--- title: $derived --- Derived state is declared with the `$derived` rune: ```svelte
{count} doubled is {doubled}
``` The expression inside `$derived(...)` should be free of side-effects. Svelte will disallow state changes (e.g. `count++`) inside derived expressions. As with `$state`, you can mark class fields as `$derived`. > [!NOTE] Code in Svelte components is only executed once at creation. Without the `$derived` rune, `doubled` would maintain its original value even when `count` changes. ## `$derived.by` Sometimes you need to create complex derivations that don't fit inside a short expression. In these cases, you can use `$derived.by` which accepts a function as its argument. ```svelte ``` In essence, `$derived(expression)` is equivalent to `$derived.by(() => expression)`. ## Understanding dependencies Anything read synchronously inside the `$derived` expression (or `$derived.by` function body) is considered a _dependency_ of the derived state. When the state changes, the derived will be marked as _dirty_ and recalculated when it is next read. To exempt a piece of state from being treated as a dependency, use [`untrack`](svelte#untrack).