import deindent from '../../utils/deindent';
import { stringify } from '../../utils/stringify';
import fixAttributeCasing from '../../utils/fixAttributeCasing';
import getExpressionPrecedence from '../../utils/getExpressionPrecedence';
import addToSet from '../../utils/addToSet';
import { DomGenerator } from '../dom/index';
import Node from './shared/Node';
import Element from './Element';
import Block from '../dom/Block';
import Expression from './shared/Expression';
export interface StyleProp {
key: string;
value: Node[];
export default class Attribute extends Node {
type: 'Attribute';
start: number;
end: number;
compiler: DomGenerator;
parent: Element;
name: string;
isTrue: boolean;
isDynamic: boolean;
chunks: Node[];
dependencies: Set<string>;
expression: Node;
constructor(compiler, parent, info) {
super(compiler, parent, info);
this.name = info.name;
this.isTrue = info.value === true;
this.dependencies = new Set();
this.chunks = this.isTrue
? []
: info.value.map(node => {
if (node.type === 'Text') return node;
const expression = new Expression(compiler, this, node.expression);
addToSet(this.dependencies, expression.dependencies);
return expression;
this.isDynamic = this.dependencies.size > 0;
render(block: Block) {
const node = this.parent;
const name = fixAttributeCasing(this.name);
if (name === 'style') {
const styleProps = optimizeStyle(this.chunks);
if (styleProps) {
this.renderStyle(block, styleProps);
let metadata = node.namespace ? null : attributeLookup[name];
if (metadata && metadata.appliesTo && !~metadata.appliesTo.indexOf(node.name))
metadata = null;
const isIndirectlyBoundValue =
name === 'value' &&
(node.name === 'option' || // TODO check it's actually bound
(node.name === 'input' &&
(attribute: Attribute) =>
attribute.type === 'Binding' && /checked|group/.test(attribute.name)
const propertyName = isIndirectlyBoundValue
? '__value'
: metadata && metadata.propertyName;
// xlink is a special case... we could maybe extend this to generic
// namespaced attributes but I'm not sure that's applicable in
// HTML5?
const method = name.slice(0, 6) === 'xlink:'
? '@setXlinkAttribute'
: '@setAttribute';
const isLegacyInputType = this.compiler.legacy && name === 'type' && this.parent.name === 'input';
const isDataSet = /^data-/.test(name) && !this.compiler.legacy && !node.namespace;
const camelCaseName = isDataSet ? name.replace('data-', '').replace(/(-\w)/g, function (m) {
return m[1].toUpperCase();
}) : name;
if (this.isDynamic) {
let value;
const allDependencies = new Set();
let shouldCache;
let hasChangeableIndex;
// TODO some of this code is repeated in Tag.ts — would be good to
// DRY it out if that's possible without introducing crazy indirection
if (this.chunks.length === 1) {
// single {tag} — may be a non-string
const expression = this.chunks[0];
const { dependencies, snippet, indexes } = expression;
value = snippet;
dependencies.forEach(d => {
hasChangeableIndex = Array.from(indexes).some(index => block.changeableIndexes.get(index));
shouldCache = (
expression.type !== 'Identifier' ||
block.contexts.has(expression.name) ||
} else {
// '{{foo}} {{bar}}' — treat as string concatenation
value =
(this.chunks[0].type === 'Text' ? '' : `"" + `) +
.map((chunk: Node) => {
if (chunk.type === 'Text') {
return stringify(chunk.data);
} else {
const { dependencies, snippet, indexes } = chunk;
if (Array.from(indexes).some(index => block.changeableIndexes.get(index))) {
hasChangeableIndex = true;
dependencies.forEach(d => {
