// largely borrowed from Ractive – https://github.com/ractivejs/ractive/blob/2ec648aaf5296bb88c21812e947e0e42fcc456e3/src/Ractive/config/custom/css/transform.js
const selectorsPattern = /(?:^|\})?\s*([^\{\}]+)\s*\{/g;
const commentsPattern = /\/\*.*?\*\//g;
const selectorUnitPattern = /((?:(?:\[[^\]+]\])|(?:[^\s\+\>~:]))+)((?:::?[^\s\+\>\~\(:]+(?:\([^\)]+\))?)*\s*[\s\+\>\~]?)\s*/g;
const excludePattern = /^(?:@|\d+%)/;
function transformSelector ( selector, parent ) {
const selectorUnits = [];
let match;
while ( match = selectorUnitPattern.exec( selector ) ) {
str: match[0],
base: match[1],
modifiers: match[2]
// For each simple selector within the selector, we need to create a version
// that a) combines with the id, and b) is inside the id
const base = selectorUnits.map( unit => unit.str );
const transformed = [];
let i = selectorUnits.length;
while ( i-- ) {
const appended = base.slice();
// Pseudo-selectors should go after the attribute selector
const unit = selectorUnits[i];
appended[i] = unit.base + parent + unit.modifiers || '';
const prepended = base.slice();
prepended[i] = parent + ' ' + prepended[i];
transformed.push( appended.join( ' ' ), prepended.join( ' ' ) );
return transformed.join( ', ' );
export default function transformCss ( css, hash ) {
const attr = `[svelte-${hash}]`;
return css
.replace( commentsPattern, '' )
.replace( selectorsPattern, ( match, $1 ) => {
// don't transform at-rules and keyframe declarations
if ( excludePattern.test( $1 ) ) return match;
const selectors = $1.split( ',' ).map( selector => selector.trim() );
const transformed = selectors
.map( selector => transformSelector( selector, attr ) )
.join( ', ' ) + ' ';
return match.replace( $1, transformed );