import { DEV } from 'esm-env';
import {
} from './utils.js';
import { snapshot } from './proxy.js';
import { destroy_effect, effect, execute_effect_teardown } from './reactivity/effects.js';
import {
} from './constants.js';
import { flush_tasks } from './dom/task.js';
import { add_owner } from './dev/ownership.js';
import { mutate, set, source } from './reactivity/sources.js';
import { update_derived } from './reactivity/deriveds.js';
import { inspect_captured_signals, inspect_fn, set_inspect_fn } from './dev/inspect.js';
import * as e from './errors.js';
import { lifecycle_outside_component } from '../shared/errors.js';
const FLUSH_SYNC = 1;
// Used for DEV time error handling
/** @param {WeakSet<Error>} value */
const handled_errors = new WeakSet();
// Used for controlling the flush of effects.
let current_scheduler_mode = FLUSH_MICROTASK;
// Used for handling scheduling
let is_micro_task_queued = false;
export let is_flushing_effect = false;
export let is_destroying_effect = false;
/** @param {boolean} value */
export function set_is_flushing_effect(value) {
is_flushing_effect = value;
/** @param {boolean} value */
export function set_is_destroying_effect(value) {
is_destroying_effect = value;
/** @param {boolean} value */
export function set_untracking(value) {
current_untracking = value;
// Used for $inspect
export let is_batching_effect = false;
let is_inspecting_signal = false;
// Handle effect queues
/** @type {import('#client').Effect[]} */
let current_queued_root_effects = [];
let flush_count = 0;
// Handle signal reactivity tree dependencies and reactions
/** @type {null | import('#client').Reaction} */
export let current_reaction = null;
/** @param {null | import('#client').Reaction} reaction */
export function set_current_reaction(reaction) {
current_reaction = reaction;
/** @type {null | import('#client').Effect} */
export let current_effect = null;
/** @param {null | import('#client').Effect} effect */
export function set_current_effect(effect) {
current_effect = effect;
/** @type {null | import('#client').Value[]} */
export let current_dependencies = null;
let current_dependencies_index = 0;
* Tracks writes that the effect it's executed in doesn't listen to yet,
* so that the dependency can be added to the effect later on if it then reads it
* @type {null | import('#client').Source[]}
export let current_untracked_writes = null;
/** @param {null | import('#client').Source[]} value */
export function set_current_untracked_writes(value) {
current_untracked_writes = value;
/** @type {null | import('#client').ValueDebug} */
export let last_inspected_signal = null;
/** @param {null | import('#client').ValueDebug} signal */
export function set_last_inspected_signal(signal) {
last_inspected_signal = signal;
/** If `true`, `get`ting the signal should not register it as a dependency */
export let current_untracking = false;
// If we are working with a get() chain that has no active container,
// to prevent memory leaks, we skip adding the reaction.
export let current_skip_reaction = false;
// Handle collecting all signals which are read during a specific time frame
export let is_signals_recorded = false;
let captured_signals = new Set();
// Handling runtime component context
/** @type {import('#client').ComponentContext | null} */
export let current_component_context = null;
/** @param {import('#client').ComponentContext | null} context */
export function set_current_component_context(context) {
current_component_context = context;
* The current component function. Different from current component context:
* ```html
* <!-- App.svelte -->
* <Foo>
* <Bar /> <!-- context == Foo.svelte, function == App.svelte -->
* </Foo>
* ```
* @type {import('#client').ComponentContext['function']}
export let dev_current_component_function = null;
/** @param {import('#client').ComponentContext['function']} fn */
export function set_dev_current_component_function(fn) {
dev_current_component_function = fn;
/** @returns {boolean} */
export function is_runes() {
return current_component_context !== null && current_component_context.l === null;
* @param {import('#client').ProxyStateObject} target
* @param {string | symbol} prop
* @param {any} receiver
export function batch_inspect(target, prop, receiver) {
const value = Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver);
* @this {any}
return function () {
const previously_batching_effect = is_batching_effect;
is_batching_effect = true;
try {
return Reflect.apply(value, this, arguments);
} finally {
is_batching_effect = previously_batching_effect;
if (last_inspected_signal !== null && !is_inspecting_signal) {
is_inspecting_signal = true;
try {
for (const fn of last_inspected_signal.inspect) {
} finally {
is_inspecting_signal = false;
last_inspected_signal = null;
* Determines whether a derived or effect is dirty.