return getExpressionPrecedence(chunk) <= 13 ? `(${snippet})` : snippet;
.join(' + ');
shouldCache = true;
const isSelectValueAttribute =
name === 'value' && node.name === 'select';
const last = (shouldCache || isSelectValueAttribute) && block.getUniqueName(
`${node.var}_${name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z_$]/g, '_')}_value`
if (shouldCache || isSelectValueAttribute) block.addVariable(last);
let updater;
const init = shouldCache ? `${last} = ${value}` : value;
if (isLegacyInputType) {
`@setInputType(${node.var}, ${init});`
updater = `@setInputType(${node.var}, ${shouldCache ? last : value});`;
} else if (isSelectValueAttribute) {
// annoying special case
const isMultipleSelect = node.getStaticAttributeValue('multiple');
const i = block.getUniqueName('i');
const option = block.getUniqueName('option');
const ifStatement = isMultipleSelect
? deindent`
${option}.selected = ~${last}.indexOf(${option}.__value);`
: deindent`
if (${option}.__value === ${last}) {
${option}.selected = true;
updater = deindent`
for (var ${i} = 0; ${i} < ${node.var}.options.length; ${i} += 1) {
var ${option} = ${node.var}.options[${i}];
${last} = ${value};
block.builders.update.addLine(`${last} = ${value};`);
} else if (propertyName) {
`${node.var}.${propertyName} = ${init};`
updater = `${node.var}.${propertyName} = ${shouldCache ? last : value};`;
} else if (isDataSet) {
`${node.var}.dataset.${camelCaseName} = ${init};`
updater = `${node.var}.dataset.${camelCaseName} = ${shouldCache ? last : value};`;
} else {
`${method}(${node.var}, "${name}", ${init});`
updater = `${method}(${node.var}, "${name}", ${shouldCache ? last : value});`;
if (allDependencies.size || hasChangeableIndex || isSelectValueAttribute) {
const dependencies = Array.from(allDependencies);
const changedCheck = (
( block.hasOutroMethod ? `#outroing || ` : '' ) +
dependencies.map(dependency => `changed.${dependency}`).join(' || ')
const updateCachedValue = `${last} !== (${last} = ${value})`;
const condition = shouldCache ?
( dependencies.length ? `(${changedCheck}) && ${updateCachedValue}` : updateCachedValue ) :
} else {
const value = this.isTrue
? 'true'
: this.chunks.length === 0 ? `""` : stringify(this.chunks[0].data);
const statement = (
? `@setInputType(${node.var}, ${value});`
: propertyName
? `${node.var}.${propertyName} = ${value};`
: isDataSet
? `${node.var}.dataset.${camelCaseName} = ${value};`
: `${method}(${node.var}, "${name}", ${value});`
// special case – autofocus. has to be handled in a bit of a weird way
if (this.value === true && name === 'autofocus') {
block.autofocus = node.var;
if (isIndirectlyBoundValue) {
const updateValue = `${node.var}.value = ${node.var}.__value;`;
if (this.isDynamic) block.builders.update.addLine(updateValue);
block: Block,
styleProps: StyleProp[]
) {
styleProps.forEach((prop: StyleProp) => {
let value;
if (isDynamic(prop.value)) {
const allDependencies = new Set();
let shouldCache;
let hasChangeableIndex;
value =
((prop.value.length === 1 || prop.value[0].type === 'Text') ? '' : `"" + `) +
.map((chunk: Node) => {
if (chunk.type === 'Text') {
return stringify(chunk.data);
} else {
const { dependencies, snippet, indexes } = chunk;
if (Array.from(indexes).some(index => block.changeableIndexes.get(index))) {
hasChangeableIndex = true;
dependencies.forEach(d => {
return getExpressionPrecedence(chunk.expression) <= 13 ? `( ${snippet} )` : snippet;
.join(' + ');
if (allDependencies.size || hasChangeableIndex) {
const dependencies = Array.from(allDependencies);
const condition = (
