title: Congratulations!

You've now finished the Svelte tutorial and are ready to start building apps. You can refer back to individual chapters at any time (click the title above to reveal a dropdown) or continue your learning via the [API reference](/docs), [Examples](/examples) and [Blog](/blog). If you're a Twitter user, you can get updates via [@sveltejs](https://twitter.com/sveltejs).

To get set up in your local development environment, check out [the quickstart guide](/docs/introduction).

If you're looking for a more expansive framework that includes routing, server-side rendering and everything else, take a look at [SvelteKit](https://kit.svelte.dev).

Most importantly: since you're now a member of the Svelte community, you should [join our friendly Discord chatroom](https://svelte.dev/chat). That's where you'll find fellow Svelte users, and it's where we plan the future of the framework.