You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

182 lines
4.5 KiB

import { run_all, noop, safe_not_equal, is_function } from 'svelte/internal';
/** Callback to inform of a value updates. */
type Subscriber<T> = (value: T) => void;
/** Unsubscribes from value updates. */
type Unsubscriber = () => void;
/** Callback to update a value. */
type Updater<T> = (value: T) => T;
/** Cleanup logic callback. */
type Invalidater<T> = (value?: T) => void;
/** Start and stop notification callbacks. */
type StartStopNotifier<T> = (set: Subscriber<T>) => Unsubscriber | void;
/** Readable interface for subscribing. */
export interface Readable<T> {
* Subscribe on value changes.
* @param run subscription callback
* @param invalidate cleanup callback
subscribe(run: Subscriber<T>, invalidate?: Invalidater<T>): Unsubscriber;
/** Writable interface for both updating and subscribing. */
export interface Writable<T> extends Readable<T> {
* Set value and inform subscribers.
* @param value to set
set(value: T): void;
* Update value using callback and inform subscribers.
* @param updater callback
update(updater: Updater<T>): void;
/** Pair of subscriber and invalidator. */
type SubscribeInvalidateTuple<T> = [Subscriber<T>, Invalidater<T>];
* Creates a `Readable` store that allows reading by subscription.
* @param value initial value
* @param start start and stop notifications for subscriptions
export function readable<T>(value: T, start: StartStopNotifier<T>): Readable<T> {
return {
subscribe: writable(value, start).subscribe,
* Create a `Writable` store that allows both updating and reading by subscription.
* @param value initial value
* @param start start and stop notifications for subscriptions
export function writable<T>(value: T, start: StartStopNotifier<T> = noop): Writable<T> {
let stop: Unsubscriber;
const subscribers: Array<SubscribeInvalidateTuple<T>> = [];
function set(new_value: T): void {
if (safe_not_equal(value, new_value)) {
value = new_value;
if (!stop) {
return; // not ready
subscribers.forEach((s) => s[1]());
subscribers.forEach((s) => s[0](value));
function update(fn: Updater<T>): void {
function subscribe(run: Subscriber<T>, invalidate: Invalidater<T> = noop): Unsubscriber {
const subscriber: SubscribeInvalidateTuple<T> = [run, invalidate];
if (subscribers.length === 1) {
stop = start(set) || noop;
return () => {
const index = subscribers.indexOf(subscriber);
if (index !== -1) {
subscribers.splice(index, 1);
if (subscribers.length === 0) {
return { set, update, subscribe };
/** One or more `Readable`s. */
type Stores = Readable<any> | [Readable<any>, ...Array<Readable<any>>];
/** One or more values from `Readable` stores. */
type StoresValues<T> = T extends Readable<infer U> ? U :
{ [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Readable<infer U> ? U : never };
* Derived value store by synchronizing one or more readable stores and
* applying an aggregation function over its input values.
* @param stores input stores
* @param fn function callback that aggregates the values
* @param initial_value when used asynchronously
export function derived<T, S extends Stores>(
stores: S,
fn: (values: StoresValues<S>, set?: Subscriber<T>) => T | Unsubscriber | void,
initial_value?: T,
): Readable<T> {
const single = !Array.isArray(stores);
const stores_array: Array<Readable<any>> = single
? [stores as Readable<any>]
: stores as Array<Readable<any>>;
const auto = fn.length < 2;
return readable(initial_value, (set) => {
let inited = false;
const values: StoresValues<S> = [] as StoresValues<S>;
let pending = 0;
let cleanup = noop;
const sync = () => {
if (pending) {
const result = fn(single ? values[0] : values, set);
if (auto) {
set(result as T);
} else {
cleanup = is_function(result) ? result as Unsubscriber : noop;
const unsubscribers =, i) => store.subscribe(
(value) => {
values[i] = value;
pending &= ~(1 << i);
if (inited) {
() => {
pending |= (1 << i);
inited = true;
return function stop() {
* Get the current value from a store by subscribing and immediately unsubscribing.
* @param store readable
export function get<T>(store: Readable<T>): T {
let value: T | undefined;
store.subscribe((_: T) => value = _)();
return value as T;