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2150 lines
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2150 lines
48 KiB
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-setsize' is not supported by the role 'link'. This role is implicit on the element <a>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-pressed' is not supported by the role 'link'. This role is implicit on the element <area>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-autocomplete' is not supported by the role 'article'. This role is implicit on the element <article>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-modal' is not supported by the role 'complementary'. This role is implicit on the element <aside>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-invalid' is not supported by the role 'document'. This role is implicit on the element <body>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuemax' is not supported by the role 'button'. This role is implicit on the element <button>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuenow' is not supported by the role 'listbox'. This role is implicit on the element <datalist>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-rowindex' is not supported by the role 'definition'. This role is implicit on the element <dd>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colcount' is not supported by the role 'term'. This role is implicit on the element <dfn>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-posinset' is not supported by the role 'dialog'. This role is implicit on the element <dialog>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-orientation' is not supported by the role 'group'. This role is implicit on the element <details>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuemin' is not supported by the role 'term'. This role is implicit on the element <dt>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-orientation' is not supported by the role 'group'. This role is implicit on the element <fieldset>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-disabled' is not supported by the role 'form'. This role is implicit on the element <form>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-selected' is not supported by the role 'heading'. This role is implicit on the element <h1>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-selected' is not supported by the role 'heading'. This role is implicit on the element <h2>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-expanded' is not supported by the role 'heading'. This role is implicit on the element <h3>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuemin' is not supported by the role 'heading'. This role is implicit on the element <h4>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-readonly' is not supported by the role 'heading'. This role is implicit on the element <h5>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuemin' is not supported by the role 'heading'. This role is implicit on the element <h6>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-required' is not supported by the role 'separator'. This role is implicit on the element <hr>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-level' is not supported by the role 'img'. This role is implicit on the element <img>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-required' is not supported by the role 'listitem'. This role is implicit on the element <li>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-rowcount' is not supported by the role 'link'. This role is implicit on the element <link>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuemin' is not supported by the role 'list'. This role is implicit on the element <menu>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colspan' is not supported by the role 'progressbar'. This role is implicit on the element <meter>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuetext' is not supported by the role 'navigation'. This role is implicit on the element <nav>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-sort' is not supported by the role 'list'. This role is implicit on the element <ol>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-invalid' is not supported by the role 'option'. This role is implicit on the element <option>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-sort' is not supported by the role 'group'. This role is implicit on the element <optgroup>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-multiline' is not supported by the role 'status'. This role is implicit on the element <output>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-rowcount' is not supported by the role 'progressbar'. This role is implicit on the element <progress>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-invalid' is not supported by the role 'region'. This role is implicit on the element <section>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-rowcount' is not supported by the role 'button'. This role is implicit on the element <summary>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colspan' is not supported by the role 'rowgroup'. This role is implicit on the element <tbody>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuenow' is not supported by the role 'textbox'. This role is implicit on the element <textarea>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-required' is not supported by the role 'rowgroup'. This role is implicit on the element <tfoot>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuemin' is not supported by the role 'rowgroup'. This role is implicit on the element <thead>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-pressed' is not supported by the role 'row'. This role is implicit on the element <tr>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-multiselectable' is not supported by the role 'list'. This role is implicit on the element <ul>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colspan' is not supported by the role 'alert'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-autocomplete' is not supported by the role 'alertdialog'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-required' is not supported by the role 'application'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-multiline' is not supported by the role 'article'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-autocomplete' is not supported by the role 'banner'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuetext' is not supported by the role 'blockquote'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colspan' is not supported by the role 'button'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-setsize' is not supported by the role 'caption'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-multiline' is not supported by the role 'cell'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-multiline' is not supported by the role 'checkbox'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-invalid' is not supported by the role 'code'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colcount' is not supported by the role 'columnheader'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-multiselectable' is not supported by the role 'combobox'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-readonly' is not supported by the role 'complementary'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuetext' is not supported by the role 'contentinfo'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-multiline' is not supported by the role 'definition'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-expanded' is not supported by the role 'deletion'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-multiline' is not supported by the role 'dialog'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-rowcount' is not supported by the role 'directory'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuemin' is not supported by the role 'document'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-rowindex' is not supported by the role 'emphasis'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colindex' is not supported by the role 'feed'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuemax' is not supported by the role 'figure'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-readonly' is not supported by the role 'form'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuemax' is not supported by the role 'generic'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-checked' is not supported by the role 'grid'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-level' is not supported by the role 'gridcell'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colspan' is not supported by the role 'group'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-activedescendant' is not supported by the role 'heading'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-errormessage' is not supported by the role 'insertion'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-multiline' is not supported by the role 'link'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-selected' is not supported by the role 'list'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-haspopup' is not supported by the role 'listbox'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-activedescendant' is not supported by the role 'listitem'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-required' is not supported by the role 'log'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-sort' is not supported by the role 'main'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-autocomplete' is not supported by the role 'marquee'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-multiline' is not supported by the role 'math'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-checked' is not supported by the role 'menu'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-errormessage' is not supported by the role 'menubar'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-checked' is not supported by the role 'menuitem'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-pressed' is not supported by the role 'menuitemcheckbox'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-rowspan' is not supported by the role 'menuitemradio'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-haspopup' is not supported by the role 'meter'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-expanded' is not supported by the role 