* If it is MAYBE_DIRTY, will set the status to CLEAN
* @param {import('#client').Reaction} reaction
* @returns {boolean}
export function check_dirtiness(reaction) {
var flags = reaction.f;
var is_dirty = (flags & DIRTY) !== 0;
var is_unowned = (flags & UNOWNED) !== 0;
// If we are unowned, we still need to ensure that we update our version to that
// of our dependencies.
if (is_dirty && !is_unowned) {
return true;
var is_disconnected = (flags & DISCONNECTED) !== 0;
if ((flags & MAYBE_DIRTY) !== 0 || (is_dirty && is_unowned)) {
var dependencies = reaction.deps;
if (dependencies !== null) {
var length = dependencies.length;
var is_equal;
var reactions;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var dependency = dependencies[i];
if (!is_dirty && check_dirtiness(/** @type {import('#client').Derived} */ (dependency))) {
is_equal = update_derived(/** @type {import('#client').Derived} **/ (dependency), true);
var version = dependency.version;
if (is_unowned) {
// If we're working with an unowned derived signal, then we need to check
// if our dependency write version is higher. If it is then we can assume
// that state has changed to a newer version and thus this unowned signal
// is also dirty.
if (version > /** @type {import('#client').Derived} */ (reaction).version) {
/** @type {import('#client').Derived} */ (reaction).version = version;
return !is_equal;
if (!current_skip_reaction && !dependency?.reactions?.includes(reaction)) {
// If we are working with an unowned signal as part of an effect (due to !current_skip_reaction)
// and the version hasn't changed, we still need to check that this reaction
// if linked to the dependency source – otherwise future updates will not be caught.
reactions = dependency.reactions;
if (reactions === null) {
dependency.reactions = [reaction];
} else {
} else if ((reaction.f & DIRTY) !== 0) {
// `signal` might now be dirty, as a result of calling `check_dirtiness` and/or `update_derived`
return true;
} else if (is_disconnected) {
// It might be that the derived was was dereferenced from its dependencies but has now come alive again.
// In thise case, we need to re-attach it to the graph and mark it dirty if any of its dependencies have
// changed since.
if (version > /** @type {import('#client').Derived} */ (reaction).version) {
/** @type {import('#client').Derived} */ (reaction).version = version;
is_dirty = true;
reactions = dependency.reactions;
if (reactions === null) {
dependency.reactions = [reaction];
} else if (!reactions.includes(reaction)) {
// Unowned signals are always maybe dirty, as we instead check their dependency versions.
if (!is_unowned) {
set_signal_status(reaction, CLEAN);
if (is_disconnected) {
reaction.f ^= DISCONNECTED;
return is_dirty;
* @param {Error} error
* @param {import("#client").Effect} effect
* @param {import("#client").ComponentContext | null} component_context
function handle_error(error, effect, component_context) {
// Given we don't yet have error boundaries, we will just always throw.
if (!DEV || handled_errors.has(error) || component_context === null) {
throw error;
const component_stack = [];
const effect_name = effect.fn?.name;
if (effect_name) {
/** @type {import("#client").ComponentContext | null} */
let current_context = component_context;
while (current_context !== null) {
var filename = current_context.function?.filename;
if (filename) {
const file = filename.split('/').at(-1);
current_context = current_context.p;
const indent = /Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? ' ' : '\t';
define_property(error, 'message', {
value: error.message + `\n${component_stack.map((name) => `\n${indent}in ${name}`).join('')}\n`
const stack = error.stack;
// Filter out internal files from callstack
if (stack) {
const lines = stack.split('\n');
const new_lines = [];
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
const line = lines[i];
if (line.includes('svelte/src/internal')) {
define_property(error, 'stack', {
value: error.stack + new_lines.join('\n')
throw error;
* @template V
* @param {import('#client').Reaction} signal
* @returns {V}
export function execute_reaction_fn(signal) {
const previous_dependencies = current_dependencies;
const previous_dependencies_index = current_dependencies_index;
const previous_untracked_writes = current_untracked_writes;
const previous_reaction = current_reaction;
const previous_skip_reaction = current_skip_reaction;
const previous_untracking = current_untracking;
current_dependencies = /** @type {null | import('#client').Value[]} */ (null);
current_dependencies_index = 0;
current_untracked_writes = null;
current_reaction = signal;
current_skip_reaction = !is_flushing_effect && (signal.f & UNOWNED) !== 0;
current_untracking = false;
try {
let res = /** @type {Function} */ (0, signal.fn)();
let dependencies = /** @type {import('#client').Value<unknown>[]} **/ (signal.deps);
if (current_dependencies !== null) {
let i;
if (dependencies !== null) {
const deps_length = dependencies.length;
// Include any dependencies up until the current_dependencies_index.
