mirror of https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte
84 lines
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84 lines
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/* generated by Svelte vX.Y.Z */
import { SvelteComponentDev, addLoc, append, createElement, createText, detachNode, flush, init, insert, noop, safe_not_equal, setData } from "svelte/internal";
const file = undefined;
function create_fragment(ctx) {
var h1, text0, text1, text2, text3;
return {
c: function create() {
h1 = createElement("h1");
text0 = createText("Hello ");
text1 = createText(ctx.name);
text2 = createText("!");
text3 = createText("\n");
addLoc(h1, file, 4, 0, 38);
l: function claim(nodes) {
throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
m: function mount(target, anchor) {
insert(target, h1, anchor);
append(h1, text0);
append(h1, text1);
append(h1, text2);
insert(target, text3, anchor);
p: function update(changed, ctx) {
if (changed.name) {
setData(text1, ctx.name);
i: noop,
o: noop,
d: function destroy(detach) {
if (detach) {
function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
let { name } = $$props;
$$self.$set = $$props => {
if ('name' in $$props) $$invalidate('name', name = $$props.name);
return { name };
class SvelteComponent extends SvelteComponentDev {
constructor(options) {
init(this, options, instance, create_fragment, safe_not_equal);
const { ctx } = this.$$;
const props = options.props || {};
if (ctx.name === undefined && !('name' in props)) {
console.warn("<SvelteComponent> was created without expected prop 'name'");
get name() {
return this.$$.ctx.name;
set name(name) {
this.$set({ name });
export default SvelteComponent; |