--- title: Lifecycle hooks --- <!-- - onMount/onDestroy - mention that `$effect` might be better for your use case - beforeUpdate/afterUpdate with deprecation notice? - or skip this entirely and only have it in the reference docs? --> In Svelte 5, the component lifecycle consists of only two parts: Its creation and its destruction. Everything in-between — when certain state is updated — is not related to the component as a whole; only the parts that need to react to the state change are notified. This is because under the hood the smallest unit of change is actually not a component, it's the (render) effects that the component sets up upon component initialization. Consequently, there's no such thing as a "before update"/"after update" hook. ## `onMount` The `onMount` function schedules a callback to run as soon as the component has been mounted to the DOM. It must be called during the component's initialisation (but doesn't need to live _inside_ the component; it can be called from an external module). `onMount` does not run inside a component that is rendered on the server. ```svelte <script> import { onMount } from 'svelte'; onMount(() => { console.log('the component has mounted'); }); </script> ``` If a function is returned from `onMount`, it will be called when the component is unmounted. ```svelte <script> import { onMount } from 'svelte'; onMount(() => { const interval = setInterval(() => { console.log('beep'); }, 1000); return () => clearInterval(interval); }); </script> ``` > [!NOTE] This behaviour will only work when the function passed to `onMount` _synchronously_ returns a value. `async` functions always return a `Promise`, and as such cannot _synchronously_ return a function. ## `onDestroy` > EXPORT_SNIPPET: svelte#onDestroy Schedules a callback to run immediately before the component is unmounted. Out of `onMount`, `beforeUpdate`, `afterUpdate` and `onDestroy`, this is the only one that runs inside a server-side component. ```svelte <script> import { onDestroy } from 'svelte'; onDestroy(() => { console.log('the component is being destroyed'); }); </script> ``` ## `tick` While there's no "after update" hook, you can use `tick` to ensure that the UI is updated before continuing. `tick` returns a promise that resolves once any pending state changes have been applied, or in the next microtask if there are none. ```svelte <script> import { tick } from 'svelte'; $effect.pre(() => { console.log('the component is about to update'); tick().then(() => { console.log('the component just updated'); }); }); </script> ``` ## Deprecated: `beforeUpdate` / `afterUpdate` Svelte 4 contained hooks that ran before and after the component as a whole was updated. For backwards compatibility, these hooks were shimmed in Svelte 5 but not available inside components that use runes. ```svelte <script> import { beforeUpdate, afterUpdate } from 'svelte'; beforeUpdate(() => { console.log('the component is about to update'); }); afterUpdate(() => { console.log('the component just updated'); }); </script> ``` Instead of `beforeUpdate` use `$effect.pre` and instead of `afterUpdate` use `$effect` instead - these runes offer more granular control and only react to the changes you're actually interested in. ### Chat window example To implement a chat window that autoscrolls to the bottom when new messages appear (but only if you were _already_ scrolled to the bottom), we need to measure the DOM before we update it. In Svelte 4, we do this with `beforeUpdate`, but this is a flawed approach — it fires before _every_ update, whether it's relevant or not. In the example below, we need to introduce checks like `updatingMessages` to make sure we don't mess with the scroll position when someone toggles dark mode. With runes, we can use `$effect.pre`, which behaves the same as `$effect` but runs before the DOM is updated. As long as we explicitly