mirror of https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte
416 lines
11 KiB
416 lines
11 KiB
import MagicString from 'magic-string';
import { walk } from 'estree-walker';
import deindent from './utils/deindent.js';
import isReference from './utils/isReference.js';
import counter from './utils/counter.js';
import flattenReference from './utils/flattenReference.js';
import visitors from './visitors/index.js';
import processCss from './css/process.js';
export default function generate ( parsed, source, options = {} ) {
const renderers = [];
const generator = {
addRenderer ( fragment ) {
if ( fragment.autofocus ) {
fragment.initStatements.push( `${fragment.autofocus}.focus();` );
renderers.push( deindent`
function ${fragment.name} ( component, target${fragment.useAnchor ? ', anchor' : ''} ) {
${fragment.initStatements.join( '\n\n' )}
return {
update: function ( ${fragment.contextChain.join( ', ' )} ) {
${fragment.updateStatements.join( '\n\n' )}
teardown: function () {
${fragment.teardownStatements.join( '\n\n' )}
` );
addSourcemapLocations ( node ) {
walk( node, {
enter ( node ) {
generator.code.addSourcemapLocation( node.start );
generator.code.addSourcemapLocation( node.end );
code: new MagicString( source ),
components: {},
contextualise ( expression, isEventHandler ) {
const usedContexts = [];
const contexts = generator.current.contexts;
const indexes = generator.current.indexes;
walk( expression, {
enter ( node, parent ) {
if ( isReference( node, parent ) ) {
const { name } = flattenReference( node );
if ( parent && parent.type === 'CallExpression' && node === parent.callee ) {
if ( generator.helpers[ name ] ) generator.code.insertRight( node.start, `template.helpers.` );
if ( name === 'event' && isEventHandler ) {
if ( contexts[ name ] ) {
if ( !~usedContexts.indexOf( name ) ) usedContexts.push( name );
} else if ( indexes[ name ] ) {
const context = indexes[ name ];
if ( !~usedContexts.indexOf( context ) ) usedContexts.push( context );
} else {
generator.code.insertRight( node.start, `root.` );
if ( !~usedContexts.indexOf( 'root' ) ) usedContexts.push( 'root' );
return usedContexts;
// TODO use getName instead of counters
counters: {
if: 0,
each: 0
events: {},
getName: counter(),
cssId: parsed.css ? `svelte-${parsed.hash}` : '',
helpers: {},
pop () {
const tail = generator.current;
generator.current = tail.parent;
return tail;
push ( fragment ) {
const newFragment = Object.assign( {}, generator.current, fragment, {
parent: generator.current
generator.current = newFragment;
usesRefs: false,
visit ( node ) {
const visitor = visitors[ node.type ];
if ( !visitor ) throw new Error( `Not implemented: ${node.type}` );
if ( visitor.enter ) visitor.enter( generator, node );
if ( node.children ) {
node.children.forEach( child => {
generator.visit( child );
if ( visitor.leave ) visitor.leave( generator, node );
const templateProperties = {};
const imports = [];
if ( parsed.js ) {
generator.addSourcemapLocations( parsed.js.content );
// imports need to be hoisted out of the IIFE
for ( let i = 0; i < parsed.js.content.body.length; i += 1 ) {
const node = parsed.js.content.body[i];
if ( node.type === 'ImportDeclaration' ) {
let a = node.start;
let b = node.end;
while ( /[ \t]/.test( source[ a - 1 ] ) ) a -= 1;
while ( source[b] === '\n' ) b += 1;
imports.push( source.slice( a, b ).replace( /^\s/, '' ) );
generator.code.remove( a, b );
const defaultExport = parsed.js.content.body.find( node => node.type === 'ExportDefaultDeclaration' );
if ( defaultExport ) {
const finalNode = parsed.js.content.body[ parsed.js.content.body.length - 1 ];
if ( defaultExport === finalNode ) {
// export is last property, we can just return it
generator.code.overwrite( defaultExport.start, defaultExport.declaration.start, `return ` );
} else {
// TODO ensure `template` isn't already declared
generator.code.overwrite( defaultExport.start, defaultExport.declaration.start, `var template = ` );
let i = defaultExport.start;
while ( /\s/.test( source[ i - 1 ] ) ) i--;
const indentation = source.slice( i, defaultExport.start );
generator.code.insertLeft( finalNode.end, `\n\n${indentation}return template;` );
defaultExport.declaration.properties.forEach( prop => {
templateProperties[ prop.key.name ] = prop.value;
generator.code.insertRight( parsed.js.content.start, 'var template = (function () {' );
} else {
generator.code.insertRight( parsed.js.content.start, '(function () {' );
generator.code.insertLeft( parsed.js.content.end, '}());' );
[ 'helpers', 'events', 'components' ].forEach( key => {
if ( templateProperties[ key ] ) {
templateProperties[ key ].properties.forEach( prop => {
generator[ key ][ prop.key.name ] = prop.value;
useAnchor: false,
name: 'renderMainFragment',
namespace: null,
target: 'target',
elementDepth: 0,
initStatements: [],
updateStatements: [],
teardownStatements: [],
contexts: {},