const full_current_dependencies =
current_dependencies_index === 0
? current_dependencies
: dependencies.slice(0, current_dependencies_index).concat(current_dependencies);
const current_dep_length = full_current_dependencies.length;
// If we have more than 16 elements in the array then use a Set for faster performance
// TODO: evaluate if we should always just use a Set or not here?
const full_current_dependencies_set =
current_dep_length > 16 && deps_length - current_dependencies_index > 1
? new Set(full_current_dependencies)
: null;
for (i = current_dependencies_index; i < deps_length; i++) {
const dependency = dependencies[i];
if (
full_current_dependencies_set !== null
? !full_current_dependencies_set.has(dependency)
: !full_current_dependencies.includes(dependency)
) {
remove_reaction(signal, dependency);
if (dependencies !== null && current_dependencies_index > 0) {
dependencies.length = current_dependencies_index + current_dependencies.length;
for (i = 0; i < current_dependencies.length; i++) {
dependencies[current_dependencies_index + i] = current_dependencies[i];
} else {
signal.deps = /** @type {import('#client').Value<V>[]} **/ (
dependencies = current_dependencies
if (!current_skip_reaction) {
for (i = current_dependencies_index; i < dependencies.length; i++) {
const dependency = dependencies[i];
const reactions = dependency.reactions;
if (reactions === null) {
dependency.reactions = [signal];
} else if (reactions[reactions.length - 1] !== signal) {
// TODO: should this be:
// } else if (!reactions.includes(signal)) {
} else if (dependencies !== null && current_dependencies_index < dependencies.length) {
remove_reactions(signal, current_dependencies_index);
dependencies.length = current_dependencies_index;
return res;
} finally {
current_dependencies = previous_dependencies;
current_dependencies_index = previous_dependencies_index;
current_untracked_writes = previous_untracked_writes;
current_reaction = previous_reaction;
current_skip_reaction = previous_skip_reaction;
current_untracking = previous_untracking;
* @template V
* @param {import('#client').Reaction} signal
* @param {import('#client').Value<V>} dependency
* @returns {void}
function remove_reaction(signal, dependency) {
const reactions = dependency.reactions;
let reactions_length = 0;
if (reactions !== null) {
reactions_length = reactions.length - 1;
const index = reactions.indexOf(signal);
if (index !== -1) {
if (reactions_length === 0) {
dependency.reactions = null;
} else {
// Swap with last element and then remove.
reactions[index] = reactions[reactions_length];
// If the derived has no reactions, then we can disconnect it from the graph,
// allowing it to either reconnect in the future, or be GC'd by the VM.
if (reactions_length === 0 && (dependency.f & DERIVED) !== 0) {
set_signal_status(dependency, MAYBE_DIRTY);
// If we are working with a derived that is owned by an effect, then mark it as being
// disconnected.
