import { writable } from 'svelte/store'; const todos = [ writable({ done: false, text: 'write docs' }), writable({ done: false, text: 'implement contextual stores' }), writable({ done: false, text: 'go outside' }) ]; export default { error: 'Stores must be declared at the top level of the component (this may change in a future version of Svelte)', get props() { return { todos }; }, html: ` `, async test({ assert, target, window }) { const inputs = target.querySelectorAll('input'); const change = new window.MouseEvent('change'); inputs[1].checked = true; await inputs[1].dispatchEvent(change); assert.htmlEqual( target.innerHTML, ` ` ); await todos[0].update((todo) => ({ done: !todo.done, text: todo.text })); assert.htmlEqual( target.innerHTML, ` ` ); } };