import { chromium } from '@playwright/test'; import { build } from 'esbuild'; import * as fs from 'node:fs'; import * as path from 'node:path'; import * as svelte from 'svelte/compiler'; import { afterAll, assert, beforeAll, describe, it } from 'vitest'; import { pretty_print_browser_assertion, try_load_config } from '../helpers.js'; const internal = path.resolve('src/runtime/internal/index.js'); const index = path.resolve('src/runtime/index.js'); /** @type {import('@playwright/test').Browser} */ let browser; beforeAll(async () => { browser = await chromium.launch(); console.log('[runtime-browser] Launched browser'); }, 20000); afterAll(async () => { if (browser) await browser.close(); }); describe.concurrent( 'runtime (browser)', async () => { await Promise.all( fs.readdirSync(`${__dirname}/samples`).map(async (dir) => { await run_browser_test(dir); }) ); }, // Browser tests are brittle and slow on CI { timeout: 20000, retry: process.env.CI ? 1 : 0 } ); async function run_browser_test(dir) { if (dir[0] === '.') return; const cwd = `${__dirname}/samples/${dir}`; // TODO: Vitest currently doesn't register a watcher because the import is hidden const config = await try_load_config(`${cwd}/_config.js`); const solo = config.solo || /\.solo/.test(dir); const skip = config.skip || /\.skip/.test(dir); const it_fn = skip ? it.skip : solo ? it.only : it; let failed = false; it_fn.each([false, true])(`${dir} hydrate: %s`, async (hydrate) => { if (hydrate && config.skip_if_hydrate) return; if (failed) { // this makes debugging easier, by only printing compiled output once'skipping test, already failed'); } const warnings = []; const build_result = await build({ entryPoints: [`${__dirname}/driver.js`], write: false, alias: { __MAIN_DOT_SVELTE__: path.resolve(__dirname, 'samples', dir, 'main.svelte'), __CONFIG__: path.resolve(__dirname, 'samples', dir, '_config.js'), 'assert.js': path.resolve(__dirname, 'assert.js'), 'svelte/internal': internal, svelte: index }, plugins: [ { name: 'testing-runtime-browser', setup(build) { build.onLoad({ filter: /\.svelte$/ }, ({ path }) => { const compiled = svelte.compile(fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf-8').replace(/\r/g, ''), { ...config.compileOptions, hydratable: hydrate, immutable: config.immutable, accessors: 'accessors' in config ? config.accessors : true }); compiled.warnings.forEach((warning) => warnings.push(warning)); return { contents: compiled.js.code, loader: 'js' }; }); } } ], define: { __HYDRATE__: hydrate ? 'true' : 'false' }, bundle: true, format: 'iife', globalName: 'test' }); function assertWarnings() { if (config.warnings) { assert.deepStrictEqual( => ({ code: w.code, message: w.message, pos: w.pos, start: w.start, end: w.end })), config.warnings ); } else if (warnings.length) { failed = true; /* eslint-disable no-unsafe-finally */ throw new Error('Received unexpected warnings'); } } assertWarnings(); try { const page = await browser.newPage(); page.on('console', (type) => { console[type.type()](type.text()); }); await page.setContent('
'); await page.evaluate(build_result.outputFiles[0].text); const test_result = await page.evaluate("test.default(document.querySelector('main'))"); if (test_result) console.log(test_result); await page.close(); } catch (err) { failed = true; pretty_print_browser_assertion(err.message); throw err; } }); } describe.concurrent( 'custom-elements', async () => { await Promise.all( fs .readdirSync(`${__dirname}/custom-elements-samples`) .map((dir) => run_custom_elements_test(dir)) ); }, // Browser tests are brittle and slow on CI { timeout: 20000, retry: process.env.CI ? 1 : 0 } ); async function run_custom_elements_test(dir) { if (dir[0] === '.') return; const cwd = `${__dirname}/custom-elements-samples/${dir}`; const solo = /\.solo$/.test(dir); const skip = /\.skip$/.test(dir); const warnings = []; const it_fn = solo ? it.only : skip ? it.skip : it; it_fn(dir, async () => { // TODO: Vitest currently doesn't register a watcher because the import is hidden const config = await try_load_config(`${cwd}/_config.js`); const expected_warnings = config.warnings || []; const build_result = await build({ entryPoints: [`${cwd}/test.js`], write: false, alias: { 'assert.js': path.resolve(__dirname, 'assert.js'), 'svelte/internal': internal, svelte: index }, plugins: [ { name: 'testing-runtime-browser', setup(build) { build.onLoad({ filter: /\.svelte$/ }, ({ path }) => { const compiled = svelte.compile(fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf-8').replace(/\r/g, ''), { customElement: true, dev: }); compiled.warnings.forEach((w) => warnings.push(w)); return { contents: compiled.js.code, loader: 'js' }; }); } } ], bundle: true, format: 'iife', globalName: 'test' }); function assertWarnings() { if (expected_warnings) { assert.deepStrictEqual( => ({ code: w.code, message: w.message, pos: w.pos, start: w.start, end: w.end })), expected_warnings ); } } assertWarnings(); const page = await browser.newPage(); page.on('console', (type) => { console[type.type()](type.text()); }); await page.setContent('
'); await page.evaluate(build_result.outputFiles[0].text); const test_result = await page.evaluate("test.default(document.querySelector('main'))"); if (test_result) console.log(test_result); await page.close(); }); }