if ((dependency.f & (UNOWNED | DISCONNECTED)) === 0) {
dependency.f ^= DISCONNECTED;
remove_reactions(/** @type {import('#client').Derived} **/ (dependency), 0);
* @param {import('#client').Reaction} signal
* @param {number} start_index
* @returns {void}
export function remove_reactions(signal, start_index) {
const dependencies = signal.deps;
if (dependencies !== null) {
const active_dependencies = start_index === 0 ? null : dependencies.slice(0, start_index);
let i;
for (i = start_index; i < dependencies.length; i++) {
const dependency = dependencies[i];
// Avoid removing a reaction if we know that it is active (start_index will not be 0)
if (active_dependencies === null || !active_dependencies.includes(dependency)) {
remove_reaction(signal, dependency);
* @param {import('#client').Reaction} signal
* @param {boolean} [remove_dom]
* @returns {void}
export function destroy_effect_children(signal, remove_dom = true) {
let effect = signal.first;
signal.first = null;
signal.last = null;
var sibling;
while (effect !== null) {
sibling = effect.next;
destroy_effect(effect, remove_dom);
effect = sibling;
* @param {import('#client').Effect} effect
* @returns {void}
export function execute_effect(effect) {
var flags = effect.f;
if ((flags & DESTROYED) !== 0) {
set_signal_status(effect, CLEAN);
var component_context = effect.ctx;
var previous_effect = current_effect;
var previous_component_context = current_component_context;
current_effect = effect;
current_component_context = component_context;
if (DEV) {
var previous_component_fn = dev_current_component_function;
dev_current_component_function = effect.component_function;
try {
if ((flags & BLOCK_EFFECT) === 0) {
var teardown = execute_reaction_fn(effect);
effect.teardown = typeof teardown === 'function' ? teardown : null;
} catch (error) {
handle_error(/** @type {Error} */ (error), effect, current_component_context);
} finally {
current_effect = previous_effect;
current_component_context = previous_component_context;
if (DEV) {
dev_current_component_function = previous_component_fn;
function infinite_loop_guard() {
if (flush_count > 1000) {
flush_count = 0;
* @param {Array<import('#client').Effect>} root_effects
* @returns {void}
function flush_queued_root_effects(root_effects) {
const length = root_effects.length;
if (length === 0) {
var previously_flushing_effect = is_flushing_effect;
is_flushing_effect = true;
try {
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var effect = root_effects[i];
// When working with custom elements, the root effects might not have a root
if (effect.first === null && (effect.f & BRANCH_EFFECT) === 0) {
} else {
/** @type {import('#client').Effect[]} */
var collected_effects = [];
process_effects(effect, collected_effects);
} finally {
is_flushing_effect = previously_flushing_effect;
* @param {Array<import('#client').Effect>} effects
* @returns {void}
function flush_queued_effects(effects) {
var length = effects.length;
if (length === 0) return;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var effect = effects[i];
if ((effect.f & (DESTROYED | INERT)) === 0 && check_dirtiness(effect)) {
function process_deferred() {
is_micro_task_queued = false;
if (flush_count > 1001) {
const previous_queued_root_effects = current_queued_root_effects;
current_queued_root_effects = [];
if (!is_micro_task_queued) {
flush_count = 0;
* @param {import('#client').Effect} signal
* @returns {void}
export function schedule_effect(signal) {
if (current_scheduler_mode === FLUSH_MICROTASK) {
if (!is_micro_task_queued) {
is_micro_task_queued = true;
var effect = signal;
while (effect.parent !== null) {
effect = effect.parent;
var flags = effect.f;
if ((flags & BRANCH_EFFECT) !== 0) {
if ((flags & CLEAN) === 0) return;
set_signal_status(effect, MAYBE_DIRTY);
* This function both runs render effects and collects user effects in topological order
* from the starting effect passed in. Effects will be collected when they match the filtered
* bitwise flag passed in only. The collected effects array will be populated with all the user
* effects to be flushed.
* @param {import('#client').Effect} effect
* @param {import('#client').Effect[]} collected_effects
* @returns {void}
function process_effects(effect, collected_effects) {
var current_effect = effect.first;
var effects = [];
main_loop: while (current_effect !== null) {
var flags = current_effect.f;
// TODO: we probably don't need to check for destroyed as it shouldn't be encountered?
var is_active = (flags & (DESTROYED | INERT)) === 0;
var is_branch = flags & BRANCH_EFFECT;
var is_clean = (flags & CLEAN) !== 0;
var child = current_effect.first;
// Skip this branch if it's clean
if (is_active && (!is_branch || !is_clean)) {
if (is_branch) {
set_signal_status(current_effect, CLEAN);
if ((flags & RENDER_EFFECT) !== 0) {
if (!is_branch && check_dirtiness(current_effect)) {
// Child might have been mutated since running the effect
child = current_effect.first;
if (child !== null) {
current_effect = child;
} else if ((flags & EFFECT) !== 0) {
if (is_branch || is_clean) {
if (child !== null) {
current_effect = child;
} else {
var sibling = current_effect.next;
if (sibling === null) {
let parent = current_effect.parent;
while (parent !== null) {
if (effect === parent) {
break main_loop;
var parent_sibling = parent.next;
if (parent_sibling !== null) {
current_effect = parent_sibling;
continue main_loop;
parent = parent.parent;
current_effect = sibling;
// We might be dealing with many effects here, far more than can be spread into
// an array push call (callstack overflow). So let's deal with each effect in a loop.
for (var i = 0; i < effects.length; i++) {
child = effects[i];
process_effects(child, collected_effects);
* Internal version of `flushSync` with the option to not flush previous effects.
