mirror of https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte
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149 lines
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149 lines
3.5 KiB
import fs from 'fs';
import replace from '@rollup/plugin-replace';
import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve';
import commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs';
import json from '@rollup/plugin-json';
import sucrase from '@rollup/plugin-sucrase';
import typescript from '@rollup/plugin-typescript';
import pkg from './package.json';
const is_publish = !!process.env.PUBLISH;
const ts_plugin = is_publish
? typescript({
include: 'src/**',
typescript: require('typescript')
: sucrase({
transforms: ['typescript']
const external = id => id.startsWith('svelte/');
fs.writeFileSync(`./compiler.d.ts`, `export { compile, parse, preprocess, walk, VERSION } from './types/compiler/index';`);
export default [
/* runtime */
input: `src/runtime/index.ts`,
output: [
file: `index.mjs`,
format: 'esm',
paths: id => id.startsWith('svelte/') && `${id.replace('svelte', '.')}/index.mjs`
file: `index.js`,
format: 'cjs',
paths: id => id.startsWith('svelte/') && `${id.replace('svelte', '.')}/index.js`
plugins: [ts_plugin]
input: `src/runtime/ssr.ts`,
output: [
file: `ssr.mjs`,
format: 'esm',
paths: id => id.startsWith('svelte/') && `${id.replace('svelte', '.')}/index.mjs`
file: `ssr.js`,
format: 'cjs',
paths: id => id.startsWith('svelte/') && `${id.replace('svelte', '.')}/index.js`
plugins: [ts_plugin]
.filter(dir => fs.statSync(`src/runtime/${dir}`).isDirectory())
.map(dir => ({
input: `src/runtime/${dir}/index.ts`,
output: [
file: `${dir}/index.mjs`,
format: 'esm',
paths: id => id.startsWith('svelte/') && `${id.replace('svelte', '..')}/index.mjs`
file: `${dir}/index.js`,
format: 'cjs',
paths: id => id.startsWith('svelte/') && `${id.replace('svelte', '..')}/index.js`
plugins: [
__VERSION__: pkg.version
writeBundle(bundle) {
if (dir === 'internal') {
const mod = bundle['index.mjs'];
if (mod) {
fs.writeFileSync('src/compiler/compile/internal_exports.ts', `// This file is automatically generated\nexport default new Set(${JSON.stringify(mod.exports)});`);
fs.writeFileSync(`${dir}/package.json`, JSON.stringify({
main: './index',
module: './index.mjs',
types: './index.d.ts'
}, null, ' '));
fs.writeFileSync(`${dir}/index.d.ts`, `export * from '../types/runtime/${dir}/index';`);
/* compiler.js */
input: 'src/compiler/index.ts',
plugins: [
__VERSION__: pkg.version,
'process.env.NODE_DEBUG': false // appears inside the util package
resolveId(id) {
// util is a built-in module in Node.js, but we want a self-contained compiler bundle
// that also works in the browser, so we load its polyfill instead
if (id === 'util') {
return require.resolve('./node_modules/util'); // just 'utils' would resolve this to the built-in module
include: ['node_modules/**']
output: [
file: 'compiler.js',
format: is_publish ? 'umd' : 'cjs',
name: 'svelte',
sourcemap: true,
file: 'compiler.mjs',
format: 'esm',
name: 'svelte',
sourcemap: true,
external: is_publish
? []
: id => id === 'acorn' || id === 'magic-string' || id.startsWith('css-tree')