mirror of https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte
557 lines
18 KiB
557 lines
18 KiB
import { b, x, p } from 'code-red';
import Component from '../Component';
import Renderer from './Renderer';
import { CompileOptions, CssResult } from '../../interfaces';
import { walk } from 'estree-walker';
import { extract_names, Scope } from '../utils/scope';
import { invalidate } from './invalidate';
import Block from './Block';
import { ClassDeclaration, FunctionExpression, Node, Statement, ObjectExpression, Expression } from 'estree';
export default function dom(
component: Component,
options: CompileOptions
): { js: Node[]; css: CssResult } {
const { name } = component;
const renderer = new Renderer(component, options);
const { block } = renderer;
block.has_outro_method = true;
// prevent fragment being created twice (#1063)
if (options.customElement) block.chunks.create.push(b`this.c = @noop;`);
const body = [];
if (renderer.file_var) {
const file = component.file ? x`"${component.file}"` : x`undefined`;
body.push(b`const ${renderer.file_var} = ${file};`);
const css = component.stylesheet.render(options.filename, !options.customElement);
const styles = component.stylesheet.has_styles && options.dev
? `${css.code}\n/*# sourceMappingURL=${css.map.toUrl()} */`
: css.code;
const add_css = component.get_unique_name('add_css');
const should_add_css = (
!options.customElement &&
!!styles &&
options.css !== false
if (should_add_css) {
function ${add_css}() {
var style = @element("style");
style.id = "${component.stylesheet.id}-style";
style.textContent = "${styles}";
@append(@_document.head, style);
// fix order
// TODO the deconflicted names of blocks are reversed... should set them here
const blocks = renderer.blocks.slice().reverse();
body.push(...blocks.map(block => {
// TODO this is a horrible mess — renderer.blocks
// contains a mixture of Blocks and Nodes
if ((block as Block).render) return (block as Block).render();
return block;
if (options.dev && !options.hydratable) {
b`throw new @_Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the \`hydratable: true\` option");`
const uses_slots = component.var_lookup.has('$$slots');
let compute_slots;
if (uses_slots) {
compute_slots = b`
const $$slots = @compute_slots(#slots);
const uses_props = component.var_lookup.has('$$props');
const uses_rest = component.var_lookup.has('$$restProps');
const $$props = uses_props || uses_rest ? '$$new_props' : '$$props';
const props = component.vars.filter(variable => !variable.module && variable.export_name);
const writable_props = props.filter(variable => variable.writable);
const omit_props_names = component.get_unique_name('omit_props_names');
const compute_rest = x`@compute_rest_props($$props, ${omit_props_names.name})`;
const rest = uses_rest ? b`
const ${omit_props_names.name} = [${props.map(prop => `"${prop.export_name}"`).join(',')}];
let $$restProps = ${compute_rest};
` : null;
const set = (uses_props || uses_rest || writable_props.length > 0 || component.slots.size > 0)
? x`
${$$props} => {
${uses_props && renderer.invalidate('$$props', x`$$props = @assign(@assign({}, $$props), @exclude_internal_props($$new_props))`)}
${uses_rest && !uses_props && x`$$props = @assign(@assign({}, $$props), @exclude_internal_props($$new_props))`}
${uses_rest && renderer.invalidate('$$restProps', x`$$restProps = ${compute_rest}`)}
${writable_props.map(prop =>
b`if ('${prop.export_name}' in ${$$props}) ${renderer.invalidate(prop.name, x`${prop.name} = ${$$props}.${prop.export_name}`)};`
${component.slots.size > 0 &&
b`if ('$$scope' in ${$$props}) ${renderer.invalidate('$$scope', x`$$scope = ${$$props}.$$scope`)};`}
: null;
const accessors = [];
const not_equal = component.component_options.immutable ? x`@not_equal` : x`@safe_not_equal`;
let dev_props_check: Node[] | Node;