* Returns the result of the passed function, if given.
* @param {() => any} [fn]
* @param {boolean} [flush_previous]
* @returns {any}
export function flush_sync(fn, flush_previous = true) {
var previous_scheduler_mode = current_scheduler_mode;
var previous_queued_root_effects = current_queued_root_effects;
try {
/** @type {import('#client').Effect[]} */
const root_effects = [];
current_scheduler_mode = FLUSH_SYNC;
current_queued_root_effects = root_effects;
is_micro_task_queued = false;
if (flush_previous) {
var result = fn?.();
if (current_queued_root_effects.length > 0 || root_effects.length > 0) {
flush_count = 0;
return result;
} finally {
current_scheduler_mode = previous_scheduler_mode;
current_queued_root_effects = previous_queued_root_effects;
* Returns a promise that resolves once any pending state changes have been applied.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
export async function tick() {
await Promise.resolve();
// By calling flush_sync we guarantee that any pending state changes are applied after one tick.
// TODO look into whether we can make flushing subsequent updates synchronously in the future.
* @template V
* @param {import('#client').Value<V>} signal
* @returns {V}
export function get(signal) {
if (DEV && inspect_fn) {
var s = /** @type {import('#client').ValueDebug} */ (signal);
const flags = signal.f;
if ((flags & DESTROYED) !== 0) {
return signal.v;
if (is_signals_recorded) {
// Register the dependency on the current reaction signal.
if (
current_reaction !== null &&
(current_reaction.f & (BRANCH_EFFECT | ROOT_EFFECT)) === 0 &&
) {
const unowned = (current_reaction.f & UNOWNED) !== 0;
const dependencies = current_reaction.deps;
if (
current_dependencies === null &&
dependencies !== null &&
dependencies[current_dependencies_index] === signal &&
!(unowned && current_effect !== null)
) {
} else if (
dependencies === null ||
current_dependencies_index === 0 ||
dependencies[current_dependencies_index - 1] !== signal
) {
if (current_dependencies === null) {
current_dependencies = [signal];
} else if (current_dependencies[current_dependencies.length - 1] !== signal) {
if (
current_untracked_writes !== null &&
current_effect !== null &&
(current_effect.f & CLEAN) !== 0 &&
(current_effect.f & BRANCH_EFFECT) === 0 &&
) {
set_signal_status(current_effect, DIRTY);
if (
(flags & DERIVED) !== 0 &&
check_dirtiness(/** @type {import('#client').Derived} */ (signal))
) {
if (DEV) {
// we want to avoid tracking indirect dependencies
const previous_inspect_fn = inspect_fn;
update_derived(/** @type {import('#client').Derived} **/ (signal), false);
} else {
update_derived(/** @type {import('#client').Derived} **/ (signal), false);
return signal.v;
* Invokes a function and captures all signals that are read during the invocation,
* then invalidates them.
* @param {() => any} fn
export function invalidate_inner_signals(fn) {
var previous_is_signals_recorded = is_signals_recorded;
var previous_captured_signals = captured_signals;
is_signals_recorded = true;
captured_signals = new Set();
var captured = captured_signals;
var signal;
try {
} finally {
is_signals_recorded = previous_is_signals_recorded;
if (is_signals_recorded) {
for (signal of captured_signals) {
captured_signals = previous_captured_signals;
for (signal of captured) {
// Go one level up because derived signals created as part of props in legacy mode
if ((signal.f & LEGACY_DERIVED_PROP) !== 0) {
for (const dep of /** @type {import('#client').Derived} */ (signal).deps || []) {
if ((dep.f & DERIVED) === 0) {
mutate(dep, null /* doesnt matter */);
} else {
mutate(signal, null /* doesnt matter */);
* @param {import('#client').Value} signal
* @param {number} to_status should be DIRTY or MAYBE_DIRTY
* @param {boolean} force_schedule
* @returns {void}
export function mark_reactions(signal, to_status, force_schedule) {
var reactions = signal.reactions;
if (reactions === null) return;
var runes = is_runes();
var length = reactions.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var reaction = reactions[i];
var flags = reaction.f;
// We skip any effects that are already dirty. Additionally, we also
// skip if the reaction is the same as the current effect (except if we're not in runes or we
// are in force schedule mode).
