mirror of https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte
290 lines
8.4 KiB
290 lines
8.4 KiB
import deindent from '../../utils/deindent.js';
import CodeBuilder from '../../utils/CodeBuilder.js';
import visit from './visit.js';
import Generator from '../Generator.js';
import Block from './Block.js';
import * as shared from '../../shared/index.js';
class DomGenerator extends Generator {
constructor ( parsed, source, name, options ) {
super( parsed, source, name, options );
this.blocks = [];
this.uses = new Set();
// initial values for e.g. window.innerWidth, if there's a <:Window> meta tag
this.builders = {
metaBindings: new CodeBuilder()
addBlock ( block ) {
this.blocks.push( block );
helper ( name ) {
if ( this.options.dev && `${name}Dev` in shared ) {
name = `${name}Dev`;
this.uses.add( name );
return this.alias( name );
export default function dom ( parsed, source, options ) {
const format = options.format || 'es';
const name = options.name || 'SvelteComponent';
const generator = new DomGenerator( parsed, source, name, options );
const { computations, hasJs, templateProperties, namespace } = generator.parseJs();
const getUniqueName = generator.getUniqueNameMaker( [ 'root' ] );
const component = getUniqueName( 'component' );
const mainBlock = new Block({
name: generator.alias( 'create_main_fragment' ),
key: null,
contexts: new Map(),
indexes: new Map(),
params: [ 'root' ],
indexNames: new Map(),
listNames: new Map(),
const state = {
parentNode: null,
isTopLevel: true
parsed.html.children.forEach( node => {
visit( generator, mainBlock, state, node );
generator.addBlock( mainBlock );
const builders = {
main: new CodeBuilder(),
init: new CodeBuilder(),
_set: new CodeBuilder()
if ( options.dev ) {
builders._set.addBlock ( deindent`
if ( typeof newState !== 'object' ) {
throw new Error( 'Component .set was called without an object of data key-values to update.' );
builders._set.addLine( 'var oldState = this._state;' );
builders._set.addLine( `this._state = ${generator.helper( 'assign' )}( {}, oldState, newState );` );
if ( computations.length ) {
const builder = new CodeBuilder();
const differs = generator.helper( 'differs' );
computations.forEach( ({ key, deps }) => {
builder.addBlock( deindent`
if ( isInitial || ${deps.map( dep => `( '${dep}' in newState && ${differs}( state.${dep}, oldState.${dep} ) )` ).join( ' || ' )} ) {
state.${key} = newState.${key} = ${generator.alias( 'template' )}.computed.${key}( ${deps.map( dep => `state.${dep}` ).join( ', ' )} );
` );
builders.main.addBlock( deindent`
function ${generator.alias( 'recompute' )} ( state, newState, oldState, isInitial ) {
` );
builders._set.addLine( `${generator.alias( 'recompute' )}( this._state, newState, oldState, false )` );
// TODO is the `if` necessary?
builders._set.addBlock( deindent`
${generator.helper( 'dispatchObservers' )}( this, this._observers.pre, newState, oldState );
if ( this._fragment ) this._fragment.update( newState, this._state );
${generator.helper( 'dispatchObservers' )}( this, this._observers.post, newState, oldState );
` );
if ( hasJs ) {
builders.main.addBlock( `[✂${parsed.js.content.start}-${parsed.js.content.end}✂]` );
if ( generator.css && options.css !== false ) {
builders.main.addBlock( deindent`
var ${generator.alias( 'added_css' )} = false;
function ${generator.alias( 'add_css' )} () {
var style = ${generator.helper( 'createElement' )}( 'style' );
style.textContent = ${JSON.stringify( generator.css )};
${generator.helper( 'appendNode' )}( style, document.head );
${generator.alias( 'added_css' )} = true;
` );
let i = generator.blocks.length;
while ( i-- ) builders.main.addBlock( generator.blocks[i].render() );
builders.init.addLine( `this._torndown = false;` );
if ( parsed.css && options.css !== false ) {
builders.init.addLine( `if ( !${generator.alias( 'added_css' )} ) ${generator.alias( 'add_css' )}();` );
if ( generator.hasComponents ) {
