import deindent from '../../utils/deindent'; import Node from './shared/Node'; import ElseBlock from './ElseBlock'; import Block from '../dom/Block'; import createDebuggingComment from '../../utils/createDebuggingComment'; import Expression from './shared/Expression'; import mapChildren from './shared/mapChildren'; import TemplateScope from '../dom/TemplateScope'; export default class EachBlock extends Node { type: 'EachBlock'; block: Block; expression: Expression; iterations: string; index: string; context: string; key: string; scope: TemplateScope; destructuredContexts: string[]; children: Node[]; else?: ElseBlock; constructor(compiler, parent, scope, info) { super(compiler, parent, scope, info); this.expression = new Expression(compiler, this, scope, info.expression); this.context = info.context; this.index = info.index; this.key = info.key; this.scope = scope.child(); this.scope.add(this.context, this.expression.dependencies); if (this.index) { // index can only change if this is a keyed each block const dependencies = this.key ? this.expression.dependencies : []; this.scope.add(this.index, dependencies); } // TODO more general approach to destructuring this.destructuredContexts = info.destructuredContexts || []; this.destructuredContexts.forEach(name => { this.scope.add(name, this.expression.dependencies); }); this.children = mapChildren(compiler, this, this.scope, info.children); this.else = info.else ? new ElseBlock(compiler, this, this.scope, info.else) : null; } init( block: Block, stripWhitespace: boolean, nextSibling: Node ) { this.cannotUseInnerHTML(); this.var = block.getUniqueName(`each`); this.iterations = block.getUniqueName(`${this.var}_blocks`); this.each_context = block.getUniqueName(`${this.var}_context`); const { dependencies } = this.expression; block.addDependencies(dependencies); this.block = block.child({ comment: createDebuggingComment(this, this.compiler), name: this.compiler.getUniqueName('create_each_block'), key: this.key, indexNames: new Map(block.indexNames), listNames: new Map(block.listNames) }); const listName = this.compiler.getUniqueName('each_value'); const indexName = this.index || this.compiler.getUniqueName(`${this.context}_index`); this.block.indexNames.set(this.context, indexName); this.block.listNames.set(this.context, listName); if (this.index) { this.block.getUniqueName(this.index); // this prevents name collisions (#1254) } this.contextProps = [ `${listName}: ${listName}`, `${this.context}: ${listName}[#i]`, `${indexName}: #i` ]; if (this.destructuredContexts) { for (let i = 0; i < this.destructuredContexts.length; i += 1) { this.contextProps.push(`${this.destructuredContexts[i]}: ${listName}[#i][${i}]`); } } this.compiler.blocks.push(this.block); this.initChildren(this.block, stripWhitespace, nextSibling); block.addDependencies(this.block.dependencies); this.block.hasUpdateMethod = this.block.dependencies.size > 0; if (this.else) { this.else.block = block.child({ comment: createDebuggingComment(this.else, this.compiler), name: this.compiler.getUniqueName(`${}_else`), }); this.compiler.blocks.push(this.else.block); this.else.initChildren( this.else.block, stripWhitespace, nextSibling ); this.else.block.hasUpdateMethod = this.else.block.dependencies.size > 0; } } build( block: Block, parentNode: string, parentNodes: string ) { if (this.children.length === 0) return; const { compiler } = this; const each = this.var; const create_each_block =; const each_block_value = this.block.listNames.get(this.context); const iterations = this.iterations; const needsAnchor = ? ! : !parentNode || !this.parent.isDomNode(); const anchor = needsAnchor ? block.getUniqueName(`${each}_anchor`) : ( && || 'null'; // hack the sourcemap, so that if data is missing the bug // is easy to find let c = this.start + 2; while (compiler.source[c] !