( block.hasOutroMethod ? `#outroing || ` : '' ) +
dependencies.map(dependency => `changed.${dependency}`).join(' || ')
`@setStyle(${this.parent.var}, "${prop.key}", ${value});`
} else {
value = stringify(prop.value[0].data);
`@setStyle(${this.parent.var}, "${prop.key}", ${value});`
// source: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes
const attributeLookup = {
accept: { appliesTo: ['form', 'input'] },
'accept-charset': { propertyName: 'acceptCharset', appliesTo: ['form'] },
accesskey: { propertyName: 'accessKey' },
action: { appliesTo: ['form'] },
align: {
appliesTo: [
allowfullscreen: { propertyName: 'allowFullscreen', appliesTo: ['iframe'] },
alt: { appliesTo: ['applet', 'area', 'img', 'input'] },
async: { appliesTo: ['script'] },
autocomplete: { appliesTo: ['form', 'input'] },
autofocus: { appliesTo: ['button', 'input', 'keygen', 'select', 'textarea'] },
autoplay: { appliesTo: ['audio', 'video'] },
autosave: { appliesTo: ['input'] },
bgcolor: {
propertyName: 'bgColor',
appliesTo: [
border: { appliesTo: ['img', 'object', 'table'] },
buffered: { appliesTo: ['audio', 'video'] },
challenge: { appliesTo: ['keygen'] },
charset: { appliesTo: ['meta', 'script'] },
checked: { appliesTo: ['command', 'input'] },
cite: { appliesTo: ['blockquote', 'del', 'ins', 'q'] },
class: { propertyName: 'className' },
code: { appliesTo: ['applet'] },
codebase: { propertyName: 'codeBase', appliesTo: ['applet'] },
color: { appliesTo: ['basefont', 'font', 'hr'] },
cols: { appliesTo: ['textarea'] },
colspan: { propertyName: 'colSpan', appliesTo: ['td', 'th'] },
content: { appliesTo: ['meta'] },
contenteditable: { propertyName: 'contentEditable' },
contextmenu: {},
controls: { appliesTo: ['audio', 'video'] },
coords: { appliesTo: ['area'] },
data: { appliesTo: ['object'] },
datetime: { propertyName: 'dateTime', appliesTo: ['del', 'ins', 'time'] },
default: { appliesTo: ['track'] },
defer: { appliesTo: ['script'] },
dir: {},
dirname: { propertyName: 'dirName', appliesTo: ['input', 'textarea'] },
disabled: {
appliesTo: [
download: { appliesTo: ['a', 'area'] },
draggable: {},
dropzone: {},
enctype: { appliesTo: ['form'] },
for: { propertyName: 'htmlFor', appliesTo: ['label', 'output'] },
form: {
appliesTo: [
formaction: { appliesTo: ['input', 'button'] },
headers: { appliesTo: ['td', 'th'] },
height: {
appliesTo: ['canvas', 'embed', 'iframe', 'img', 'input', 'object', 'video'],
hidden: {},
high: { appliesTo: ['meter'] },
href: { appliesTo: ['a', 'area', 'base', 'link'] },
hreflang: { appliesTo: ['a', 'area', 'link'] },
'http-equiv': { propertyName: 'httpEquiv', appliesTo: ['meta'] },
icon: { appliesTo: ['command'] },
id: {},
indeterminate: { appliesTo: ['input'] },
ismap: { propertyName: 'isMap', appliesTo: ['img'] },
itemprop: {},
keytype: { appliesTo: ['keygen'] },
kind: { appliesTo: ['track'] },
label: { appliesTo: ['track'] },
lang: {},
language: { appliesTo: ['script'] },
loop: { appliesTo: ['audio', 'bgsound', 'marquee', 'video'] },
low: { appliesTo: ['meter'] },
manifest: { appliesTo: ['html'] },
max: { appliesTo: ['input', 'meter', 'progress'] },
maxlength: { propertyName: 'maxLength', appliesTo: ['input', 'textarea'] },
media: { appliesTo: ['a', 'area', 'link', 'source', 'style'] },
method: { appliesTo: ['form'] },
min: { appliesTo: ['input', 'meter'] },
multiple: { appliesTo: ['input', 'select'] },
muted: { appliesTo: ['audio', 'video'] },
name: {
appliesTo: [
novalidate: { propertyName: 'noValidate', appliesTo: ['form'] },
open: { appliesTo: ['details'] },
