
724 lines
20 KiB

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

import MagicString from 'magic-string';
import { walk } from 'estree-walker';
import deindent from './utils/deindent.js';
import walkHtml from './utils/walkHtml.js';
import isReference from './utils/isReference.js';
import contextualise from './utils/contextualise.js';
import counter from './utils/counter.js';
import attributeLookup from './attributes/lookup.js';
import createBinding from './binding/index.js';
function createRenderer ( fragment ) {
if ( fragment.autofocus ) {
fragment.initStatements.push( `${fragment.autofocus}.focus();` );
return deindent`
function ${} ( component, target${fragment.useAnchor ? ', anchor' : ''} ) {
${fragment.initStatements.join( '\n\n' )}
return {
update: function ( ${fragment.contextChain.join( ', ' )} ) {
${fragment.updateStatements.join( '\n\n' )}
teardown: function () {
${fragment.teardownStatements.join( '\n\n' )}
export default function generate ( parsed, template ) {
const code = new MagicString( template );
function addSourcemapLocations ( node ) {
walk( node, {
enter ( node ) {
code.addSourcemapLocation( node.start );
code.addSourcemapLocation( node.end );
const templateProperties = {};
if ( parsed.js ) {
addSourcemapLocations( parsed.js.content );
const defaultExport = parsed.js.content.body.find( node => node.type === 'ExportDefaultDeclaration' );
if ( defaultExport ) {
code.overwrite( defaultExport.start, defaultExport.declaration.start, `const template = ` ); prop => {
templateProperties[ ] = prop.value;
const helpers = {};
if ( templateProperties.helpers ) { prop => {
helpers[ ] = prop.value;
const renderers = [];
const getName = counter();
// TODO use getName instead of counters
const counters = {
if: 0,
each: 0
// TODO (scoped) css
let current = {
useAnchor: false,
name: 'renderMainFragment',
namespace: null,
target: 'target',
initStatements: [],
updateStatements: [],
teardownStatements: [],
contexts: {},
indexes: {},
contextChain: [ 'root' ],
indexNames: {},
listNames: {},
counter: counter(),
parent: null
let usesRefs = false;
parsed.html.children.forEach( child => {
walkHtml( child, {
Comment: {
// do nothing
Element: {
enter ( node ) {
const name = current.counter( );
let namespace = name === 'svg' ? '' : current.namespace;
const initStatements = [];
const updateStatements = [];
const teardownStatements = [];
const allUsedContexts = new Set();
node.attributes.forEach( attribute => {
if ( attribute.type === 'Attribute' ) {
let metadata = attributeLookup[ ];
if ( metadata && metadata.appliesTo && !~metadata.appliesTo.indexOf( ) ) metadata = null;
if ( attribute.value === true ) {
// attributes without values, e.g. <textarea readonly>
if ( metadata ) {
initStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.${metadata.propertyName} = true;
` );
} else {
initStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.setAttribute( '${}', true );
` );
// special case autofocus. has to be handled in a bit of a weird way
if ( === 'autofocus' ) {
current.autofocus = name;
else if ( attribute.value.length === 1 ) {
const value = attribute.value[0];
let result = '';
if ( value.type === 'Text' ) {
// static attributes
result = JSON.stringify( );
if ( metadata ) {
initStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.${metadata.propertyName} = ${result};
` );
} else {
initStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.setAttribute( '${}', ${result} );
` );
// special case
// TODO this attribute must be static enforce at compile time
if ( === 'xmlns' ) {
namespace = value;
else {
// dynamic but potentially non-string attributes
contextualise( code, value.expression, current.contexts, current.indexes, helpers );
result = `[✂${value.expression.start}-${value.expression.end}✂]`;
if ( metadata ) {
updateStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.${metadata.propertyName} = ${result};
` );
} else {
updateStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.setAttribute( '${}', ${result} );
` );
else {
const value = ( attribute.value[0].type === 'Text' ? '' : `"" + ` ) + ( chunk => {
if ( chunk.type === 'Text' ) {
return JSON.stringify( );