== 'e') c += 1; compiler.code.overwrite(c, c + 4, 'length'); const length = `[✂${c}-${c+4}✂]`; const mountOrIntro = this.block.hasIntroMethod ? 'i' : 'm'; const vars = { each, create_each_block, each_block_value, length, iterations, anchor, mountOrIntro, }; const { snippet } = this.expression;`var ${each_block_value} = ${snippet};`); if (this.key) { this.buildKeyed(block, parentNode, parentNodes, snippet, vars); } else { this.buildUnkeyed(block, parentNode, parentNodes, snippet, vars); } if (needsAnchor) { block.addElement( anchor, `@createComment()`, parentNodes && `@createComment()`, parentNode ); } if (this.else) { const each_block_else = compiler.getUniqueName(`${each}_else`);`var ${each_block_else} = null;`); // TODO neaten this up... will end up with an empty line in the block` if (!${each_block_value}.${length}) { ${each_block_else} = ${}(#component, ctx); ${each_block_else}.c(); } `);` if (${each_block_else}) { ${each_block_else}.${mountOrIntro}(${parentNode || '#target'}, null); } `); const initialMountNode = parentNode || `${anchor}.parentNode`; if (this.else.block.hasUpdateMethod) {` if (!${each_block_value}.${length} && ${each_block_else}) { ${each_block_else}.p(changed, ctx); } else if (!${each_block_value}.${length}) { ${each_block_else} = ${}(#component, ctx); ${each_block_else}.c(); ${each_block_else}.${mountOrIntro}(${initialMountNode}, ${anchor}); } else if (${each_block_else}) { ${each_block_else}.u(); ${each_block_else}.d(); ${each_block_else} = null; } `); } else {` if (${each_block_value}.${length}) { if (${each_block_else}) { ${each_block_else}.u(); ${each_block_else}.d(); ${each_block_else} = null; } } else if (!${each_block_else}) { ${each_block_else} = ${}(#component, ctx); ${each_block_else}.c(); ${each_block_else}.${mountOrIntro}(${initialMountNode}, ${anchor}); } `); } `if (${each_block_else}) ${each_block_else}.u()` );` if (${each_block_else}) ${each_block_else}.d(); `); } this.children.forEach((child: Node) => {, null, 'nodes'); }); if (this.else) { this.else.children.forEach((child: Node) => {, null, 'nodes'); }); } } buildKeyed( block: Block, parentNode: string, parentNodes: string, snippet: string, { each, create_each_block, each_block_value, length, anchor, mountOrIntro, } ) { const key = block.getUniqueName('key'); const blocks = block.getUniqueName(`${each}_blocks`); const lookup = block.getUniqueName(`${each}_lookup`); block.addVariable(blocks, '[]'); block.addVariable(lookup, `@blankObject()`); if (this.children[0].isDomNode()) { this.block.first = this.children[0].var; } else { this.block.first = this.block.getUniqueName('first'); this.block.addElement( this.block.first, `@createComment()`, parentNodes && `@createComment()`, null ); }` for (var #i = 0; #i < ${each_block_value}.${length}; #i += 1) { var ${key} = ${each_block_value}[#i].${this.key}; ${blocks}[#i] = ${lookup}[${key}] = ${create_each_block}(#component, ${key}, @assign(@assign({}, ctx), { ${this.contextProps.join(',\n')} })); } `); const initialMountNode = parentNode || '#target'; const updateMountNode = this.getUpdateMountNode(anchor); const anchorNode = parentNode ? 'null' : 'anchor';` for (#i = 0; #i < ${blocks}.length; #i += 1) ${blocks}[#i].c(); `); if (parentNodes) {` for (#i = 0; #i < ${blocks}.length; #i += 1) ${blocks}[#i].l(${parentNodes}); `); }` for (#i = 0; #i < ${blocks}.length; #i += 1) ${blocks}[#i].