mirror of https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte
351 lines
9.4 KiB
351 lines
9.4 KiB
import MagicString from 'magic-string';
import { parseExpressionAt } from 'acorn';
import annotateWithScopes from '../../utils/annotateWithScopes';
import isReference from '../../utils/isReference';
import { walk } from 'estree-walker';
import deindent from '../../utils/deindent';
import stringify from '../../utils/stringify';
import CodeBuilder from '../../utils/CodeBuilder';
import visit from './visit';
import shared from './shared';
import Generator from '../Generator';
import Stylesheet from '../../css/Stylesheet';
import preprocess from './preprocess';
import Block from './Block';
import { Parsed, CompileOptions, Node } from '../../interfaces';
export class DomGenerator extends Generator {
blocks: Block[];
readonly: Set<string>;
metaBindings: string[];
hydratable: boolean;
hasIntroTransitions: boolean;
hasOutroTransitions: boolean;
hasComplexBindings: boolean;
parsed: Parsed,
source: string,
name: string,
stylesheet: Stylesheet,
options: CompileOptions
) {
super(parsed, source, name, stylesheet, options);
this.blocks = [];
this.readonly = new Set();
this.hydratable = options.hydratable;
// initial values for e.g. window.innerWidth, if there's a <:Window> meta tag
this.metaBindings = [];
export default function dom(
parsed: Parsed,
source: string,
stylesheet: Stylesheet,
options: CompileOptions
) {
const format = options.format || 'es';
const generator = new DomGenerator(parsed, source, options.name || 'SvelteComponent', stylesheet, options);
const {
} = generator;
const { block, state } = preprocess(generator, namespace, parsed.html);
parsed.html.children.forEach((node: Node) => {
visit(generator, block, state, node, []);
const builder = new CodeBuilder();
if (computations.length) {
const computationBuilder = new CodeBuilder();
computations.forEach(({ key, deps }) => {
if (generator.readonly.has(key)) {
// <:Window> bindings
throw new Error(
`Cannot have a computed value '${key}' that clashes with a read-only property`
const condition = `isInitial || ${deps
dep =>
`( '${dep}' in newState && @differs( state.${dep}, oldState.${dep} ) )`
.join(' || ')}`;
const statement = `state.${key} = newState.${key} = @template.computed.${key}( ${deps
.map(dep => `state.${dep}`)
.join(', ')} );`;
computationBuilder.addConditionalLine(condition, statement);
function @recompute ( state, newState, oldState, isInitial ) {
const _set = deindent`
${options.dev &&
if ( typeof newState !== 'object' ) {
throw new Error( 'Component .set was called without an object of data key-values to update.' );
prop =>
`if ( '${prop}' in newState && !this._updatingReadonlyProperty ) throw new Error( "Cannot set read-only property '${prop}'" );`
var oldState = this._state;
this._state = @assign( {}, oldState, newState );
${computations.length &&
`@recompute( this._state, newState, oldState, false )`}
@dispatchObservers( this, this._observers.pre, newState, oldState );
${block.hasUpdateMethod && `this._fragment.update( newState, this._state );`}
@dispatchObservers( this, this._observers.post, newState, oldState );
if (hasJs) {
if (generator.stylesheet.hasStyles && options.css !== false) {
const { css, cssMap } = generator.stylesheet.render(options.filename);
const textContent = options.dev ?
