import * as fs from 'node:fs'; import { describe, it, assert } from 'vitest'; import * as svelte from 'svelte/compiler'; import { try_load_json, try_load_config } from '../helpers.js'; describe('validate', () => { fs.readdirSync(`${__dirname}/samples`).forEach((dir) => { if (dir[0] === '.') return; // add .solo to a sample directory name to only run that test const solo = /\.solo/.test(dir); const skip = /\.skip/.test(dir); const it_fn = solo ? it.only : skip ? it.skip : it; it_fn(dir, async () => { const config = await try_load_config(`${__dirname}/samples/${dir}/_config.js`); const input = fs .readFileSync(`${__dirname}/samples/${dir}/input.svelte`, 'utf-8') .replace(/\s+$/, '') .replace(/\r/g, ''); const expected_warnings = try_load_json(`${__dirname}/samples/${dir}/warnings.json`) || []; const expected_errors = try_load_json(`${__dirname}/samples/${dir}/errors.json`); const options = try_load_json(`${__dirname}/samples/${dir}/options.json`); let error; try { const { warnings } = svelte.compile(input, { dev:, legacy: config.legacy, generate: false, customElement: config.customElement, ...options }); assert.deepEqual( => ({ code: w.code, message: w.message, start: { line: w.start.line, column: w.start.column }, end: { line: w.end.line, column: w.end.column } })), expected_warnings ); } catch (e) { error = e; } const expected = expected_errors && expected_errors[0]; if (error || expected) { if (error && !expected) { throw error; } if (expected && !error) { throw new Error(`Expected an error: ${expected.message}`); } try { assert.deepEqual( { code: error.code, message: error.message, start: { line: error.start.line, column: error.start.column }, end: { line: error.end.line, column: error.end.column } }, expected ); } catch (e) { console.error(error); throw e; } } }); }); it('errors if is illegal', () => { assert.throws(() => { svelte.compile('
', { name: 'not.valid', generate: false }); }, /options\.name must be a valid identifier/); }); it('check warning position', () => { const { warnings } = svelte.compile('\n \n', { generate: false }); assert.deepEqual( => { return { code: w.code, frame: w.frame, message: w.message, start: { column: w.start.column, line: w.start.line }, end: { column: w.end.column, line: w.end.line }, pos: w.pos }; }), [ { code: 'a11y-missing-attribute', frame: '1: \n2: \n4: ', message: 'A11y: element should have an alt attribute', start: { column: 2, line: 2 }, end: { column: 15, line: 3 }, pos: 3 } ] ); }); it('warns if is not capitalised', () => { const { warnings } = svelte.compile('
', { name: 'lowercase', generate: false }); assert.deepEqual( => ({ code: w.code, message: w.message })), [ { code: 'options-lowercase-name', message: ' should be capitalised' } ] ); }); it('does not warn if begins with non-alphabetic character', () => { const { warnings } = svelte.compile('
', { name: '_', generate: false }); assert.deepEqual(warnings, []); }); it('errors if namespace is provided but unrecognised', () => { assert.throws(() => { svelte.compile('
', { name: 'test', namespace: 'svefefe' }); }, /Invalid namespace 'svefefe'/); }); it('errors with a hint if namespace is provided but unrecognised but close', () => { assert.throws(() => { svelte.compile('
', { name: 'test', namespace: 'foriegn' }); }, /Invalid namespace 'foriegn' \(did you mean 'foreign'\?\)/); }); it("does not throw error if 'this' is bound for foreign element", () => { assert.doesNotThrow(() => { svelte.compile( `
`, { name: 'test', namespace: 'foreign' } ); }); }); });