const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const child_process = require('child_process'); const assert = require('assert'); const glob = require('tiny-glob/sync.js'); const bin = path.resolve(`svelte`); function normalize(str) { return str .replace(/^\s+$/gm, '') .replace(/generated by Svelte v[.\d]+/, `generated by Svelte vx.y.z`) .trim(); } const cwd = process.cwd(); describe('cli', () => { afterEach(() => { process.chdir(cwd); }); fs.readdirSync('test/cli/samples').forEach(dir => { if (dir[0] === '.') return; // append .solo to test dir to only run that test const solo = /\.solo$/.test(dir); (solo ? it.only : it)(dir, done => { process.chdir(`${__dirname}/samples/${dir}`); const command = fs.readFileSync('', 'utf-8'); child_process.exec(` alias svelte=${bin} mkdir -p actual rm -rf actual/* ${command} `, (err, stdout, stderr) => { if (err) { done(err); return; } const actual = glob('**', { cwd: 'actual', filesOnly: true }) .map(file => { return { file, contents: normalize(fs.readFileSync(`actual/${file}`, 'utf-8')) }; }); const expected = glob('**', { cwd: 'expected', filesOnly: true }) .map(file => { return { file, contents: normalize( fs.readFileSync(`expected/${file}`, 'utf-8') ) }; }); actual.forEach((a, i) => { const e = expected[i]; assert.equal(a.file, e.file, 'File list mismatch'); if (/\.map$/.test(a.file)) { assert.deepEqual(JSON.parse(a.contents), JSON.parse(e.contents)); } else { assert.equal(a.contents, e.contents); } }); done(); }); }); }); });