// @ts-check import 'dotenv/config'; import Jimp from 'jimp'; import { stat, writeFile } from 'node:fs/promises'; import { dirname } from 'node:path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'; const force = process.env.FORCE_UPDATE === 'true'; const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); process.chdir(__dirname); // ../src/routes/_components/Supporters/contributors.js const outputFile = new URL(`../src/routes/_components/Supporters/contributors.js`, import.meta.url); try { if (!force && (await stat(outputFile))) { console.info(`[update/contributors] ${outputFile} exists. Skipping`); process.exit(0); } } catch { const base = `https://api.github.com/repos/sveltejs/svelte/contributors`; const { GITHUB_CLIENT_ID, GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET } = process.env; const MAX = 24; const SIZE = 128; const contributors = []; let page = 1; while (true) { const res = await fetch( `${base}?client_id=${GITHUB_CLIENT_ID}&client_secret=${GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET}&per_page=100&page=${page++}` ); const list = await res.json(); if (!Array.isArray(list)) throw new Error('Expected an array'); if (list.length === 0) break; contributors.push(...list); } const authors = contributors .filter(({ login }) => !login.includes('[bot]')) .sort((a, b) => b.contributions - a.contributions) .slice(0, MAX); const sprite = new Jimp(SIZE * authors.length, SIZE); for (let i = 0; i < authors.length; i += 1) { const author = authors[i]; console.log(`${i + 1} / ${authors.length}: ${author.login}`); const image_data = await fetch(author.avatar_url); const buffer = await image_data.arrayBuffer(); // @ts-ignore const image = await Jimp.read(buffer); image.resize(SIZE, SIZE); sprite.composite(image, i * SIZE, 0); } await sprite .quality(80) .writeAsync( new URL(`../src/routes/_components/Supporters/contributors.jpg`, import.meta.url).pathname ); // TODO: Optimizing the static/contributors.jpg image should probably get automated as well console.log( 'remember to additionally optimize the resulting /static/contributors.jpg image file via e.g. https://squoosh.app ' ); const str = `[\n\t${authors.map((a) => `'${a.login}'`).join(',\n\t')}\n]`; writeFile(outputFile, `export default ${str};`); }