} else {
addSourcemapLocations( chunk.expression );
contextualise( code, chunk.expression, current.contexts, current.indexes, helpers );
return `( [✂${chunk.expression.start}-${chunk.expression.end}✂] )`;
}).join( ' + ' )
if ( metadata ) {
updateStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.${metadata.propertyName} = ${value};
` );
} else {
updateStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.setAttribute( '${}', ${value} );
` );
else if ( attribute.type === 'EventHandler' ) {
// TODO verify that it's a valid callee (i.e. built-in or declared method)
addSourcemapLocations( attribute.expression );
code.insertRight( attribute.expression.start, 'component.' );
const usedContexts = new Set();
attribute.expression.arguments.forEach( arg => {
const contexts = contextualise( code, arg, current.contexts, current.indexes, helpers, true );
contexts.forEach( context => {
usedContexts.add( context );
allUsedContexts.add( context );
// TODO hoist event handlers? can do `this.__component.method(...)`
const declarations = [...usedContexts].map( name => {
if ( name === 'root' ) return 'var root = this.__svelte.root;';
const listName = current.listNames[ name ];
const indexName = current.indexNames[ name ];
return `var ${listName} = this.__svelte.${listName}, ${indexName} = this.__svelte.${indexName}, ${name} = ${listName}[${indexName}]`;
const handlerName = current.counter( `${}Handler` );
const handlerBody = ( declarations.length ? declarations.join( '\n' ) + '\n\n' : '' ) + `[✂${attribute.expression.start}-${attribute.expression.end}✂];`;
const customEvent = && prop => === );
if ( customEvent ) {
initStatements.push( deindent`
const ${handlerName} =${}( ${name}, function ( event ) {
` );
teardownStatements.push( deindent`
` );
} else {
initStatements.push( deindent`
function ${handlerName} ( event ) {
${name}.addEventListener( '${}', ${handlerName}, false );
` );
teardownStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.removeEventListener( '${}', ${handlerName}, false );
` );
else if ( attribute.type === 'Binding' ) {
createBinding( node, name, attribute, current, initStatements, updateStatements, teardownStatements, allUsedContexts );
else if ( attribute.type === 'Ref' ) {
usesRefs = true;
initStatements.push( deindent`
component.refs.${} = ${name};
` );
teardownStatements.push( deindent`
component.refs.${} = null;
` );
else {
throw new Error( `Not implemented: ${attribute.type}` );
if ( allUsedContexts.size ) {
initStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.__svelte = {};
` );
const declarations = [...allUsedContexts].map( contextName => {
if ( contextName === 'root' ) return `${name}.__svelte.root = root;`;
const listName = current.listNames[ contextName ];
const indexName = current.indexNames[ contextName ];
return `${name}.__svelte.${listName} = ${listName};\n${name}.__svelte.${indexName} = ${indexName};`;
}).join( '\n' );
updateStatements.push( declarations );
namespace ?
`var ${name} = document.createElementNS( '${namespace}', '${}' );` :
`var ${name} = document.createElement( '${}' );`
teardownStatements.push( `${name}.parentNode.removeChild( ${name} );` );
current.initStatements.push( initStatements.join( '\n' ) );
if ( updateStatements.length ) current.updateStatements.push( updateStatements.join( '\n' ) );
current.teardownStatements.push( teardownStatements.join( '\n' ) );
current = Object.assign( {}, current, {
target: name,
parent: current
leave () {
const name =;
current = current.parent;
if ( current.useAnchor && === 'target' ) {
current.initStatements.push( deindent`
anchor.parentNode.insertBefore( ${name}, anchor );
` );
} else {
current.initStatements.push( deindent`
${}.appendChild( ${name} );
` );
Text: {
enter ( node ) {
current.initStatements.push( deindent`
${}.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ${JSON.stringify( )} ) );
` );
MustacheTag: {
enter ( node ) {
const name = current.counter( 'text' );
current.initStatements.push( deindent`
var ${name} = document.createTextNode( '' );
var ${name}_value = '';
${}.appendChild( ${name} );
` );
addSourcemapLocations( node.expression );
