
764 lines
19 KiB

/** @import { ClassDeclaration, Expression, FunctionDeclaration, Identifier, ImportDeclaration, MemberExpression, Node, Pattern, VariableDeclarator } from 'estree' */
/** @import { Context, Visitor } from 'zimmerframe' */
/** @import { AST, Binding, DeclarationKind, ElementLike, SvelteNode } from '#compiler' */
import is_reference from 'is-reference';
import { walk } from 'zimmerframe';
import { create_expression_metadata } from './nodes.js';
import * as b from '../utils/builders.js';
import * as e from '../errors.js';
import {
} from '../utils/ast.js';
import { is_reserved, is_rune } from '../../utils.js';
import { determine_slot } from '../utils/slot.js';
export class Scope {
/** @type {ScopeRoot} */
* The immediate parent scope
* @type {Scope | null}
* Whether or not `var` declarations are contained by this scope
* @type {boolean}
* A map of every identifier declared by this scope, and all the
* identifiers that reference it
* @type {Map<string, Binding>}
declarations = new Map();
* A map of declarators to the bindings they declare
* @type {Map<VariableDeclarator | AST.LetDirective, Binding[]>}
declarators = new Map();
* A set of all the names referenced with this scope
* — useful for generating unique names
* @type {Map<string, { node: Identifier; path: SvelteNode[] }[]>}
references = new Map();
* The scope depth allows us to determine if a state variable is referenced in its own scope,
* which is usually an error. Block statements do not increase this value
function_depth = 0;
* @param {ScopeRoot} root
* @param {Scope | null} parent
* @param {boolean} porous
constructor(root, parent, porous) {
this.root = root;
this.parent = parent;
this.#porous = porous;
this.function_depth = parent ? parent.function_depth + (porous ? 0 : 1) : 0;
* @param {Identifier} node
* @param {Binding['kind']} kind
* @param {DeclarationKind} declaration_kind
* @param {null | Expression | FunctionDeclaration | ClassDeclaration | ImportDeclaration | AST.EachBlock} initial
* @returns {Binding}
declare(node, kind, declaration_kind, initial = null) {
if ( === '$') {
if ('$') &&
declaration_kind !== 'synthetic' &&
declaration_kind !== 'param' &&
declaration_kind !== 'rest_param' &&
this.function_depth <= 1
) {
if (this.parent) {
if (declaration_kind === 'var' && this.#porous) {
return this.parent.declare(node, kind, declaration_kind);
if (declaration_kind === 'import') {
return this.parent.declare(node, kind, declaration_kind, initial);
if (this.declarations.has( {
// This also errors on var/function types, but that's arguably a good thing
/** @type {Binding} */
const binding = {
references: [],
legacy_dependencies: [],
reassigned: false,
mutated: false,
updated: false,
scope: this,
is_called: false,
prop_alias: null,
metadata: null
this.declarations.set(, binding);
return binding;
child(porous = false) {
return new Scope(this.root, this, porous);
* @param {string} preferred_name
* @returns {string}
generate(preferred_name) {
if (this.#porous) {
return /** @type {Scope} */ (this.parent).generate(preferred_name);
preferred_name = preferred_name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_$]/g, '_').replace(/^[0-9]/, '_');
let name = preferred_name;
let n = 1;
while (
this.references.has(name) ||
this.declarations.has(name) ||
this.root.conflicts.has(name) ||
) {
name = `${preferred_name}_${n++}`;
this.references.set(name, []);
return name;
* @param {string} name
* @returns {Binding | null}
get(name) {
return this.declarations.get(name) ?? this.parent?.get(name) ?? null;
* @param {VariableDeclarator | AST.LetDirective} node
* @returns {Binding[]}
get_bindings(node) {
const bindings = this.declarators.get(node);
if (!bindings) {
throw new Error('No binding found for declarator');
return bindings;
* @param {string} name
* @returns {Scope | null}
owner(name) {
return this.declarations.has(name) ? this : this.parent && this.parent.owner(name);