if ((flags & DIRTY) !== 0 || ((!force_schedule || !runes) && reaction === current_effect)) {
set_signal_status(reaction, to_status);
// If the signal is not clean, then skip over it – with the exception of unowned signals that
// are already maybe dirty. Unowned signals might be dirty because they are not captured as part of an
// effect.
var maybe_dirty = (flags & MAYBE_DIRTY) !== 0;
var unowned = (flags & UNOWNED) !== 0;
if ((flags & CLEAN) !== 0 || (maybe_dirty && unowned)) {
if ((reaction.f & DERIVED) !== 0) {
/** @type {import('#client').Derived} */ (reaction),
} else {
schedule_effect(/** @type {import('#client').Effect} */ (reaction));
* Use `untrack` to prevent something from being treated as an `$effect`/`$derived` dependency.
* https://svelte-5-preview.vercel.app/docs/functions#untrack
* @template T
* @param {() => T} fn
* @returns {T}
export function untrack(fn) {
const previous_untracking = current_untracking;
try {
current_untracking = true;
return fn();
} finally {
current_untracking = previous_untracking;
* @param {import('#client').Signal} signal
* @param {number} status
* @returns {void}
export function set_signal_status(signal, status) {
signal.f = (signal.f & STATUS_MASK) | status;
* @template V
* @param {V | import('#client').Value<V>} val
* @returns {val is import('#client').Value<V>}
export function is_signal(val) {
return (
typeof val === 'object' &&
val !== null &&
typeof (/** @type {import('#client').Value<V>} */ (val).f) === 'number'
* Retrieves the context that belongs to the closest parent component with the specified `key`.
* Must be called during component initialisation.
* https://svelte.dev/docs/svelte#getcontext
* @template T
* @param {any} key
* @returns {T}
export function getContext(key) {
const context_map = get_or_init_context_map('getContext');
const result = /** @type {T} */ (context_map.get(key));
if (DEV) {
const fn = /** @type {import('#client').ComponentContext} */ (current_component_context)
if (fn) {
add_owner(result, fn, true);
return result;
* Associates an arbitrary `context` object with the current component and the specified `key`
* and returns that object. The context is then available to children of the component
* (including slotted content) with `getContext`.
* Like lifecycle functions, this must be called during component initialisation.
* https://svelte.dev/docs/svelte#setcontext
* @template T
* @param {any} key
* @param {T} context
* @returns {T}
export function setContext(key, context) {
const context_map = get_or_init_context_map('setContext');
context_map.set(key, context);
return context;
* Checks whether a given `key` has been set in the context of a parent component.
* Must be called during component initialisation.
* https://svelte.dev/docs/svelte#hascontext
* @param {any} key
* @returns {boolean}
export function hasContext(key) {
const context_map = get_or_init_context_map('hasContext');
return context_map.has(key);
* Retrieves the whole context map that belongs to the closest parent component.
* Must be called during component initialisation. Useful, for example, if you
* programmatically create a component and want to pass the existing context to it.
* https://svelte.dev/docs/svelte#getallcontexts
* @template {Map<any, any>} [T=Map<any, any>]
* @returns {T}
export function getAllContexts() {
const context_map = get_or_init_context_map('getAllContexts');
if (DEV) {
const fn = current_component_context?.function;
if (fn) {
for (const value of context_map.values()) {
add_owner(value, fn, true);
return /** @type {T} */ (context_map);
* @param {string} name
* @returns {Map<unknown, unknown>}
function get_or_init_context_map(name) {
if (current_component_context === null) {
return (current_component_context.c ??= new Map(
get_parent_context(current_component_context) || undefined
* @param {import('#client').ComponentContext} component_context
* @returns {Map<unknown, unknown> | null}
function get_parent_context(component_context) {
let parent = component_context.p;
while (parent !== null) {
const context_map = parent.c;
if (context_map !== null) {
return context_map;
parent = parent.p;
return null;
* @param {import('#client').Value<number>} signal
* @param {1 | -1} [d]
* @returns {number}
export function update(signal, d = 1) {
var value = +get(signal);
set(signal, value + d);
return value;
* @param {import('#client').Value<number>} signal
* @param {1 | -1} [d]
* @returns {number}
export function update_pre(signal, d = 1) {
return set(signal, +get(signal) + d);
* @param {Record<string, unknown>} obj
