import fs from 'node:fs'; import { createRequire } from 'node:module'; import replace from '@rollup/plugin-replace'; import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve'; import commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs'; import json from '@rollup/plugin-json'; import sucrase from '@rollup/plugin-sucrase'; import typescript from '@rollup/plugin-typescript'; const require = createRequire(import.meta.url); const pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('package.json', 'utf-8')); const is_publish = !!process.env.PUBLISH; const ts_plugin = is_publish ? typescript({ typescript: require('typescript') }) : sucrase({ transforms: ['typescript'] }); // The following external and path logic is necessary so that the bundled runtime pieces and the index file // reference each other correctly instead of bundling their references to each other /** * Ensures that relative imports inside `src/runtime` like `./internal` and `../store` are externalized correctly */ const external = (id, parent_id) => { const parent_segments = parent_id.replace(/\\/g, '/').split('/'); // TODO needs to be adjusted when we move to JS modules if (parent_segments[parent_segments.length - 3] === 'runtime') { return /\.\.\/\w+$/.test(id); } else { return id === './internal' && parent_segments[parent_segments.length - 2] === 'runtime'; } } /** * Transforms externalized import paths like `../store` into correct relative imports with correct index file extension import */ const replace_relative_svelte_imports = (id, ending) => { id = id.replace(/\\/g, '/'); // TODO needs to be adjusted when we move to JS modules return /src\/runtime\/\w+$/.test(id) && `../${id.split('/').pop()}/${ending}`; } /** * Transforms externalized `./internal` import path into correct relative import with correct index file extension import */ const replace_relative_internal_import = (id, ending) => { id = id.replace(/\\/g, '/'); // TODO needs to be adjusted when we move to JS modules return id.endsWith('src/runtime/internal') && `./internal/${ending}`; } fs.writeFileSync(`./compiler.d.ts`, `export { compile, parse, preprocess, walk, VERSION } from './types/compiler/index';`); export default [ /* runtime */ { input: `src/runtime/index.ts`, output: [ { file: `index.mjs`, format: 'esm', paths: id => replace_relative_internal_import(id, 'index.mjs') }, { file: `index.js`, format: 'cjs', paths: id => replace_relative_internal_import(id, 'index.js') } ], external, plugins: [ts_plugin] }, { input: `src/runtime/ssr.ts`, output: [ { file: `ssr.mjs`, format: 'esm', paths: id => replace_relative_internal_import(id, 'index.mjs') }, { file: `ssr.js`, format: 'cjs', paths: id => replace_relative_internal_import(id, 'index.js') } ], external, plugins: [ts_plugin] }, ...fs.readdirSync('src/runtime') .filter(dir => fs.statSync(`src/runtime/${dir}`).isDirectory()) .map(dir => ({ input: `src/runtime/${dir}/index.ts`, output: [ { file: `${dir}/index.mjs`, format: 'esm', paths: id => replace_relative_svelte_imports(id, 'index.mjs') }, { file: `${dir}/index.js`, format: 'cjs', paths: id => replace_relative_svelte_imports(id, 'index.js') } ], external, plugins: [ replace({ __VERSION__: pkg.version }), ts_plugin, { writeBundle(_options, bundle) { if (dir === 'internal') { const mod = bundle['index.mjs']; if (mod) { fs.writeFileSync('src/compiler/compile/internal_exports.ts', `// This file is automatically generated\nexport default new Set(${JSON.stringify(mod.exports)});`); } } fs.writeFileSync(`${dir}/package.json`, JSON.stringify({ main: './index', module: './index.mjs', types: './index.d.ts' }, null, ' ')); fs.writeFileSync(`${dir}/index.d.ts`, `export * from '../types/runtime/${dir}/index';`); } } ] })), /* compiler.js */ { input: 'src/compiler/index.ts', plugins: [ replace({ __VERSION__: pkg.version, 'process.env.NODE_DEBUG': false // appears inside the util package }), { resolveId(id) { // util is a built-in module in Node.js, but we want a self-contained compiler bundle // that also works in the browser, so we load its polyfill instead if (id === 'util') { return require.resolve('./node_modules/util'); // just 'utils' would resolve this to the built-in module } } }, resolve(), commonjs({ include: ['node_modules/**'] }), json(), ts_plugin ], output: [ { file: 'compiler.js', format: is_publish ? 'umd' : 'cjs', name: 'svelte', sourcemap: true, }, { file: 'compiler.mjs', format: 'esm', name: 'svelte', sourcemap: true, } ], external: is_publish ? [] : id => id === 'acorn' || id === 'magic-string' || id.startsWith('css-tree') } ];