You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

109 lines
2.9 KiB

import assert from "assert";
import * as fs from "fs";
import { env, normalizeHtml, svelte } from "../helpers.js";
function tryRequire(file) {
try {
const mod = require(file);
return mod.default || mod;
} catch (err) {
if (err.code !== "MODULE_NOT_FOUND") throw err;
return null;
function normalizeWarning(warning) {
warning.frame = warning.frame.replace(/^\n/, '').replace(/^\t+/gm, '');
delete warning.filename;
delete warning.toString;
return warning;
describe("css", () => {
fs.readdirSync("test/css/samples").forEach(dir => {
if (dir[0] === ".") return;
// add .solo to a sample directory name to only run that test
const solo = /\.solo/.test(dir);
if (solo && process.env.CI) {
throw new Error("Forgot to remove `solo: true` from test");
(solo ? it.only : it)(dir, () => {
const config = tryRequire(`./samples/${dir}/_config.js`) || {};
const input = fs
.readFileSync(`test/css/samples/${dir}/input.html`, "utf-8")
.replace(/\s+$/, "");
const expectedWarnings = (config.warnings || []).map(normalizeWarning);
const domWarnings = [];
const ssrWarnings = [];
const dom = svelte.compile(input, Object.assign(config, {
format: 'iife',
name: 'SvelteComponent',
onwarn: warning => {
const ssr = svelte.compile(input, Object.assign(config, {
format: 'iife',
generate: 'ssr',
name: 'SvelteComponent',
onwarn: warning => {
assert.equal(dom.css, ssr.css);
assert.deepEqual(, expectedWarnings);
fs.writeFileSync(`test/css/samples/${dir}/_actual.css`, dom.css);
const expected = {
html: read(`test/css/samples/${dir}/expected.html`),
css: read(`test/css/samples/${dir}/expected.css`)
assert.equal(dom.css.replace(/svelte-\d+/g, 'svelte-xyz').trim(), expected.css.trim());
// verify that the right elements have scoping selectors
if (expected.html !== null) {
return env().then(window => {
const Component = eval(`(function () { ${dom.code}; return SvelteComponent; }())`);
const target = window.document.querySelector("main");
new Component({ target, data: });
const html = target.innerHTML;
fs.writeFileSync(`test/css/samples/${dir}/_actual.html`, html);
// dom
normalizeHtml(window, html).replace(/svelte-\d+/g, 'svelte-xyz'),
normalizeHtml(window, expected.html)
// ssr
const component = eval(`(function () { ${ssr.code}; return SvelteComponent; }())`);
normalizeHtml(window, component.render(\d+/g, 'svelte-xyz'),
normalizeHtml(window, expected.html)
function read(file) {
try {
return fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf-8');
} catch(err) {
return null;