const usedContexts = contextualise( code, node.expression, current.contexts, current.indexes, helpers );
const snippet = `[✂${node.expression.start}-${node.expression.end}✂]`;
if ( isReference( node.expression ) ) {
const reference = `${template.slice( node.expression.start, node.expression.end )}`;
const qualified = usedContexts[0] === 'root' ? `root.${reference}` : reference;
current.updateStatements.push( deindent`
if ( ${snippet} !== ${name}_value ) {
${name}_value = ${qualified};
${name}.data = ${name}_value;
` );
} else {
const temp = getName( 'temp' );
current.updateStatements.push( deindent`
var ${temp} = ${snippet};
if ( ${temp} !== ${name}_value ) {
${name}_value = ${temp};
${name}.data = ${name}_value;
` );
IfBlock: {
enter ( node ) {
const i = counters.if++;
const name = `ifBlock_${i}`;
const renderer = `renderIfBlock_${i}`;
current.initStatements.push( deindent`
var ${name}_anchor = document.createComment( ${JSON.stringify( `#if ${template.slice( node.expression.start, node.expression.end )}` )} );
${}.appendChild( ${name}_anchor );
var ${name} = null;
` );
addSourcemapLocations( node.expression );
const usedContexts = contextualise( code, node.expression, current.contexts, current.indexes, helpers );
const snippet = `[✂${node.expression.start}-${node.expression.end}✂]`;
let expression;
if ( isReference( node.expression ) ) {
const reference = `${template.slice( node.expression.start, node.expression.end )}`;
expression = usedContexts[0] === 'root' ? `root.${reference}` : reference;
current.updateStatements.push( deindent`
if ( ${snippet} && !${name} ) {
${name} = ${renderer}( component, ${}, ${name}_anchor );
` );
} else {
expression = `${name}_value`;
current.updateStatements.push( deindent`
var ${expression} = ${snippet};
if ( ${expression} && !${name} ) {
${name} = ${renderer}( component, ${}, ${name}_anchor );
` );
current.updateStatements.push( deindent`
else if ( !${expression} && ${name} ) {
${name} = null;
if ( ${name} ) {
${name}.update( ${current.contextChain.join( ', ' )} );
` );
current.teardownStatements.push( deindent`
if ( ${name} ) ${name}.teardown();
${name}_anchor.parentNode.removeChild( ${name}_anchor );
` );
current = Object.assign( {}, current, {
useAnchor: true,
name: renderer,
target: 'target',
initStatements: [],
updateStatements: [],
teardownStatements: [],
counter: counter(),
parent: current
leave () {
renderers.push( createRenderer( current ) );
current = current.parent;
EachBlock: {
enter ( node ) {
const i = counters.each++;
const name = `eachBlock_${i}`;
const renderer = `renderEachBlock_${i}`;
const listName = `${name}_value`;
current.initStatements.push( deindent`
var ${name}_anchor = document.createComment( ${JSON.stringify( `#each ${template.slice( node.expression.start, node.expression.end )}` )} );
${}.appendChild( ${name}_anchor );
var ${name}_iterations = [];
const ${name}_fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
` );
addSourcemapLocations( node.expression );
contextualise( code, node.expression, current.contexts, current.indexes, helpers );
const snippet = `[✂${node.expression.start}-${node.expression.end}✂]`;
current.updateStatements.push( deindent`
var ${name}_value = ${snippet};
for ( var i = 0; i < ${name}_value.length; i += 1 ) {
if ( !${name}_iterations[i] ) {
${name}_iterations[i] = ${renderer}( component, ${name}_fragment );
const iteration = ${name}_iterations[i];
${name}_iterations[i].update( ${current.contextChain.join( ', ' )}, ${listName}, ${listName}[i], i );
for ( var i = ${name}_value.length; i < ${name}_iterations.length; i += 1 ) {
${name}_anchor.parentNode.insertBefore( ${name}_fragment, ${name}_anchor );
${name}_iterations.length = ${listName}.length;
` );
current.teardownStatements.push( deindent`
for ( let i = 0; i < ${name}_iterations.length; i += 1 ) {
${name}_anchor.parentNode.removeChild( ${name}_anchor );
` );
const indexNames = Object.assign( {}, current.indexNames );
const indexName = indexNames[ node.context ] = ( node.index || `${node.context}__index` );
const listNames = Object.assign( {}, current.listNames );
listNames[ node.context ] = listName;
const contexts = Object.assign( {}, current.contexts );
