import fs from 'fs'; import assert from 'assert'; import MagicString from 'magic-string'; import { parse } from 'acorn'; import { Store } from '../../store.js'; describe('store', () => { describe('get', () => { it('gets the entire state object', () => { const store = new Store({ foo: 'bar' }); assert.deepEqual(store.get(), { foo: 'bar' }); }); }); describe('set', () => { it('sets state', () => { const store = new Store(); store.set({ foo: 'bar' }); assert.equal(store.get().foo, 'bar'); }); }); describe('on', () => { it('listens to an event', () => { let newFoo; let oldFoo; const store = new Store({ foo: 'bar' }); store.on('state', ({ changed, current, previous }) => { newFoo =; oldFoo =; }); store.set({ foo: 'baz' }); assert.equal(newFoo, 'baz'); assert.equal(oldFoo, 'bar'); }); }); describe('fire', () => { let answer; const store = new Store(); store.on('custom', event => { answer = event.answer; });'custom', { answer: 42 }); assert.equal(answer, 42); }); it('allows user to cancel state change callback', () => { const store = new Store(); const handler = store.on('state', () => {}); assert.doesNotThrow(() => { handler.cancel(); }, TypeError, 'this._handlers is undefined'); }); describe('computed', () => { it('computes a property based on data', () => { const store = new Store({ foo: 1 }); store.compute('bar', ['foo'], foo => foo * 2); assert.equal(store.get().bar, 2); const values = []; store.on('state', ({ current }) => { values.push(; }); store.set({ foo: 2 }); assert.deepEqual(values, [4]); }); it('computes a property based on another computed property', () => { const store = new Store({ foo: 1 }); store.compute('bar', ['foo'], foo => foo * 2); store.compute('baz', ['bar'], bar => bar * 2); assert.equal(store.get().baz, 4); const values = []; store.on('state', ({ current }) => { values.push(current.baz); }); store.set({ foo: 2 }); assert.deepEqual(values, [8]); }); it('prevents computed properties from being set', () => { const store = new Store({ foo: 1 }); store.compute('bar', ['foo'], foo => foo * 2); assert.throws(() => { store.set({ bar: 'whatever' }); }, /'bar' is a read-only property/); }); it('allows multiple dependents to depend on the same computed property', () => { const store = new Store({ a: 1 }); store.compute('b', ['a'], a => a * 2); store.compute('c', ['b'], b => b * 3); store.compute('d', ['b'], b => b * 4); assert.deepEqual(store.get(), { a: 1, b: 2, c: 6, d: 8 }); // bit cheeky, testing a private property, but whatever assert.equal(store._sortedComputedProperties.length, 3); }); it('prevents cyclical dependencies', () => { const store = new Store(); assert.throws(() => { store.compute('a', ['b'], b => b + 1); store.compute('b', ['a'], a => a + 1); }, /Cyclical dependency detected/); }); }); describe('immutable', () => { it('observing state only changes on immutable updates', () => { let newFoo; let oldFoo; let callCount = 0; let value1 = {}; let value2 = {}; const store = new Store({ foo: value1 }, { immutable: true }); store.on('state', ({ current, previous }) => { callCount++; newFoo =; oldFoo =; }); store.set({ foo: value1 }); assert.equal(callCount, 0); store.set({ foo: value2 }); assert.equal(callCount, 1); assert.equal(newFoo, value2); assert.equal(oldFoo, value1); }); }); });