let inject_state: Expression;
let capture_state: Expression;
let props_inject: Node[] | Node;
props.forEach(prop => {
const variable = component.var_lookup.get(prop.name);
if (!variable.writable || component.component_options.accessors) {
type: 'MethodDefinition',
kind: 'get',
key: { type: 'Identifier', name: prop.export_name },
value: x`function() {
return ${prop.hoistable ? prop.name : x`this.$$.ctx[${renderer.context_lookup.get(prop.name).index}]`}
} else if (component.compile_options.dev) {
type: 'MethodDefinition',
kind: 'get',
key: { type: 'Identifier', name: prop.export_name },
value: x`function() {
throw new @_Error("<${component.tag}>: Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or '<svelte:options accessors/>'");
if (component.component_options.accessors) {
if (variable.writable && !renderer.readonly.has(prop.name)) {
type: 'MethodDefinition',
kind: 'set',
key: { type: 'Identifier', name: prop.export_name },
value: x`function(${prop.name}) {
this.$set({ ${prop.export_name}: ${prop.name} });
} else if (component.compile_options.dev) {
type: 'MethodDefinition',
kind: 'set',
key: { type: 'Identifier', name: prop.export_name },
value: x`function(value) {
throw new @_Error("<${component.tag}>: Cannot set read-only property '${prop.export_name}'");
} else if (component.compile_options.dev) {
type: 'MethodDefinition',
kind: 'set',
key: { type: 'Identifier', name: prop.export_name },
value: x`function(value) {
throw new @_Error("<${component.tag}>: Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or '<svelte:options accessors/>'");
if (component.compile_options.dev) {
// checking that expected ones were passed
const expected = props.filter(prop => prop.writable && !prop.initialised);
if (expected.length) {
dev_props_check = b`
const { ctx: #ctx } = this.$$;
const props = ${options.customElement ? x`this.attributes` : x`options.props || {}`};
${expected.map(prop => b`
if (${renderer.reference(prop.name)} === undefined && !('${prop.export_name}' in props)) {
@_console.warn("<${component.tag}> was created without expected prop '${prop.export_name}'");
const capturable_vars = component.vars.filter(v => !v.internal && !v.global && !v.name.startsWith('$$'));
if (capturable_vars.length > 0) {
capture_state = x`() => ({ ${capturable_vars.map(prop => p`${prop.name}`)} })`;
const injectable_vars = capturable_vars.filter(v => !v.module && v.writable && v.name[0] !== '$');
if (uses_props || injectable_vars.length > 0) {
inject_state = x`
${$$props} => {
${uses_props && renderer.invalidate('$$props', x`$$props = @assign(@assign({}, $$props), $$new_props)`)}
v => b`if ('${v.name}' in $$props) ${renderer.invalidate(v.name, x`${v.name} = ${$$props}.${v.name}`)};`
props_inject = b`
if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
// instrument assignments
if (component.ast.instance) {
let scope = component.instance_scope;
const map = component.instance_scope_map;
let execution_context: Node | null = null;
walk(component.ast.instance.content, {
enter(node: Node) {
if (map.has(node)) {
scope = map.get(node) as Scope;
if (!execution_context && !scope.block) {
execution_context = node;
} else if (!execution_context && node.type === 'LabeledStatement' && node.label.name === '$') {
execution_context = node;
leave(node: Node) {
if (map.has(node)) {
scope = scope.parent;
if (execution_context === node) {
execution_context = null;
if (node.type === 'AssignmentExpression' || node.type === 'UpdateExpression') {
const assignee = node.type === 'AssignmentExpression' ? node.left : node.argument;
// normally (`a = 1`, `b.c = 2`), there'll be a single name
// (a or b). In destructuring cases (`[d, e] = [e, d]`) there
// may be more, in which case we need to tack the extra ones
// onto the initial function call
const names = new Set(extract_names(assignee));