contexts[ node.context ] = true;
const indexes = Object.assign( {}, current.indexes );
if ( node.index ) indexes[ indexName ] = node.context;
const contextChain = current.contextChain.concat( listName, node.context, indexName );
current = {
useAnchor: false,
name: renderer,
target: 'target',
expression: node.expression,
context: node.context,
initStatements: [],
updateStatements: [ Object.keys( contexts ).map( contextName => {
const listName = listNames[ contextName ];
const indexName = indexNames[ contextName ];
return `var ${contextName} = ${listName}[${indexName}];`;
}).join( '\n' ) ],
teardownStatements: [],
counter: counter(),
parent: current
leave () {
renderers.push( createRenderer( current ) );
current = current.parent;
renderers.push( createRenderer( current ) );
const setStatements = [ deindent`
const oldState = state;
state = Object.assign( {}, oldState, newState );
` ];
if ( templateProperties.computed ) {
const dependencies = new Map(); prop => {
const key =;
const value = prop.value;
const deps = param => );
dependencies.set( key, deps );
const visited = new Set();
function visit ( key ) {
if ( !dependencies.has( key ) ) return; // not a computation
if ( visited.has( key ) ) return;
visited.add( key );
const deps = dependencies.get( key );
deps.forEach( visit );
setStatements.push( deindent`
if ( ${ dep => `( '${dep}' in newState && typeof state.${dep} === 'object' || state.${dep} !== oldState.${dep} )` ).join( ' || ' )} ) {
state.${key} = newState.${key} = template.computed.${key}( ${ dep => `state.${dep}` ).join( ', ' )} );
` );
} prop => visit( ) );
setStatements.push( deindent`
dispatchObservers( observers.immediate, newState, oldState );
mainFragment.update( state );
dispatchObservers( observers.deferred, newState, oldState );
` );
const result = deindent`
${parsed.js ? `[✂${parsed.js.content.start}-${parsed.js.content.end}✂]` : ``}
${renderers.reverse().join( '\n\n' )}
export default function createComponent ( options ) {
var component = ${templateProperties.methods ? `Object.create( template.methods )` : `{}`};${usesRefs ? `\ncomponent.refs = {}` : ``}
var state = {};
var observers = {
immediate: Object.create( null ),
deferred: Object.create( null )
function dispatchObservers ( group, newState, oldState ) {
for ( const key in group ) {
if ( !( key in newState ) ) continue;
const newValue = newState[ key ];
const oldValue = oldState[ key ];
if ( newValue === oldValue && typeof newValue !== 'object' ) continue;
const callbacks = group[ key ];
if ( !callbacks ) continue;
for ( let i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i += 1 ) {
callbacks[i].call( component, newValue, oldValue );
component.get = function get ( key ) {
return state[ key ];
component.set = function set ( newState ) {
${setStatements.join( '\n\n' )}
component.observe = function ( key, callback, options = {} ) {
const group = options.defer ? observers.deferred : observers.immediate;
( group[ key ] || ( group[ key ] = [] ) ).push( callback );
if ( options.init !== false ) callback( state[ key ] );
return {
cancel () {
const index = group[ key ].indexOf( callback );
if ( ~index ) group[ key ].splice( index, 1 );
component.teardown = function teardown () {
mainFragment = null;
state = {};
${templateProperties.onteardown ? ` component );` : ``}
let mainFragment = renderMainFragment( component, );
component.set( ${ ? `Object.assign(, )` : ``} );
${templateProperties.onrender ? ` component );` : ``}
return component;
const pattern = /\[✂(\d+)-(\d+)$/;
const parts = result.split( '✂]' );
const finalChunk = parts.pop();
const sortedByResult = ( str, index ) => {
const match = pattern.exec( str );
return {
chunk: str.replace( pattern, '' ),
start: +match[1],
end: +match[2]
const sortedBySource = sortedByResult
.sort( ( a, b ) => a.start - b.start );
let c = 0;
sortedBySource.forEach( part => {
code.remove( c, part.start );
code.insertRight( part.start, part.chunk );
c = part.end;
code.remove( c, template.length );
code.append( finalChunk );
sortedByResult.forEach( part => {
code.move( part.start, part.end, 0 );
return {
code: code.toString(),
map: code.generateMap()