* @param {string[]} keys
* @returns {Record<string, unknown>}
export function exclude_from_object(obj, keys) {
obj = { ...obj };
let key;
for (key of keys) {
delete obj[key];
return obj;
* @template V
* @param {V} value
* @param {() => V} fallback lazy because could contain side effects
* @returns {V}
export function value_or_fallback(value, fallback) {
return value === undefined ? fallback() : value;
* @template V
* @param {V} value
* @param {() => Promise<V>} fallback lazy because could contain side effects
* @returns {Promise<V>}
export async function value_or_fallback_async(value, fallback) {
return value === undefined ? fallback() : value;
* @param {Record<string, unknown>} props
* @param {any} runes
* @param {Function} [fn]
* @returns {void}
export function push(props, runes = false, fn) {
current_component_context = {
p: current_component_context,
c: null,
e: null,
m: false,
s: props,
x: null,
l: null
if (!runes) {
current_component_context.l = {
s: null,
u: null,
r1: [],
r2: source(false)
if (DEV) {
// component function
current_component_context.function = fn;
dev_current_component_function = fn;
* @template {Record<string, any>} T
* @param {T} [component]
* @returns {T}
export function pop(component) {
const context_stack_item = current_component_context;
if (context_stack_item !== null) {
if (component !== undefined) {
context_stack_item.x = component;
const effects = context_stack_item.e;
if (effects !== null) {
context_stack_item.e = null;
for (var i = 0; i < effects.length; i++) {
current_component_context = context_stack_item.p;
if (DEV) {
dev_current_component_function = context_stack_item.p?.function ?? null;
context_stack_item.m = true;
// Micro-optimization: Don't set .a above to the empty object
// so it can be garbage-collected when the return here is unused
return component || /** @type {T} */ ({});
* Possibly traverse an object and read all its properties so that they're all reactive in case this is `$state`.
* Does only check first level of an object for performance reasons (heuristic should be good for 99% of all cases).
* @param {any} value
* @returns {void}
export function deep_read_state(value) {
if (typeof value !== 'object' || !value || value instanceof EventTarget) {
if (STATE_SYMBOL in value) {
} else if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
for (let key in value) {
const prop = value[key];
if (typeof prop === 'object' && prop && STATE_SYMBOL in prop) {
* Deeply traverse an object and read all its properties
* so that they're all reactive in case this is `$state`
* @param {any} value
* @param {Set<any>} visited
* @returns {void}
export function deep_read(value, visited = new Set()) {
if (
typeof value === 'object' &&
value !== null &&
// We don't want to traverse DOM elements
!(value instanceof EventTarget) &&
) {
// When working with a possible ReactiveDate, this
// will ensure we capture changes to it.
if (value instanceof Date) {
for (let key in value) {
try {
deep_read(value[key], visited);
} catch (e) {
// continue
const proto = get_prototype_of(value);
if (
proto !== Object.prototype &&
proto !== Array.prototype &&
proto !== Map.prototype &&
proto !== Set.prototype &&
proto !== Date.prototype
) {
const descriptors = get_descriptors(proto);
for (let key in descriptors) {
const get = descriptors[key].get;
if (get) {
try {
} catch (e) {
// continue
* @template V
* @param {V | import('#client').Value<V>} value
* @returns {V}
export function unwrap(value) {
if (is_signal(value)) {
// @ts-ignore
return get(value);
// @ts-ignore
return value;
if (DEV) {
* @param {string} rune
function throw_rune_error(rune) {
if (!(rune in globalThis)) {
// TODO if people start adjusting the "this can contain runes" config through v-p-s more, adjust this message
/** @type {any} */
let value; // let's hope noone modifies this global, but belts and braces
Object.defineProperty(globalThis, rune, {
configurable: true,
// eslint-disable-next-line getter-return
get: () => {
if (value !== undefined) {
return value;
set: (v) => {
value = v;
* Expects a value that was wrapped with `freeze` and makes it frozen in DEV.
* @template T
* @param {T} value
* @returns {Readonly<T>}
export function freeze(value) {
if (
typeof value === 'object' &&
value != null &&
!is_frozen(value) &&
) {
// If the object is already proxified, then snapshot the value
if (STATE_SYMBOL in value) {
value = snapshot(value);
define_property(value, STATE_FROZEN_SYMBOL, {
value: true,
writable: true,
enumerable: false
// Freeze the object in DEV
if (DEV) {
return value;