import deindent from '../../src/utils/deindent.js'; import assert from 'assert'; import { svelte, env, setupHtmlEqual } from '../helpers.js'; function testAmd ( code, expectedId, dependencies, html ) { const fn = new Function( 'define', code ); return env().then( window => { function define ( id, deps, factory ) { assert.equal( id, expectedId ); assert.deepEqual( deps, Object.keys( dependencies ) ); const SvelteComponent = factory( ...Object.keys( dependencies ).map( key => dependencies[ key ] ) ); const main = window.document.body.querySelector( 'main' ); const component = new SvelteComponent({ target: main }); assert.htmlEqual( main.innerHTML, html ); component.destroy(); } define.amd = true; fn( define ); }); } function testCjs ( code, dependencyById, html ) { const fn = new Function( 'module', 'exports', 'require', code ); return env().then( window => { const module = { exports: {} }; const require = id => { return dependencyById[ id ]; }; fn( module, module.exports, require ); const SvelteComponent = module.exports; const main = window.document.body.querySelector( 'main' ); const component = new SvelteComponent({ target: main }); assert.htmlEqual( main.innerHTML, html ); component.destroy(); }); } function testIife ( code, name, globals, html ) { const fn = new Function( Object.keys( globals ), `${code}\n\nreturn ${name};` ); return env().then( window => { const SvelteComponent = fn( ...Object.keys( globals ).map( key => globals[ key ] ) ); const main = window.document.body.querySelector( 'main' ); const component = new SvelteComponent({ target: main }); assert.htmlEqual( main.innerHTML, html ); component.destroy(); }); } function testEval ( code, name, globals, html ) { const fn = new Function( Object.keys( globals ), `return ${code};` ); return env().then( window => { const SvelteComponent = fn( ...Object.keys( globals ).map( key => globals[ key ] ) ); const main = window.document.body.querySelector( 'main' ); const component = new SvelteComponent({ target: main }); assert.htmlEqual( main.innerHTML, html ); component.destroy(); }); } describe( 'formats', () => { before( setupHtmlEqual ); describe( 'amd', () => { it( 'generates an AMD module', () => { const source = deindent`
`; const { code } = svelte.compile( source, { format: 'amd', amd: { id: 'foo' } }); return testAmd( code, 'foo', { answer: 42 }, `
` ); }); }); describe( 'cjs', () => { it( 'generates a CommonJS module', () => { const source = deindent`
`; const { code } = svelte.compile( source, { format: 'cjs' }); return testCjs( code, { answer: 42 }, `
` ); }); }); describe( 'iife', () => { it( 'generates a self-executing script', () => { const source = deindent`
`; const { code } = svelte.compile( source, { format: 'iife', name: 'Foo', globals: { answer: 'answer' } }); return testIife( code, 'Foo', { answer: 42 }, `
` ); }); }); describe( 'umd', () => { it( 'generates a UMD build', () => { const source = deindent`
`; const { code } = svelte.compile( source, { format: 'umd', name: 'Foo', globals: { answer: 'answer' }, amd: { id: 'foo' } }); return testAmd( code, 'foo', { answer: 42 }, `
` ) .then( () => testCjs( code, { answer: 42 }, `
` ) ) .then( () => testIife( code, 'Foo', { answer: 42 }, `
` ) ); }); }); describe( 'eval', () => { it( 'generates a self-executing script that returns the component on eval', () => { const source = deindent`
`; const { code } = svelte.compile( source, { format: 'eval', globals: { answer: 'answer' } }); return testEval( code, 'Foo', { answer: 42 }, `
` ); }); }); });