builders.init.addLine( `this._renderHooks = [];` );
if ( generator.hasComplexBindings ) {
builders.init.addBlock( deindent`
this._bindings = [];
this._fragment = ${generator.alias( 'create_main_fragment' )}( this._state, this );
if ( options.target ) this._fragment.mount( options.target, null );
while ( this._bindings.length ) this._bindings.pop()();
` );
builders._set.addLine( `while ( this._bindings.length ) this._bindings.pop()();` );
} else {
builders.init.addBlock( deindent`
this._fragment = ${generator.alias( 'create_main_fragment' )}( this._state, this );
if ( options.target ) this._fragment.mount( options.target, null );
` );
if ( generator.hasComponents ) {
const statement = `this._flush();`;
builders.init.addBlock( statement );
builders._set.addBlock( statement );
if ( templateProperties.oncreate ) {
builders.init.addBlock( deindent`
if ( options._root ) {
options._root._renderHooks.push({ fn: ${generator.alias( 'template' )}.oncreate, context: this });
} else {
${generator.alias( 'template' )}.oncreate.call( this );
` );
const constructorBlock = new CodeBuilder();
constructorBlock.addLine( `options = options || {};` );
if ( generator.usesRefs ) constructorBlock.addLine( `this.refs = {};` );
`this._state = ${templateProperties.data ? `${generator.helper( 'assign' )}( ${generator.alias( 'template' )}.data(), options.data )` : `options.data || {}`};`
if ( !generator.builders.metaBindings.isEmpty() ) {
constructorBlock.addBlock( generator.builders.metaBindings );
if ( computations.length ) {
`${generator.alias( 'recompute' )}( this._state, this._state, {}, true );`
if ( options.dev ) {
generator.expectedProperties.forEach( prop => {
`if ( !( '${prop}' in this._state ) ) throw new Error( "Component was created without expected data property '${prop}'" );`
`if ( !options.target && !options._root ) throw new Error( "'target' is a required option" );`
if ( generator.bindingGroups.length ) {
constructorBlock.addLine( `this._bindingGroups = [ ${Array( generator.bindingGroups.length ).fill( '[]' ).join( ', ' )} ];` );
constructorBlock.addBlock( deindent`
this._observers = {
pre: Object.create( null ),
post: Object.create( null )
this._handlers = Object.create( null );
this._root = options._root;
this._yield = options._yield;
` );
builders.main.addBlock( deindent`
function ${name} ( options ) {
` );
const sharedPath = options.shared === true ? 'svelte/shared.js' : options.shared;
const prototypeBase = `${name}.prototype` + ( templateProperties.methods ? `, ${generator.alias( 'template' )}.methods` : '' );
const proto = sharedPath ? `${generator.helper( 'proto' )} ` : deindent`
[ 'get', 'fire', 'observe', 'on', 'set', '_flush' ]
.map( n => `${n}: ${generator.helper( n )}` )
.join( ',\n' )
builders.main.addBlock( `${generator.helper( 'assign' )}( ${prototypeBase}, ${proto});` );
// TODO deprecate component.teardown()
builders.main.addBlock( deindent`
${name}.prototype._set = function _set ( newState ) {
${name}.prototype.teardown = ${name}.prototype.destroy = function destroy ( detach ) {
this.fire( 'destroy' );${templateProperties.ondestroy ? `\n${generator.alias( 'template' )}.ondestroy.call( this );` : ``}
this._fragment.destroy( detach !== false );
this._fragment = null;
this._state = {};
this._torndown = true;
` );
if ( sharedPath ) {
if ( format !== 'es' ) {
throw new Error( `Components with shared helpers must be compiled to ES2015 modules (format: 'es')` );
const names = Array.from( generator.uses ).sort().map( name => {
return name !== generator.alias( name ) ? `${name} as ${generator.alias( name )}` : name;
`import { ${names.join( ', ' )} } from ${JSON.stringify( sharedPath )};`
} else {
generator.uses.forEach( key => {
const fn = shared[ key ]; // eslint-disable-line import/namespace
builders.main.addBlock( fn.toString().replace( /^function [^(]*/, 'function ' + generator.alias( key ) ) );
return generator.generate( builders.main.toString(), options, { name, format } );