	import { onMount } from 'svelte';

	let time = new Date();

	// these automatically update when `time`
	// changes, because of the `$:` prefix
	$: hours = time.getHours();
	$: minutes = time.getMinutes();
	$: seconds = time.getSeconds();

	onMount(() => {
		const interval = setInterval(() => {
			time = new Date();
		}, 1000);

		return () => {

<svg viewBox="-50 -50 100 100">
	<circle class="clock-face" r="48" />

	<!-- markers -->
	{#each [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55] as minute}
		<line class="major" y1="35" y2="45" transform="rotate({30 * minute})" />

		{#each [1, 2, 3, 4] as offset}
			<line class="minor" y1="42" y2="45" transform="rotate({6 * (minute + offset)})" />

	<!-- hour hand -->
	<line class="hour" y1="2" y2="-20" transform="rotate({30 * hours + minutes / 2})" />

	<!-- minute hand -->
	<line class="minute" y1="4" y2="-30" transform="rotate({6 * minutes + seconds / 10})" />

	<!-- second hand -->
	<g transform="rotate({6 * seconds})">
		<line class="second" y1="10" y2="-38" />
		<line class="second-counterweight" y1="10" y2="2" />

	svg {
		width: 100%;
		height: 100%;

	.clock-face {
		stroke: #333;
		fill: white;

	.minor {
		stroke: #999;
		stroke-width: 0.5;

	.major {
		stroke: #333;
		stroke-width: 1;

	.hour {
		stroke: #333;

	.minute {
		stroke: #666;

	.second-counterweight {
		stroke: rgb(180, 0, 0);

	.second-counterweight {
		stroke-width: 3;