* @param {Identifier} node
* @param {SvelteNode[]} path
reference(node, path) {
path = [...path]; // ensure that mutations to path afterwards don't affect this reference
let references = this.references.get(;
if (!references) this.references.set(, (references = []));
references.push({ node, path });
const binding = this.declarations.get(;
if (binding) {
binding.references.push({ node, path });
} else if (this.parent) {
this.parent.reference(node, path);
} else {
// no binding was found, and this is the top level scope,
// which means this is a global
export class ScopeRoot {
/** @type {Set<string>} */
conflicts = new Set();
* @param {string} preferred_name
unique(preferred_name) {
preferred_name = preferred_name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_$]/g, '_');
let final_name = preferred_name;
let n = 1;
while (this.conflicts.has(final_name)) {
final_name = `${preferred_name}_${n++}`;
const id =;
return id;
* @param {SvelteNode} ast
* @param {ScopeRoot} root
* @param {boolean} allow_reactive_declarations
* @param {Scope | null} parent
export function create_scopes(ast, root, allow_reactive_declarations, parent) {
/** @typedef {{ scope: Scope }} State */
* A map of node->associated scope. A node appearing in this map does not necessarily mean that it created a scope
* @type {Map<SvelteNode, Scope>}
const scopes = new Map();
const scope = new Scope(root, parent, false);
scopes.set(ast, scope);
/** @type {State} */
const state = { scope };
/** @type {[Scope, { node: Identifier; path: SvelteNode[] }][]} */
const references = [];
/** @type {[Scope, Pattern | MemberExpression][]} */
const updates = [];
* An array of reactive declarations, i.e. the `a` in `$: a = b * 2`
* @type {Identifier[]}
const possible_implicit_declarations = [];
* @param {Scope} scope
* @param {Pattern[]} params
function add_params(scope, params) {
for (const param of params) {
for (const node of extract_identifiers(param)) {
scope.declare(node, 'normal', param.type === 'RestElement' ? 'rest_param' : 'param');
* @type {Visitor<Node, State, SvelteNode>}
const create_block_scope = (node, { state, next }) => {
const scope = state.scope.child(true);
scopes.set(node, scope);
next({ scope });
* @type {Visitor<ElementLike, State, SvelteNode>}
const SvelteFragment = (node, { state, next }) => {
const scope = state.scope.child();
scopes.set(node, scope);
next({ scope });
* @type {Visitor<AST.Component | AST.SvelteComponent | AST.SvelteSelf, State, SvelteNode>}
const Component = (node, context) => {
node.metadata.scopes = {
default: context.state.scope.child()
if (node.type === 'SvelteComponent') {
const default_state = determine_slot(node)
? context.state
: { scope: node.metadata.scopes.default };
for (const attribute of node.attributes) {
if (attribute.type === 'LetDirective') {
context.visit(attribute, default_state);
} else {
for (const child of node.fragment.nodes) {
let state = default_state;
const slot_name = determine_slot(child);
if (slot_name !== null) {
node.metadata.scopes[slot_name] = context.state.scope.child();
state = {
scope: node.metadata.scopes[slot_name]
context.visit(child, state);
* @type {Visitor<AST.AnimateDirective | AST.TransitionDirective | AST.UseDirective, State, SvelteNode>}
const SvelteDirective = (node, { state, path, visit }) => {
state.scope.reference('.')[0]), path);
if (node.expression) {
walk(ast, state, {
// references
Identifier(node, { path, state }) {
const parent =;
if (parent && is_reference(node, /** @type {Node} */ (parent))) {
references.push([state.scope, { node, path: path.slice() }]);
LabeledStatement(node, { path, next }) {
if (path.length > 1 || !allow_reactive_declarations) return next();
if ( !== '$') return next();
// create a scope for the $: block
const scope = state.scope.child();
scopes.set(node, scope);
if (
node.body.type === 'ExpressionStatement' &&
node.body.expression.type === 'AssignmentExpression'
) {