`${css}\n/*# sourceMappingURL=${cssMap.toUrl()} */` :
function @add_css () {
var style = @createElement( 'style' );
style.id = '${generator.stylesheet.id}-style';
style.textContent = ${JSON.stringify(textContent)};
@appendNode( style, document.head );
generator.blocks.forEach(block => {
const sharedPath = options.shared === true
? 'svelte/shared.js'
: options.shared;
const prototypeBase =
`${name}.prototype` +
(templateProperties.methods ? `, @template.methods` : '');
const proto = sharedPath
? `@proto `
: deindent`
${['get', 'fire', 'observe', 'on', 'set']
.map(n => `${n}: @${n}`)
// TODO deprecate component.teardown()
function ${name} ( options ) {
options = options || {};
${options.dev &&
`if ( !options.target && !options._root ) throw new Error( "'target' is a required option" );`}
${generator.usesRefs && `this.refs = {};`}
this._state = ${templateProperties.data
? `@assign( @template.data(), options.data )`
: `options.data || {}`};
${computations.length && `@recompute( this._state, this._state, {}, true );`}
${options.dev &&
prop =>
`if ( !( '${prop}' in this._state ) ) console.warn( "Component was created without expected data property '${prop}'" );`
${generator.bindingGroups.length &&
`this._bindingGroups = [ ${Array(generator.bindingGroups.length)
.join(', ')} ];`}
this._observers = {
pre: Object.create( null ),
post: Object.create( null )
this._handlers = Object.create( null );
this._root = options._root || this;
this._yield = options._yield;
this._torndown = false;
${generator.stylesheet.hasStyles &&
options.css !== false &&
`if ( !document.getElementById( '${generator.stylesheet.id}-style' ) ) @add_css();`}
${templateProperties.oncreate && `var oncreate = @template.oncreate.bind( this );`}
// TODO maybe only nec if we have components...
if ( !options._root ) {
// this._bindings = [];
this._beforecreate = [];
this._oncreate = [${templateProperties.oncreate && `oncreate`}];
this._postcreate = [];
${templateProperties.oncreate && deindent`
else {
this._fragment = @create_main_fragment( this._state, this );
if ( options.target ) {
? deindent`
var nodes = @children( options.target );
options.hydrate ? this._fragment.claim( nodes ) : this._fragment.create();
nodes.forEach( @detachNode );
` :
${options.dev && `if ( options.hydrate ) throw new Error( 'options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the \`hydratable: true\` option' );`}
this._fragment.${block.hasIntroMethod ? 'intro' : 'mount'}( options.target, null );
@assign( ${prototypeBase}, ${proto});
${name}.prototype._set = function _set ( newState ) {
${name}.prototype.teardown = ${name}.prototype.destroy = function destroy ( detach ) {
this.fire( 'destroy' );
${templateProperties.ondestroy && `@template.ondestroy.call( this );`}
if ( detach !== false ) this._fragment.unmount();
this._fragment = null;
this._state = {};
this._torndown = true;
const usedHelpers = new Set();
let result = builder
.replace(/(\\)?@(\w*)/g, (match: string, escaped: string, name: string) => {
if (escaped) return match.slice(1);
if (name in shared) {
if (options.dev && `${name}Dev` in shared) name = `${name}Dev`;
return generator.alias(name);
if (sharedPath) {
if (format !== 'es') {
throw new Error(
`Components with shared helpers must be compiled to ES2015 modules (format: 'es')`
const names = Array.from(usedHelpers).sort().map(name => {
return name !== generator.alias(name)
? `${name} as ${generator.alias(name)}`
: name;
result =
`import { ${names.join(', ')} } from ${stringify(sharedPath)};\n\n` +
} else {
usedHelpers.forEach(key => {
const str = shared[key];
const code = new MagicString(str);
const expression = parseExpressionAt(str, 0);
let scope = annotateWithScopes(expression);
walk(expression, {
enter(node, parent) {
if (node._scope) scope = node._scope;
if (
node.type === 'Identifier' &&
isReference(node, parent) &&
) {
if (node.name in shared) {
// this helper function depends on another one
const dependency = node.name;
const alias = generator.alias(dependency);
if (alias !== node.name)
code.overwrite(node.start, node.end, alias);
leave(node) {
if (node._scope) scope = scope.parent;
if (key === 'transitionManager') {
// special case
const global = `_svelteTransitionManager`;
result += `\n\nvar ${generator.alias(
)} = window.${global} || ( window.${global} = ${code});`;
} else {
const alias = generator.alias(expression.id.name);
if (alias !== expression.id.name)
code.overwrite(expression.id.start, expression.id.end, alias);
result += `\n\n${code}`;
return generator.generate(result, options, {