any): asserts value {
if (!value) {
throw new Error(`Expected truthy value, got ${value}`);