for (const id of extract_identifiers(node.body.expression.left)) {
if (!'$')) {
next({ scope });
SlotElement: SvelteFragment,
SvelteElement: SvelteFragment,
RegularElement: SvelteFragment,
LetDirective(node, context) {
const scope = context.state.scope;
/** @type {Binding[]} */
const bindings = [];
scope.declarators.set(node, bindings);
if (node.expression) {
for (const id of extract_identifiers_from_destructuring(node.expression)) {
const binding = scope.declare(id, 'template', 'const');
} else {
/** @type {Identifier} */
const id = {
type: 'Identifier',
start: node.start,
end: node.end
const binding = scope.declare(id, 'template', 'const');
Component: (node, context) => {
context.state.scope.reference(, context.path);
Component(node, context);
SvelteSelf: Component,
SvelteComponent: Component,
// updates
AssignmentExpression(node, { state, next }) {
updates.push([state.scope, node.left]);
UpdateExpression(node, { state, next }) {
updates.push([state.scope, /** @type {Identifier | MemberExpression} */ (node.argument)]);
ImportDeclaration(node, { state }) {
for (const specifier of node.specifiers) {
state.scope.declare(specifier.local, 'normal', 'import', node);
FunctionExpression(node, { state, next }) {
const scope = state.scope.child();
scopes.set(node, scope);
if ( scope.declare(, 'normal', 'function');
add_params(scope, node.params);
next({ scope });
FunctionDeclaration(node, { state, next }) {
if ( state.scope.declare(, 'normal', 'function', node);
const scope = state.scope.child();
scopes.set(node, scope);
add_params(scope, node.params);
next({ scope });
ArrowFunctionExpression(node, { state, next }) {
const scope = state.scope.child();
scopes.set(node, scope);
add_params(scope, node.params);
next({ scope });
ForStatement: create_block_scope,
ForInStatement: create_block_scope,
ForOfStatement: create_block_scope,
SwitchStatement: create_block_scope,
BlockStatement(node, context) {
const parent =;
if (
parent?.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' ||
parent?.type === 'FunctionExpression' ||
parent?.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression'
) {
// We already created a new scope for the function;
} else {
create_block_scope(node, context);
ClassDeclaration(node, { state, next }) {
if ( state.scope.declare(, 'normal', 'let', node);
VariableDeclaration(node, { state, path, next }) {
const is_parent_const_tag = === 'ConstTag';
for (const declarator of node.declarations) {
/** @type {Binding[]} */
const bindings = [];
state.scope.declarators.set(declarator, bindings);
for (const id of extract_identifiers( {
const binding = state.scope.declare(
is_parent_const_tag ? 'template' : 'normal',
CatchClause(node, { state, next }) {
if (node.param) {
const scope = state.scope.child(true);
scopes.set(node, scope);
for (const id of extract_identifiers(node.param)) {
scope.declare(id, 'normal', 'let');
next({ scope });
} else {
EachBlock(node, { state, visit }) {
// context and children are a new scope
const scope = state.scope.child();
scopes.set(node, scope);
// declarations
for (const id of extract_identifiers(node.context)) {
const binding = scope.declare(id, 'each', 'const');
let inside_rest = false;
let is_rest_id = false;
walk(node.context, null, {
Identifier(node) {
if (inside_rest && node === id) {
is_rest_id = true;
RestElement(_, { next }) {
const prev = inside_rest;
inside_rest = true;
inside_rest = prev;
binding.metadata = { inside_rest: is_rest_id };
// Visit to pick up references from default initializers
visit(node.context, { scope });
if (node.index) {
const is_keyed =
node.key &&
(node.key.type !== 'Identifier' || !node.index || !== node.index);
scope.declare(, is_keyed ? 'template' : 'normal', 'const', node);
if (node.key) visit(node.key, { scope });
// children
for (const child of node.body.nodes) {
visit(child, { scope });
if (node.fallback) visit(node.fallback, { scope });
// Check if inner scope shadows something from outer scope.