optimum: { appliesTo: ['meter'] },
pattern: { appliesTo: ['input'] },
ping: { appliesTo: ['a', 'area'] },
placeholder: { appliesTo: ['input', 'textarea'] },
poster: { appliesTo: ['video'] },
preload: { appliesTo: ['audio', 'video'] },
radiogroup: { appliesTo: ['command'] },
readonly: { propertyName: 'readOnly', appliesTo: ['input', 'textarea'] },
rel: { appliesTo: ['a', 'area', 'link'] },
required: { appliesTo: ['input', 'select', 'textarea'] },
reversed: { appliesTo: ['ol'] },
rows: { appliesTo: ['textarea'] },
rowspan: { propertyName: 'rowSpan', appliesTo: ['td', 'th'] },
sandbox: { appliesTo: ['iframe'] },
scope: { appliesTo: ['th'] },
scoped: { appliesTo: ['style'] },
seamless: { appliesTo: ['iframe'] },
selected: { appliesTo: ['option'] },
shape: { appliesTo: ['a', 'area'] },
size: { appliesTo: ['input', 'select'] },
sizes: { appliesTo: ['link', 'img', 'source'] },
span: { appliesTo: ['col', 'colgroup'] },
spellcheck: {},
src: {
appliesTo: [
srcdoc: { appliesTo: ['iframe'] },
srclang: { appliesTo: ['track'] },
srcset: { appliesTo: ['img'] },
start: { appliesTo: ['ol'] },
step: { appliesTo: ['input'] },
style: { propertyName: 'style.cssText' },
summary: { appliesTo: ['table'] },
tabindex: { propertyName: 'tabIndex' },
target: { appliesTo: ['a', 'area', 'base', 'form'] },
title: {},
type: {
appliesTo: [
usemap: { propertyName: 'useMap', appliesTo: ['img', 'input', 'object'] },
value: {
appliesTo: [
volume: { appliesTo: ['audio', 'video'] },
width: {
appliesTo: ['canvas', 'embed', 'iframe', 'img', 'input', 'object', 'video'],
wrap: { appliesTo: ['textarea'] },
Object.keys(attributeLookup).forEach(name => {
const metadata = attributeLookup[name];
if (!metadata.propertyName) metadata.propertyName = name;
function optimizeStyle(value: Node[]) {
let expectingKey = true;
let i = 0;
const props: { key: string, value: Node[] }[] = [];
let chunks = value.slice();
while (chunks.length) {
const chunk = chunks[0];
if (chunk.type !== 'Text') return null;
const keyMatch = /^\s*([\w-]+):\s*/.exec(chunk.data);
if (!keyMatch) return null;
const key = keyMatch[1];
const offset = keyMatch.index + keyMatch[0].length;
const remainingData = chunk.data.slice(offset);
if (remainingData) {
chunks[0] = {
start: chunk.start + offset,
end: chunk.end,
type: 'Text',
data: remainingData
} else {
const result = getStyleValue(chunks);
if (!result) return null;
props.push({ key, value: result.value });
chunks = result.chunks;
return props;
function getStyleValue(chunks: Node[]) {
const value: Node[] = [];
let inUrl = false;
let quoteMark = null;
let escaped = false;
while (chunks.length) {
const chunk = chunks.shift();
if (chunk.type === 'Text') {
let c = 0;
while (c < chunk.data.length) {
const char = chunk.data[c];
if (escaped) {
escaped = false;
} else if (char === '\\') {
escaped = true;
} else if (char === quoteMark) {
quoteMark === null;
} else if (char === '"' || char === "'") {
quoteMark = char;
} else if (char === ')' && inUrl) {
inUrl = false;
} else if (char === 'u' && chunk.data.slice(c, c + 4) === 'url(') {
inUrl = true;
} else if (char === ';' && !inUrl && !quoteMark) {
c += 1;
if (c > 0) {
type: 'Text',
start: chunk.start,
end: chunk.start + c,
data: chunk.data.slice(0, c)
while (/[;\s]/.test(chunk.data[c])) c += 1;
const remainingData = chunk.data.slice(c);
if (remainingData) {
start: chunk.start + c,
end: chunk.end,
type: 'Text',
data: remainingData
else {
return {
function isDynamic(value: Node[]) {
return value.length > 1 || value[0].type !== 'Text';