${mountOrIntro}(${initialMountNode}, ${anchorNode}); `); const dynamic = this.block.hasUpdateMethod;` var ${each_block_value} = ${snippet}; ${blocks} = @updateKeyedEach(${blocks}, #component, changed, "${this.key}", ${dynamic ? '1' : '0'}, ${each_block_value}, ${lookup}, ${updateMountNode}, ${String(this.block.hasOutroMethod)}, ${create_each_block}, "${mountOrIntro}", ${anchor}, function(#i) { return @assign(@assign({}, ctx), { ${this.contextProps.join(',\n')} }); }); `); if (!parentNode) {` for (#i = 0; #i < ${blocks}.length; #i += 1) ${blocks}[#i].u(); `); }` for (#i = 0; #i < ${blocks}.length; #i += 1) ${blocks}[#i].d(); `); } buildUnkeyed( block: Block, parentNode: string, parentNodes: string, snippet: string, { create_each_block, each_block_value, length, iterations, anchor, mountOrIntro, } ) {` var ${iterations} = []; for (var #i = 0; #i < ${each_block_value}.${length}; #i += 1) { ${iterations}[#i] = ${create_each_block}(#component, @assign(@assign({}, ctx), { ${this.contextProps.join(',\n')} })); } `); const initialMountNode = parentNode || '#target'; const updateMountNode = this.getUpdateMountNode(anchor); const anchorNode = parentNode ? 'null' : 'anchor';` for (var #i = 0; #i < ${iterations}.length; #i += 1) { ${iterations}[#i].c(); } `); if (parentNodes) {` for (var #i = 0; #i < ${iterations}.length; #i += 1) { ${iterations}[#i].l(${parentNodes}); } `); }` for (var #i = 0; #i < ${iterations}.length; #i += 1) { ${iterations}[#i].${mountOrIntro}(${initialMountNode}, ${anchorNode}); } `); const allDependencies = new Set(this.block.dependencies); const { dependencies } = this.expression; dependencies.forEach((dependency: string) => { allDependencies.add(dependency); }); // TODO do this for keyed blocks as well const condition = Array.from(allDependencies) .map(dependency => `changed.${dependency}`) .join(' || '); if (condition !== '') { const forLoopBody = this.block.hasUpdateMethod ? this.block.hasIntroMethod ? deindent` if (${iterations}[#i]) { ${iterations}[#i].p(changed, ${this.each_context}); } else { ${iterations}[#i] = ${create_each_block}(#component, ${this.each_context}); ${iterations}[#i].c(); } ${iterations}[#i].i(${updateMountNode}, ${anchor}); ` : deindent` if (${iterations}[#i]) { ${iterations}[#i].p(changed, ${this.each_context}); } else { ${iterations}[#i] = ${create_each_block}(#component, ${this.each_context}); ${iterations}[#i].c(); ${iterations}[#i].m(${updateMountNode}, ${anchor}); } ` : deindent` ${iterations}[#i] = ${create_each_block}(#component, ${this.each_context}); ${iterations}[#i].c(); ${iterations}[#i].${mountOrIntro}(${updateMountNode}, ${anchor}); `; const start = this.block.hasUpdateMethod ? '0' : `${iterations}.length`; const outro = block.getUniqueName('outro'); const destroy = this.block.hasOutroMethod ? deindent` function ${outro}(i) { if (${iterations}[i]) { ${iterations}[i].o(function() { ${iterations}[i].u(); ${iterations}[i].d(); ${iterations}[i] = null; }); } } for (; #i < ${iterations}.length; #i += 1) ${outro}(#i); ` : deindent` for (; #i < ${iterations}.length; #i += 1) { ${iterations}[#i].u(); ${iterations}[#i].d(); } ${iterations}.length = ${each_block_value}.${length}; `;` var ${each_block_value} = ${snippet}; if (${condition}) { for (var #i = ${start}; #i < ${each_block_value}.${length}; #i += 1) { var ${this.each_context} = @assign(@assign({}, ctx), { ${this.contextProps.join(',\n')} }); ${forLoopBody} } ${destroy} } `); }` for (var #i = 0; #i < ${iterations}.length; #i += 1) { ${iterations}[#i].u(); } `);`@destroyEach(${iterations});`); } remount(name: string) { // TODO consider keyed blocks return `for (var #i = 0; #i < ${this.iterations}.length; #i += 1) ${this.iterations}[#i].m(${name}._slotted.default, null);`; } }