import { Warning } from './interfaces'; import Component from './compile/Component'; const now = (typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.hrtime) ? () => { const t = process.hrtime(); return t[0] * 1e3 + t[1] / 1e6; } : () =>; type Timing = { label: string; start: number; end: number; children: Timing[]; } function collapseTimings(timings) { const result = {}; timings.forEach(timing => { result[timing.label] = Object.assign({ total: timing.end - timing.start }, timing.children && collapseTimings(timing.children)); }); return result; } export default class Stats { onwarn: (warning: Warning) => void; startTime: number; currentTiming: Timing; currentChildren: Timing[]; timings: Timing[]; stack: Timing[]; warnings: Warning[]; constructor({ onwarn }: { onwarn: (warning: Warning) => void }) { this.startTime = now(); this.stack = []; this.currentChildren = this.timings = []; this.onwarn = onwarn; this.warnings = []; } start(label) { const timing = { label, start: now(), end: null, children: [] }; this.currentChildren.push(timing); this.stack.push(timing); this.currentTiming = timing; this.currentChildren = timing.children; } stop(label) { if (label !== this.currentTiming.label) { throw new Error(`Mismatched timing labels (expected ${this.currentTiming.label}, got ${label})`); } this.currentTiming.end = now(); this.stack.pop(); this.currentTiming = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; this.currentChildren = this.currentTiming ? this.currentTiming.children : this.timings; } render(component: Component) { const timings = Object.assign({ total: now() - this.startTime }, collapseTimings(this.timings)); // TODO would be good to have this info even // if options.generate is false const imports = component && => { return { source: node.source.value, specifiers: => { return { name: ( specifier.type === 'ImportDefaultSpecifier' ? 'default' : specifier.type === 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier' ? '*' : ), as: }; }) } }); return { props: =>, timings, warnings: this.warnings, imports, templateReferences: component && component.template_references }; } warn(warning) { this.warnings.push(warning); this.onwarn(warning); } }