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export let promise1 = {width: 3, height: 4};
export let promise2 = {width: 5, height: 7};
export let constant = 10;
function calculate(width, height, constant) {
return { area: width * height, volume: width * height * constant };
{#await promise1 then box}
{@const {area, volume} = calculate(box.width, box.height, constant)}
{@const perimeter = (box.width + box.height) * constant}
{@const [width, height, sum] = [box.width * constant, box.height, box.width * constant + box.height]}
<div>{area} {volume} {perimeter}, {width}+{height}={sum}</div>
{#await promise2 catch box}
{@const {area, volume} = calculate(box.width, box.height, constant)}
{@const perimeter = (box.width + box.height) * constant}
{@const [width, height, sum] = [box.width * constant, box.height, box.width * constant + box.height]}
<div>{area} {volume} {perimeter}, {width}+{height}={sum}</div>