reference `messages` inside the effect body, it will run whenever `messages` changes, but _not_ when `theme` changes. `beforeUpdate`, and its equally troublesome counterpart `afterUpdate`, are therefore deprecated in Svelte 5. - [Before](/playground/untitled#H4sIAAAAAAAAE31WXa_bNgz9K6yL1QmWOLlrC-w6H8MeBgwY9tY9NfdBtmlbiywZkpyPBfnvo2zLcZK28AWuRPGI5OGhkEuQc4EmiL9eAskqDOLg97oOZoE9125jDigs0t6oRqfOsjap5rXd7uTO8qpW2sIFEsyVxn_qjFmcAcstar-xPN3DFXKtKgi768IVgQku0ELj3Lgs_kZjWIEGNpAzYXDlHWyJFZI1zJjeh4O5uvl_DY8oUkVeVoFuJKYls-_CGYS25Aboj0EtWNqel0wWoBoLTGZgmdgDS9zW4Uz4NsrswPHoyutN4xInkylstnBxdmIhh8m7xzqmoNE2Wq46n1RJQzEbq4g-JQSl7e-HDx-GdaTy3KD9E3lRWvj5Zu9QX1QN20dj7zyHz8s-1S6lW7Cpz3RnXTcm04hIlfdFuO8p2mQ5-3a06cqjrn559bF_2NHOnRZ5I1PLlXQNyQT-hedMHeUEDyjtdMxsa4n2eIbNhlTwhyRthaOKOmYtniwF6pwt0wXa6MBEg0OibZec27gz_dk3UrZ6hB2LLYoiv521Yd8Gt-foTrfhiCDP0lC9VUUhcDLU49Xe_9943cNvEArHfAjxeBTovvXiNpFynfEDpIIZs9kFbg52QbeNHWZzebz32s7xHco3nJAJl1nshmhz8dYOQJDyZetnbb2gTWe-vEeWlrfpZMavr56ldb29eNt6UXvgwgFbp_WC0tl2RK25rGk6lYz3nUI2lzvBXGHhPZPGWmKUXFNBKqdaW259wl_aHbiqoVIZdpE60Nax6IOujT0LbFFxIVTCxCRR2XloUcYNvSbnGHKBp763jHoj59xiZWJI0Wm0P_m3MSS985xkasn-cFq20xTDy3J5KFcjgUTD69BHdcHIjz431z28IqlxGcPSfdFnrGDZn6gD6lyo45zyHAD-btczf-98nhQxHEvKfeUtOVkSejD3q-9X7JbzjGtsdUxlKdFU8qGsT78uaw848syWMXz85Waq2Gnem4mAn3prweq4q6Y3JEpnqMmnPoFRgmd3ySW0LLRqSKlwYHriCvJvUs2yjMaaoA-XzTXLeGMe45zmhv_XAno3Mj0xF7USuqNvnE9H343QHlq-eAgxpbTPNR9yzUkgLjwSR0NK4wKoxy-jDg-9vy8sUSToakzW-9fX13Em9Q8T6Z26uZhBN36XUYo5q7ggLXBZoub2Ofv7g6GCZfTxe034NCjiudXj7Omla0eTfo7QBPOcYxbE7qG-vl3_B1G-_i_JCAAA) - [After](/playground/untitled#H4sIAAAAAAAAE31WXa-jNhD9K7PsdknUQJLurtRLPqo-VKrU1327uQ8GBnBjbGSb5KZR_nvHgMlXtyIS9njO-MyZGZRzUHCBJkhez4FkNQZJ8HvTBLPAnhq3MQcUFmlvVKszZ1mbTPPGbndyZ3ndKG3hDJZne7hAoVUNYY8JV-RBPgIt2AprhA18MpZZnIQ50_twuvLHNRrDSjRXj9fwiCJTBLIKdCsxq5j9EM4gtBU3QD8GjWBZd14xWYJqLTCZg2ViDyx1W4cz4dv0hsiB49FRHkyfsCgws3GjcTKZwmYLZ2feWc9o1W8zJQ2Fb62i5JUQRNRHgs-fx3WsisKg_RN5WVn4-WrvUd9VA9tH4-AcwbfFQIpkLWByvWzqSe2sk3kyjUlOec_XPU-3TRaz_75tuvKoi19e3OvipSpamVmupJM2F_gXnnJ1lBM8oLQjHceys8R7PMFms4HwD2lRhzeEe-EsvluSrHe2TJdo4wMTLY48XKwPzm0KGm2r5ajFtRYU4TWOY7-ddWHfxhDP0QkQhnf5PWRnVVkKnIx8fZsOb5dR16nwG4TCCRdCMphWQ7z1_DoOcp3zA2SCGbPZBa5jd0G_TRxmc36Me-mG6A7l60XIlMs8ce2-OXtrDyBItdz6qVjPadObzx-RZdV1nJjx64tXad1sz962njceOHfAzmk9JzrbXqg1lw3NkZL7vgE257t-uMDcO6attSSokpmgFqVMO2U93e_dDlzOUKsc-3t6zNZp6K9cG3sS2KGSUqiUiUmq8tNYoJwbmvpTAoXA96GyjCojI26xNglk6DpwOPm7NdRYp4ia0JL94bTqRiGB5WJxqFY37RGPoz3c6i4jP3rcUA7wmhqNywQW7om_YQ2L4UQdUBdCHSPiOQJ8bFcxHzeK0jKBY0XcV95SkCWlD9t-9eOM3TLKucauiyktJdpaPqT19ddF4wFHntsqgS-_XE01e48GMwnw02AtWZP02QyGVOkcNfk072CU4PkduZSWpVYt9SkcmJ64hPwHpWF5ziVls3wIFmmW89Y83vMeGf5PBxjcyPSkXNy10J18t3x6-a6CDtBq6SGklNKeazFyLahB3PVIGo2UbhOgGi9vKjzW_j6xVFFD17difXx5ebll0vwvkcGpn4sZ9MN3vqFYsJoL6gUuK9TcPrO_PxgzWMRfflSEr2NHPJf6lj1957rRpH8CNMG84JgHidUtXt4u_wK21LXERAgAAA==) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```svelte <script> import { ---beforeUpdate, afterUpdate,--- tick } from 'svelte'; ---let updatingMessages = false;--- let theme = +++$state('dark')+++; let messages = +++$state([])+++; let viewport; ---beforeUpdate(() => {--- +++$effect.pre(() => {+++ ---if (!updatingMessages) return;--- +++messages;+++ const autoscroll = viewport && viewport.offsetHeight + viewport.scrollTop > viewport.scrollHeight - 50; if (autoscroll) { tick().then(() => { viewport.scrollTo(0, viewport.scrollHeight); }); } ---updatingMessages = false;--- }); function handleKeydown(event) { if (event.key === 'Enter') { const text = event.target.value; if (!text) return; ---updatingMessages = true;--- messages = [...messages, text]; event.target.value = ''; } } function toggle() { toggleValue = !toggleValue; } </script> <div class:dark={theme === 'dark'}> <div bind:this={viewport}> {#each messages as message} <p>{message}</p> {/each} </div> <input +++onkeydown+++={handleKeydown} /> <button +++onclick+++={toggle}> Toggle dark mode </button> </div> ```