'navigation'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-placeholder' is not supported by the role 'none'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-modal' is not supported by the role 'note'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuemax' is not supported by the role 'option'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-level' is not supported by the role 'paragraph'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-disabled' is not supported by the role 'presentation'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-expanded' is not supported by the role 'progressbar'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-rowindex' is not supported by the role 'radio'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuenow' is not supported by the role 'radiogroup'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-rowspan' is not supported by the role 'region'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-required' is not supported by the role 'row'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-expanded' is not supported by the role 'rowgroup'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-activedescendant' is not supported by the role 'rowheader'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-rowspan' is not supported by the role 'scrollbar'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-autocomplete' is not supported by the role 'search'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colindex' is not supported by the role 'searchbox'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-sort' is not supported by the role 'separator'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-placeholder' is not supported by the role 'slider'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-posinset' is not supported by the role 'spinbutton'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuemin' is not supported by the role 'status'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuemin' is not supported by the role 'strong'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colcount' is not supported by the role 'subscript'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-level' is not supported by the role 'superscript'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuenow' is not supported by the role 'switch'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-required' is not supported by the role 'tab'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-modal' is not supported by the role 'table'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-setsize' is not supported by the role 'tablist'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-multiselectable' is not supported by the role 'tabpanel'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-posinset' is not supported by the role 'term'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colspan' is not supported by the role 'textbox'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-selected' is not supported by the role 'time'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-sort' is not supported by the role 'timer'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuetext' is not supported by the role 'toolbar'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-multiline' is not supported by the role 'tooltip'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-expanded' is not supported by the role 'tree'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-level' is not supported by the role 'treegrid'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-activedescendant' is not supported by the role 'treeitem'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colindex' is not supported by the role 'doc-abstract'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-setsize' is not supported by the role 'doc-acknowledgments'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-modal' is not supported by the role 'doc-afterword'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-activedescendant' is not supported by the role 'doc-appendix'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colspan' is not supported by the role 'doc-backlink'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuemax' is not supported by the role 'doc-biblioentry'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-level' is not supported by the role 'doc-bibliography'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-checked' is not supported by the role 'doc-biblioref'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-required' is not supported by the role 'doc-chapter'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-setsize' is not supported by the role 'doc-colophon'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colindex' is not supported by the role 'doc-conclusion'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-modal' is not supported by the role 'doc-cover'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-selected' is not supported by the role 'doc-credit'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-orientation' is not supported by the role 'doc-credits'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-level' is not supported by the role 'doc-dedication'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-checked' is not supported by the role 'doc-endnote'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colcount' is not supported by the role 'doc-endnotes'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-multiline' is not supported by the role 'doc-epigraph'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colcount' is not supported by the role 'doc-epilogue'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-sort' is not supported by the role 'doc-errata'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-multiselectable' is not supported by the role 'doc-example'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-rowcount' is not supported by the role 'doc-footnote'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuenow' is not supported by the role 'doc-foreword'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuetext' is not supported by the role 'doc-glossary'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-placeholder' is not supported by the role 'doc-glossref'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-rowcount' is not supported by the role 'doc-index'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-pressed' is not supported by the role 'doc-introduction'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuenow' is not supported by the role 'doc-noteref'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-selected' is not supported by the role 'doc-notice'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-rowcount' is not supported by the role 'doc-pagebreak'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-modal' is not supported by the role 'doc-pagelist'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-setsize' is not supported by the role 'doc-part'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-orientation' is not supported by the role 'doc-preface'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-required' is not supported by the role 'doc-prologue'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-rowcount' is not supported by the role 'doc-pullquote'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-setsize' is not supported by the role 'doc-qna'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-rowindex' is not supported by the role 'doc-subtitle'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuenow' is not supported by the role 'doc-tip'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-posinset' is not supported by the role 'doc-toc'.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-rowspan' is not supported by the role 'textbox'. This role is implicit on the element <input>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-pressed' is not supported by the role 'textbox'. This role is implicit on the element <input>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-level' is not supported by the role 'textbox'. This role is implicit on the element <input>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-pressed' is not supported by the role 'textbox'. This role is implicit on the element <input>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuetext' is not supported by the role 'searchbox'. This role is implicit on the element <input>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuemin' is not supported by the role 'combobox'. This role is implicit on the element <input>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colspan' is not supported by the role 'combobox'. This role is implicit on the element <input>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-posinset' is not supported by the role 'combobox'. This role is implicit on the element <input>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-modal' is not supported by the role 'combobox'. This role is implicit on the element <input>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-rowindex' is not supported by the role 'combobox'. This role is implicit on the element <input>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuemax' is not supported by the role 'button'. This role is implicit on the element <input>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-modal' is not supported by the role 'button'. This role is implicit on the element <input>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-placeholder' is not supported by the role 'button'. This role is implicit on the element <input>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-rowindex' is not supported by the role 'checkbox'. This role is implicit on the element <input>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-valuetext' is not supported by the role 'radio'. This role is implicit on the element <input>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-checked' is not supported by the role 'slider'. This role is implicit on the element <input>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colindex' is not supported by the role 'menuitem'. This role is implicit on the element <menuitem>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-colcount' is not supported by the role 'menuitemcheckbox'. This role is implicit on the element <menuitem>.",
"message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-placeholder' is not supported by the role 'menuitemradio'. This role is implicit on the element <menuitem>.",
] |