this.replace(invalidate(renderer, scope, node, names, execution_context === null));
component.rewrite_props(({ name, reassigned, export_name }) => {
const value = `$${name}`;
const i = renderer.context_lookup.get(`$${name}`).index;
const insert = (reassigned || export_name)
? b`${`$$subscribe_${name}`}()`
: b`@component_subscribe($$self, ${name}, #value => $$invalidate(${i}, ${value} = #value))`;
if (component.compile_options.dev) {
return b`@validate_store(${name}, '${name}'); ${insert}`;
return insert;
const args = [x`$$self`];
const has_invalidate = props.length > 0 ||
component.has_reactive_assignments ||
component.slots.size > 0 ||
capture_state ||
if (has_invalidate) {
args.push(x`$$props`, x`$$invalidate`);
} else if (component.compile_options.dev) {
// $$props arg is still needed for unknown prop check
const has_create_fragment = component.compile_options.dev || block.has_content();
if (has_create_fragment) {
function create_fragment(#ctx) {
const filtered_props = props.filter(prop => {
const variable = component.var_lookup.get(prop.name);
if (variable.hoistable) return false;
return prop.name[0] !== '$';
const reactive_stores = component.vars.filter(variable => variable.name[0] === '$' && variable.name[1] !== '$');
const instance_javascript = component.extract_javascript(component.ast.instance);
const has_definition = (
component.compile_options.dev ||
(instance_javascript && instance_javascript.length > 0) ||
filtered_props.length > 0 ||
uses_props ||
component.partly_hoisted.length > 0 ||
renderer.initial_context.length > 0 ||
component.reactive_declarations.length > 0 ||
capture_state ||
const definition = has_definition
? component.alias('instance')
: { type: 'Literal', value: null };
const reactive_store_subscriptions = reactive_stores
.filter(store => {
const variable = component.var_lookup.get(store.name.slice(1));
return !variable || variable.hoistable;
.map(({ name }) => b`
${component.compile_options.dev && b`@validate_store(${name.slice(1)}, '${name.slice(1)}');`}
@component_subscribe($$self, ${name.slice(1)}, $$value => $$invalidate(${renderer.context_lookup.get(name).index}, ${name} = $$value));
const resubscribable_reactive_store_unsubscribers = reactive_stores
.filter(store => {
const variable = component.var_lookup.get(store.name.slice(1));
return variable && (variable.reassigned || variable.export_name);
.map(({ name }) => b`$$self.$$.on_destroy.push(() => ${`$$unsubscribe_${name.slice(1)}`}());`);
if (has_definition) {
const reactive_declarations: (Node | Node[]) = [];
const fixed_reactive_declarations = []; // not really 'reactive' but whatever
component.reactive_declarations.forEach(d => {
const dependencies = Array.from(d.dependencies);
const uses_rest_or_props = !!dependencies.find(n => n === '$$props' || n === '$$restProps');
const writable = dependencies.filter(n => {
const variable = component.var_lookup.get(n);
return variable && (variable.export_name || variable.mutated || variable.reassigned);
const condition = !uses_rest_or_props && writable.length > 0 && renderer.dirty(writable, true);
let statement = d.node; // TODO remove label (use d.node.body) if it's not referenced
if (condition) statement = b`if (${condition}) { ${statement} }`[0] as Statement;
if (condition || uses_rest_or_props) {
} else {
const injected = Array.from(component.injected_reactive_declaration_vars).filter(name => {
const variable = component.var_lookup.get(name);
return variable.injected && variable.name[0] !== '$';
const reactive_store_declarations = reactive_stores.map(variable => {
const $name = variable.name;
const name = $name.slice(1);
const store = component.var_lookup.get(name);
if (store && (store.reassigned || store.export_name)) {
const unsubscribe = `$$unsubscribe_${name}`;
const subscribe = `$$subscribe_${name}`;
const i = renderer.context_lookup.get($name).index;