// This is necessary because we need access to the array expression of the each block
// in the inner scope if bindings are used, in order to invalidate the array.
let needs_array_deduplication = false;
for (const [name] of scope.declarations) {
if (state.scope.get(name) !== null) {
needs_array_deduplication = true;
node.metadata = {
expression: create_expression_metadata(),
keyed: false,
contains_group_binding: false,
array_name: needs_array_deduplication ? state.scope.root.unique('$$array') : null,
index: scope.root.unique('$$index'),
declarations: scope.declarations,
is_controlled: false
AwaitBlock(node, context) {
if (node.pending) {
if (node.then) {
if (node.value) {
const then_scope = /** @type {Scope} */ (scopes.get(node.then));
const value_scope = context.state.scope.child();
scopes.set(node.value, value_scope);
context.visit(node.value, { scope: value_scope });
for (const id of extract_identifiers(node.value)) {
then_scope.declare(id, 'template', 'const');
value_scope.declare(id, 'normal', 'const');
if (node.catch) {
if (node.error) {
const catch_scope = /** @type {Scope} */ (scopes.get(node.catch));
const error_scope = context.state.scope.child();
scopes.set(node.error, error_scope);
context.visit(node.error, { scope: error_scope });
for (const id of extract_identifiers(node.error)) {
catch_scope.declare(id, 'template', 'const');
error_scope.declare(id, 'normal', 'const');
SnippetBlock(node, context) {
const state = context.state;
// Special-case for root-level snippets: they become part of the instance scope
const is_top_level = !;
let scope = state.scope;
if (is_top_level) {
scope = /** @type {Scope} */ (parent);
scope.declare(node.expression, 'normal', 'function', node.expression);
const child_scope = state.scope.child();
scopes.set(node, child_scope);
for (const param of node.parameters) {
for (const id of extract_identifiers(param)) {
child_scope.declare(id, 'snippet', 'let');
}{ scope: child_scope });
Fragment: (node, context) => {
const scope = context.state.scope.child(node.metadata.transparent);
scopes.set(node, scope);{ scope });
BindDirective(node, context) {
/** @type {Identifier | MemberExpression} */ (node.expression)
TransitionDirective: SvelteDirective,
AnimateDirective: SvelteDirective,
UseDirective: SvelteDirective,
// using it's own function instead of `SvelteDirective` because
// StyleDirective doesn't have expressions and are generally already
// handled by `Identifier`. This is the special case for the shorthand
// eg <button style:height /> where the variable has the same name of
// the css property
StyleDirective(node, { path, state, next }) {
if (node.value === true) {
state.scope.reference(, path.concat(node));
// TODO others
for (const id of possible_implicit_declarations) {
const binding = scope.get(;
if (binding) continue; // TODO can also be legacy_reactive if declared outside of reactive statement
scope.declare(id, 'legacy_reactive', 'let');
// we do this after the fact, so that we don't need to worry
// about encountering references before their declarations
for (const [scope, { node, path }] of references) {
scope.reference(node, path);
for (const [scope, node] of updates) {
for (const expression of unwrap_pattern(node)) {
const left = object(expression);
const binding = left && scope.get(;
if (binding !== null && left !== binding.node) {
binding.updated = true;
if (left === expression) {
binding.reassigned = true;
} else {
binding.mutated = true;
return {
* @template {{ scope: Scope, scopes: Map<SvelteNode, Scope> }} State
* @param {SvelteNode} node
* @param {Context<SvelteNode, State>} context
export function set_scope(node, { next, state }) {
const scope = state.scopes.get(node);
next(scope !== undefined && scope !== state.scope ? { ...state, scope } : state);
* Returns the name of the rune if the given expression is a `CallExpression` using a rune.
* @param {Node | AST.EachBlock | null | undefined} node
* @param {Scope} scope
export function get_rune(node, scope) {
if (!node) return null;
if (node.type !== 'CallExpression') return null;
let n = node.callee;
let joined = '';
while (n.type === 'MemberExpression') {
if (n.computed) return null;
if ( !== 'Identifier') return null;
joined = '.' + + joined;
n = n.object;
if (n.type === 'CallExpression' && n.callee.type === 'Identifier') {
joined = '()' + joined;
n = n.callee;
if (n.type !== 'Identifier') return null;
joined = + joined;
if (!is_rune(joined)) return null;
const binding = scope.get(;
if (binding !== null) return null; // rune name, but references a variable or store
return joined;