mirror of https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte
226 lines
5.7 KiB
226 lines
5.7 KiB
import assert from "assert";
import chalk from 'chalk';
import * as path from "path";
import * as fs from "fs";
import * as acorn from "acorn";
import { transitionManager } from "../../shared.js";
import {
} from "../helpers.js";
let svelte$;
let svelte;
let compileOptions = null;
let compile = null;
function getName(filename) {
const base = path.basename(filename).replace(".html", "");
return base[0].toUpperCase() + base.slice(1);
describe.only("runtime", () => {
before(() => {
svelte = loadSvelte(false);
svelte$ = loadSvelte(true);
require.extensions[".html"] = function(module, filename) {
const options = Object.assign(
{ filename, name: getName(filename), format: 'cjs' },
const { js } = compile(fs.readFileSync(filename, "utf-8"), options);
return module._compile(js.code, filename);
return setupHtmlEqual();
const failed = new Set();
function runTest(dir, shared, hydrate) {
if (dir[0] === ".") return;
const config = loadConfig(`./runtime/samples/${dir}/_config.js`);
if (config.solo && process.env.CI) {
throw new Error("Forgot to remove `solo: true` from test");
(config.skip ? it.skip : config.solo ? it.only : it)(`${dir} (${shared ? 'shared' : 'inline'} helpers${hydrate ? ', hydration' : ''})`, () => {
if (failed.has(dir)) {
// this makes debugging easier, by only printing compiled output once
throw new Error('skipping test, already failed');
compile = (config.preserveIdentifiers ? svelte : svelte$).compile;
const cwd = path.resolve(`test/runtime/samples/${dir}`);
global.document.title = '';
compileOptions = config.compileOptions || {};
compileOptions.shared = shared;
compileOptions.hydratable = hydrate;
compileOptions.dev = config.dev;
compileOptions.store = !!config.store;
compileOptions.immutable = config.immutable;
.filter(x => x.endsWith(".html"))
.forEach(file => {
delete require.cache[file];
let SvelteComponent;
let unintendedError = null;
const window = env();
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => {
// set of hacks to support transition tests
transitionManager.running = false;
transitionManager.transitions = [];
const raf = {
time: 0,
callback: null,
tick: now => {
raf.time = now;
if (raf.callback) raf.callback();
window.performance.now = () => raf.time;
global.requestAnimationFrame = cb => {
let called = false;
raf.callback = () => {
if (!called) {
called = true;
try {
SvelteComponent = require(`./samples/${dir}/main.html`);
} catch (err) {
showOutput(cwd, { shared, format: 'cjs', hydratable: hydrate, store: !!compileOptions.store }, compile); // eslint-disable-line no-console
throw err;
global.window = window;
// Put the constructor on window for testing
window.SvelteComponent = SvelteComponent;
const target = window.document.querySelector("main");
const warnings = [];
const warn = console.warn;
console.warn = warning => {
const options = Object.assign({}, {
data: config.data,
store: (config.store !== true && config.store)
}, config.options || {});
const component = new SvelteComponent(options);
console.warn = warn;
if (config.error) {
unintendedError = true;
throw new Error("Expected a runtime error");
if (config.warnings) {
assert.deepEqual(warnings, config.warnings);
} else if (warnings.length) {
unintendedError = true;
throw new Error("Received unexpected warnings");
if (config.html) {
assert.htmlEqual(target.innerHTML, config.html);
if (config.test) {
return Promise.resolve(config.test(assert, component, target, window, raf)).then(() => {
} else {
assert.equal(target.innerHTML, "");
.catch(err => {
if (config.error && !unintendedError) {
config.error(assert, err);
} else {
showOutput(cwd, { shared, format: 'cjs', hydratable: hydrate, store: !!compileOptions.store }, compile); // eslint-disable-line no-console
throw err;
.then(() => {
if (config.show) showOutput(cwd, { shared, format: 'cjs', hydratable: hydrate, store: !!compileOptions.store }, compile);
const shared = path.resolve("shared.js");
fs.readdirSync("test/runtime/samples").forEach(dir => {
runTest(dir, shared, false);
runTest(dir, shared, true);
runTest(dir, null, false);
it("fails if options.target is missing in dev mode", () => {
const { js } = svelte$.compile(`<div></div>`, {
format: "iife",
name: "SvelteComponent",
dev: true
const SvelteComponent = eval(
`(function () { ${js.code}; return SvelteComponent; }())`
assert.throws(() => {
new SvelteComponent();
}, /'target' is a required option/);
it("fails if options.hydrate is true but the component is non-hydratable", () => {
const { js } = svelte$.compile(`<div></div>`, {
format: "iife",
name: "SvelteComponent",
dev: true
const SvelteComponent = eval(
`(function () { ${js.code}; return SvelteComponent; }())`
assert.throws(() => {
new SvelteComponent({
target: {},
hydrate: true
}, /options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option/);