import deindent from '../utils/deindent.js'; import addComponentAttributes from './attributes/addComponentAttributes.js'; import addElementAttributes from './attributes/addElementAttributes.js'; import counter from '../utils/counter.js'; export default { enter ( generator, node ) { const hasChildren = node.children.length > 0 const isComponent = in generator.components; const name = generator.current.counter( isComponent ? `${[0].toLowerCase()}${ 1 )}` : ); const local = { name, namespace: name === 'svg' ? '' : generator.current.namespace, isComponent, allUsedContexts: new Set(), init: [], mount: [], update: [], teardown: [] }; const isToplevel = generator.current.localElementDepth === 0; if ( isComponent ) { generator.hasComponents = true; addComponentAttributes( generator, node, local ); const componentInitProperties = [ `target: ${!isToplevel ? 'null'}`, 'root: component.root || component' ]; // Component has children if ( hasChildren ) { const yieldName = `render${name}YieldFragment`; // {{YIELD STUFF}} generator.push({ useAnchor: true, name: generator.current.counter(yieldName), target: 'target', localElementDepth: 0, initStatements: [], mountStatements: [], updateStatements: [], teardownStatements: [], counter: counter() }); node.children.forEach( generator.visit ); generator.addRenderer( generator.current ); generator.pop(); // Don't render children twice node.children = []; generator.current.initStatements.push(`var ${name}_yieldFragment = ${yieldName}( root, component );`); generator.current.updateStatements.push(`${name}_yieldFragment.update ( changed, root );`) componentInitProperties.push(`yield: ${name}_yieldFragment`); } const statements = []; if ( local.staticAttributes.length || local.dynamicAttributes.length || local.bindings.length ) { const initialProps = local.staticAttributes .concat( local.dynamicAttributes ) .map( attribute => `${}: ${attribute.value}` ); if ( initialProps.length ) { statements.push( deindent` var ${name}_initialData = { ${initialProps.join( ',\n' )} }; ` ); } else { statements.push( `var ${name}_initialData = {};` ); } if ( local.bindings.length ) { const bindings = binding => { const parts = binding.value.split( '.' ); const tail = parts.pop(); return `if ( '${tail}' in ${parts.join( '.' )} ) ${name}_initialData.${} = ${binding.value};`; }); statements.push( bindings.join( '\n' ) ); } componentInitProperties.push(`data: ${name}_initialData`); } local.init.unshift( deindent` ${statements.join( '\n\n' )} var ${name} = new template.components.${}({ ${componentInitProperties.join(',\n')} }); ` ); if ( isToplevel ) { local.mount.unshift( `${name}.mount( target, anchor );` ); } if ( local.dynamicAttributes.length ) { const updates = attribute => { return deindent` if ( ${ dependency => `'${dependency}' in changed` ).join( '||' )} ) ${name}_changes.${} = ${attribute.value}; `; }); local.update.push( deindent` var ${name}_changes = {}; ${updates.join( '\n' )} if ( Object.keys( ${name}_changes ).length ) ${name}.set( ${name}_changes ); ` ); } local.teardown.push( `${name}.teardown( ${isToplevel ? 'detach' : 'false'} );` ); } else { addElementAttributes( generator, node, local ); if ( local.allUsedContexts.size ) { const contextNames = [...local.allUsedContexts]; const initialProps = contextName => { if ( contextName === 'root' ) return `root: root`; const listName = generator.current.listNames[ contextName ]; const indexName = generator.current.indexNames[ contextName ]; return `${listName}: ${listName},\n${indexName}: ${indexName}`; }).join( ',\n' ); const updates = contextName => { if ( contextName === 'root' ) return `${name}.__svelte.root = root;`; const listName = generator.current.listNames[ contextName ]; const indexName = generator.current.indexNames[ contextName ]; return `${name}.__svelte.${listName} = ${listName};\n${name}.__svelte.${indexName} = ${indexName};`; }).join( '\n' ); local.init.push( deindent` ${name}.__svelte = { ${initialProps} }; ` ); local.update.push( updates ); } let render = local.namespace ? `var ${name} = document.createElementNS( '${local.namespace}', '${}' );` : `var ${name} = document.createElement( '${}' );`; if ( generator.cssId && !generator.current.elementDepth ) { render += `\n${name}.setAttribute( '${generator.cssId}', '' );`; } local.init.unshift( render ); if ( isToplevel ) { local.teardown.push( `if ( detach ) ${name}.parentNode.removeChild( ${name} );` ); } } // special case – bound <option> without a value attribute if ( === 'option' && !node.attributes.find( attribute => attribute.type === 'Attribute' && === 'value' ) ) { // TODO check it's bound // const dynamic = node.children.length > 1 || node.children[0].type !== 'Text'; // TODO do this in init for static values... have to do it in `leave`, because they don't exist yet local.update.push( `${name}.__value = ${name}.textContent` ); } generator.current.initStatements.push( local.init.join( '\n' ) ); if ( local.update.length ) generator.current.updateStatements.push( local.update.join( '\n' ) ); if ( local.mount.length ) generator.current.mountStatements.push( local.mount.join( '\n' ) ); generator.current.teardownStatements.push( local.teardown.join( '\n' ) ); generator.push({ isComponent, namespace: local.namespace, target: name, parent: generator.current, elementDepth: generator.current.elementDepth + 1, localElementDepth: generator.current.localElementDepth + 1 }); }, leave ( generator ) { const name =; const isComponent = generator.current.isComponent; generator.pop(); if ( isComponent ) return; generator.createMountStatement( name ); } };