/* eslint-disable import/no-duplicates */ /* the code that transforms these to commonjs, can't handle "MagicString, { Bundle } from.." */ import MagicString from 'magic-string'; import { Bundle } from 'magic-string'; function add(bundle, filename, source) { bundle.addSource({ filename, content: new MagicString(source), separator: '\n' //separator: '' // ERROR. probably a bug in magic-string }); } function result(bundle, filename) { return { code: bundle.toString(), map: bundle.generateMap({ file: filename, includeContent: false, hires: true // required for remapping }) }; } export default { js_map_sources: [ 'input.svelte', 'foo.js', 'bar.js', 'foo2.js', 'bar2.js' ], preprocess: [ { script: ({ content, filename }) => { const bundle = new Bundle(); add(bundle, filename, content); add(bundle, 'foo.js', 'var answer = 42; // foo.js\n'); add(bundle, 'bar.js', 'console.log(answer); // bar.js\n'); return result(bundle, filename); } }, { script: ({ content, filename }) => { const bundle = new Bundle(); add(bundle, filename, content); add(bundle, 'foo2.js', 'var answer2 = 84; // foo2.js\n'); add(bundle, 'bar2.js', 'console.log(answer2); // bar2.js\n'); return result(bundle, filename); } } ] };