return b`let ${$name}, ${unsubscribe} = @noop, ${subscribe} = () => (${unsubscribe}(), ${unsubscribe} = @subscribe(${name}, $$value => $$invalidate(${i}, ${$name} = $$value)), ${name})`;
return b`let ${$name};`;
let unknown_props_check;
if (component.compile_options.dev && !(uses_props || uses_rest)) {
unknown_props_check = b`
const writable_props = [${writable_props.map(prop => x`'${prop.export_name}'`)}];
@_Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$') @_console.warn(\`<${component.tag}> was created with unknown prop '\${key}'\`);
const return_value = {
type: 'ArrayExpression',
elements: renderer.initial_context.map(member => ({
type: 'Identifier',
name: member.name
}) as Expression)
function ${definition}(${args}) {
${component.slots.size || component.compile_options.dev || uses_slots ? b`let { $$slots: #slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;` : null}
${component.compile_options.dev && b`@validate_slots('${component.tag}', #slots, [${[...component.slots.keys()].map(key => `'${key}'`).join(',')}]);`}
${renderer.binding_groups.size > 0 && b`const $$binding_groups = [${[...renderer.binding_groups.keys()].map(_ => x`[]`)}];`}
${set && b`$$self.$$set = ${set};`}
${capture_state && b`$$self.$capture_state = ${capture_state};`}
${inject_state && b`$$self.$inject_state = ${inject_state};`}
${injected.map(name => b`let ${name};`)}
${/* before reactive declarations */ props_inject}
${reactive_declarations.length > 0 && b`
$$self.$$.update = () => {
${uses_props && b`$$props = @exclude_internal_props($$props);`}
return ${return_value};
const prop_indexes = x`{
${props.filter(v => v.export_name && !v.module).map(v => p`${v.export_name}: ${renderer.context_lookup.get(v.name).index}`)}
}` as ObjectExpression;
let dirty;
if (renderer.context_overflow) {
dirty = x`[]`;
for (let i = 0; i < renderer.context.length; i += 31) {
if (options.customElement) {
const declaration = b`
class ${name} extends @SvelteElement {
constructor(options) {
${css.code && b`this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = \`<style>${css.code.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')}${options.dev ? `\n/*# sourceMappingURL=${css.map.toUrl()} */` : ''}</style>\`;`}
@init(this, { target: this.shadowRoot, props: @attribute_to_object(this.attributes) }, ${definition}, ${has_create_fragment ? 'create_fragment': 'null'}, ${not_equal}, ${prop_indexes}, ${dirty});
if (options) {
if (options.target) {
@insert(options.target, this, options.anchor);
${(props.length > 0 || uses_props || uses_rest) && b`
if (options.props) {
`[0] as ClassDeclaration;
if (props.length > 0) {
type: 'MethodDefinition',
kind: 'get',
static: true,
computed: false,
key: { type: 'Identifier', name: 'observedAttributes' },
value: x`function() {
return [${props.map(prop => x`"${prop.export_name}"`)}];
}` as FunctionExpression
if (component.tag != null) {
@_customElements.define("${component.tag}", ${name});
} else {
const superclass = {
type: 'Identifier',
name: options.dev ? '@SvelteComponentDev' : '@SvelteComponent'
const declaration = b`
class ${name} extends ${superclass} {
constructor(options) {
super(${options.dev && 'options'});
${should_add_css && b`if (!@_document.getElementById("${component.stylesheet.id}-style")) ${add_css}();`}
@init(this, options, ${definition}, ${has_create_fragment ? 'create_fragment': 'null'}, ${not_equal}, ${prop_indexes}, ${dirty});
${options.dev && b`@dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "${name.name}", options, id: create_fragment.name });`}
`[0] as ClassDeclaration;
return { js: flatten(body, []), css };
function flatten(nodes: any[], target: any[]) {
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i += 1) {
const node = nodes[i];
if (Array.isArray(node)) {
flatten(node, target);
} else {
return target;