indexes: {},
contextChain: [ 'root' ],
indexNames: {},
listNames: {},
counter: counter()
parsed.html.children.forEach( generator.visit );
generator.addRenderer( generator.pop() );
const setStatements = [ deindent`
const oldState = state;
state = Object.assign( {}, oldState, newState );
` ];
if ( templateProperties.computed ) {
const dependencies = new Map();
templateProperties.computed.properties.forEach( prop => {
const key = prop.key.name;
const value = prop.value;
const deps = value.params.map( param => param.name );
dependencies.set( key, deps );
const visited = new Set();
function visit ( key ) {
if ( !dependencies.has( key ) ) return; // not a computation
if ( visited.has( key ) ) return;
visited.add( key );
const deps = dependencies.get( key );
deps.forEach( visit );
setStatements.push( deindent`
if ( ${deps.map( dep => `( '${dep}' in newState && typeof state.${dep} === 'object' || state.${dep} !== oldState.${dep} )` ).join( ' || ' )} ) {
state.${key} = newState.${key} = template.computed.${key}( ${deps.map( dep => `state.${dep}` ).join( ', ' )} );
` );
templateProperties.computed.properties.forEach( prop => visit( prop.key.name ) );
setStatements.push( deindent`
dispatchObservers( observers.immediate, newState, oldState );
mainFragment.update( state );
dispatchObservers( observers.deferred, newState, oldState );
` );
const constructorName = options.name || 'SvelteComponent';
const topLevelStatements = [];
if ( parsed.js ) {
if ( imports.length ) {
topLevelStatements.push( imports.join( '' ).trim() );
topLevelStatements.push( `[✂${parsed.js.content.start}-${parsed.js.content.end}✂]` );
if ( parsed.css ) {
topLevelStatements.push( processCss( parsed ) );
topLevelStatements.push( ...renderers.reverse() );
topLevelStatements.push( deindent`
export default function ${constructorName} ( options ) {
var component = this;${generator.usesRefs ? `\nthis.refs = {}` : ``}
var state = {};
var observers = {
immediate: Object.create( null ),
deferred: Object.create( null )
var callbacks = Object.create( null );
function dispatchObservers ( group, newState, oldState ) {
for ( const key in group ) {
if ( !( key in newState ) ) continue;
const newValue = newState[ key ];
const oldValue = oldState[ key ];
if ( newValue === oldValue && typeof newValue !== 'object' ) continue;
const callbacks = group[ key ];
if ( !callbacks ) continue;
for ( let i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i += 1 ) {
callbacks[i].call( component, newValue, oldValue );
this.fire = function fire ( eventName, data ) {
var handlers = eventName in callbacks && callbacks[ eventName ].slice();
if ( !handlers ) return;
for ( var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i += 1 ) {
handlers[i].call( this, data );
this.get = function get ( key ) {
return state[ key ];
this.set = function set ( newState ) {
${setStatements.join( '\n\n' )}
this.observe = function ( key, callback, options = {} ) {
const group = options.defer ? observers.deferred : observers.immediate;
( group[ key ] || ( group[ key ] = [] ) ).push( callback );
if ( options.init !== false ) callback( state[ key ] );
return {
cancel () {
const index = group[ key ].indexOf( callback );
if ( ~index ) group[ key ].splice( index, 1 );
this.on = function on ( eventName, handler ) {
const handlers = callbacks[ eventName ] || ( callbacks[ eventName ] = [] );
handlers.push( handler );
return {
cancel: function () {
const index = handlers.indexOf( handler );
if ( ~index ) handlers.splice( index, 1 );
this.teardown = function teardown () {
mainFragment = null;
state = {};
this.fire( 'teardown' );${templateProperties.onteardown ? `\ntemplate.onteardown.call( this );` : ``}
${parsed.css ? `if ( !addedCss ) addCss();` : ''}
let mainFragment = renderMainFragment( this, options.target );
this.set( ${templateProperties.data ? `Object.assign( template.data(), options.data )` : `options.data`} );
${templateProperties.onrender ? `template.onrender.call( this );` : ``}
` );
if ( templateProperties.methods ) {
topLevelStatements.push( `${constructorName}.prototype = template.methods;` );
const result = topLevelStatements.join( '\n\n' );
const pattern = /\[✂(\d+)-(\d+)$/;
const parts = result.split( '✂]' );
const finalChunk = parts.pop();
const sortedByResult = parts.map( ( str, index ) => {
const match = pattern.exec( str );
return {
chunk: str.replace( pattern, '' ),
start: +match[1],
end: +match[2]
const sortedBySource = sortedByResult
.sort( ( a, b ) => a.start - b.start );
let c = 0;
sortedBySource.forEach( part => {
generator.code.remove( c, part.start );
generator.code.insertRight( part.start, part.chunk );
c = part.end;
generator.code.remove( c, source.length );
generator.code.append( finalChunk );
sortedByResult.forEach( part => {
generator.code.move( part.start, part.end, 0 );
return {
code: generator.code.toString(),
map: generator.code.generateMap()