--- title: Template syntax --- Rather than reinventing the wheel, Svelte templates are built on foundations that have stood the test of time: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. There's very little extra stuff to learn. ### Tags Tags allow you to bind data to your template. Whenever your data changes (for example after `component.a = 3`), the DOM updates automatically. You can use any JavaScript expression in templates, and it will also automatically update: ```html

{a} + {b} = {a + b}

``` ```json /* { hidden: true } */ { "a": 1, "b": 2 } ``` You can also use tags in attributes: ```html


``` ```json /* { hidden: true } */ { color: "steelblue", hideParagraph: false } ``` [Boolean attributes](https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/infrastructure.html#sec-boolean-attributes) like `hidden` will be omitted if the tag expression evaluates to false. Attributes will be removed from the element if their value is `undefined` or `null`. ### HTML Ordinary tags render expressions as plain text. If you need your expression interpreted as HTML, wrap it in a special `@html` tag: ```html

This HTML: {content}

Renders as: {@html content}

``` ```json /* { hidden: true } */ { content: "Some bold text." } ``` As with regular tags, you can use any JavaScript expression in HTML tags, and it will automatically update the document when your data changes. > HTML is **not** sanitized before it is rendered! If you are displaying user input, you are responsible for first sanitizing it. Not doing so potentially opens you up to XSS attacks. ### If blocks Control whether or not part of your template is rendered by wrapping it in an if block. ```html {#if user.loggedIn} log out {/if} {#if !user.loggedIn} log in {/if} ``` You can combine the two blocks above with `{:else}`: ```html {#if user.loggedIn} log out {:else} log in {/if} ``` You can also use `{:else if ...}`: ```html {#if x > 10}

{x} is greater than 10

{:else if 5 > x}

{x} is less than 5


{x} is between 5 and 10

{/if} ``` ```json /* { hidden: true } */ { x: 7 } ``` ### Each blocks Iterate over lists of data: ```html

Cats of YouTube

``` ```json /* { hidden: true } */ { cats: [ { name: "Keyboard Cat", video: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J---aiyznGQ" }, { name: "Maru", video: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_AbfPXTKms" }, { name: "Henri The Existential Cat", video: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUtn3pvWmpg" } ] } ``` Else is triggered when the list is empty. You can access the index of the current element with *expression* as *name*, *index*: ```html
{#each rows as row, y}
{#each columns as column, x} {x + 1},{y + 1}: {row[column]} {/each}
``` ```json /* { hidden: true } */ { columns: ["foo", "bar", "baz"], rows: [ { foo: "a", bar: "b", baz: "c" }, { foo: "d", bar: "e", baz: "f" }, { foo: "g", bar: "h", baz: "i" } ] } ``` > By default, if the list `a, b, c` becomes `a, c`, Svelte will *remove* the third block and *change* the second from `b` to `c`, rather than removing `b`. If that's not what you want, use a [keyed each block](docs#keyed-each-blocks). You can use destructuring patterns on the elements of the array: ```html

It's the cats of YouTube again

``` ```json /* { hidden: true } */ { cats: [ { name: "Keyboard Cat", video: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J---aiyznGQ" }, { name: "Maru", video: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_AbfPXTKms" }, { name: "Henri The Existential Cat", video: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUtn3pvWmpg" } ] } ``` ### Await blocks You can represent the three states of a [Promise](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise) — pending, fulfilled and rejected — with an `await` block: ```html {#await promise}

wait for it...

{:then answer}

the answer is {answer}!

{:catch error}

well that's odd

{/await} ``` If the expression in `{#await expression}` *isn't* a promise, Svelte skips ahead to the `then` section. ### Directives Directives allow you to add special instructions for adding [event handlers](docs#event-handlers), [bindings](docs#bindings), [transitions](docs#transitions) and so on. We'll cover each of those in later stages of this guide – for now, all you need to know is that directives can be identified by the `:` character: ```html

Count: {count}

``` ```json /* { hidden: true } */ { count: 0 } ``` > Technically, the `:` character is used to denote namespaced attributes in HTML. These will *not* be treated as directives, if encountered. ### Debug tags To inspect data as it changes and flows through your app, use a `{@debug ...}` tag: ```html {@debug name}

Hello {name}!

``` ```json /* { hidden: true } */ { name: 'world' } ``` This will log the value of `name` whenever it changes. If your devtools are open, changing `name` will pause execution and open the debugger. You can debug multiple values simultaneously (`{@debug foo, bar, baz}`), or use `{@debug}` to pause execution whenever the surrounding markup is updated. > Debug tags only have an effect when compiling with the `dev: true` compiler option.