You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
961 B

export let pipelineOperations = [
operation: {
name: "foo",
args: [],
id: 1,
operation: {
name: "bar",
args: [
name: "bar_1",
value: "a",
options: [{ value: "a" }, { value: "b" }],
name: "bar_2",
value: "c",
options: [{ value: "c" }, { value: "d" }],
id: 2,
operation: {
name: "baz",
args: [
name: "baz_1",
value: "b",
options: [{ value: "a" }, { value: "b" }],
name: "baz_2",
value: "c",
options: [{ value: "c" }, { value: "d" }],
id: 3,
{#each pipelineOperations as { operation, id } (id)}
{#each operation.args as arg}
<div class="arg">
{#each arg.options as { value }}
<input type="radio" bind:group={arg.value} {value} />