import assert from 'assert'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import { rollup } from 'rollup'; import { svelte } from '../helpers.js'; describe( 'js', () => { fs.readdirSync( 'test/js/samples' ).forEach( dir => { if ( dir[0] === '.' ) return; // add .solo to a sample directory name to only run that test const solo = /\.solo/.test( dir ); if ( solo && process.env.CI ) { throw new Error( 'Forgot to remove `solo: true` from test' ); } ( solo ? it.only : it )( dir, () => { dir = path.resolve( 'test/js/samples', dir ); const input = fs.readFileSync( `${dir}/input.html`, 'utf-8' ).replace( /\s+$/, '' ); let actual; try { actual = svelte.compile( input, { shared: true }).code; } catch ( err ) { console.log( err.frame ); throw err; } fs.writeFileSync( `${dir}/_actual.js`, actual ); const expected = fs.readFileSync( `${dir}/expected.js`, 'utf-8' ); const expectedBundle = fs.readFileSync( `${dir}/expected-bundle.js`, 'utf-8' ); assert.equal( actual.trim().replace( /^\s+$/gm, '' ), expected.trim().replace( /^\s+$/gm, '' ) ); return rollup({ entry: `${dir}/_actual.js`, plugins: [{ resolveId ( importee, importer ) { if ( !importer ) return importee; if ( importee === 'svelte/shared.js' ) return path.resolve('shared.js'); return null; } }] }).then(bundle => { const actualBundle = bundle.generate({ format: 'es' }).code; fs.writeFileSync( `${dir}/_actual-bundle.js`, actualBundle ); assert.equal( actualBundle.trim().replace( /^\s+$/gm, '' ), expectedBundle.trim().replace( /^\s+$/gm, '' ) ); }); }); }); });